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Where did the snacks meme come from?


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I think I've heard Scott Manley make references to snacks back in the .18 days, but it seems like the meme is more of a post .20 idea. I know the hitchhiker has a "SNACKS" bin, but I'm not sure if that's the meme creator or it was following an existing meme. I would imagine some old-timers would know the answer.

I think the meme is very kerbal and fits well with their nature. :)

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If you look on one of the consoles in one of the capsules, there is a note saying one of the kerbals left an emergency slide rule in a cabinet with a P.S. that he "ate all the snacks".

These things don't always originate from the game content.

I think the meme is very kerbal and fits well with their nature. :)


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I'm guessing that the "snacks" originated as the Kerbal term for space food. It's one of those little details that nobody does much with except to bring it up as a joke, because Kerbals don't need snacks to stay alive, but apparently they do enjoy them a bunch!

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"SNACKS", like most space jargon, is really an acronym and something of an inside joke. It comes from the "Spill-proof, Non-permeable Alcohol Container for Kerbals in Space". The acronym is used in conversations between Kerbalnauts, especially those put out for public consumption, to keep the public blissfully unaware that the traditional rum ration, instead of being abolished back in Prohibition, was instead vastly increased at the dawn of the Space Age because it was the only way to get anybody to ride a rocket. But insiders know that when a Kerbals says "hand me some snacks", he's really saying "I need a drink!"

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But insiders know that when a Kerbals says "hand me some snacks", he's really saying "I need a drink!"

Interesting analogy, I was just going to say that since real food carried up into space is not formally called "snacks" I believe it being used in KSP is kind of poking fun at the KSC's well known "professionalism" as "snacks" is not really a professional or formal way to say food.

But I'm just going to go with yours, because it's awesome. You really thought that through...

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Then I guess the Kraken reference started before Kerbals went to Jool...?

yes it did. the kraken was in the game since the sun was added. (just not many people had a inceptive to go in to kerbol orbit until the planets were added.)

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