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Tiny nodes when using transforms from unity?

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Hopefully an easy question. I have a part with radial nodes, set it up in unity, and the nodes work beautifully. However, they are all size 0... how do I make them size 1 or 2? Sample below.



name = top

transform = TF5

size = 1.0



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Use the 0.23 (not usre when it was added) syntax: node_something = x,y,z,dirx,diry,dirz, SIZE

here you can use 0, 1, 2, ...

But they are not linked to a transform this way (you may put the transform coordinates in the relevant locations in the example above)

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Im interested in this too.

So you just do something like this?:



Name = mrnode

Transform = mrtransform



node_mrnode = 0,0,0,0,0,0, 2

would this result in a size 2 node placed on the center of the transform "mrtransform" ?

I assume this wont work

Or was what you meant was to write the coords to where the transform "mrtransform" would be in relation to the center?(ie making it not connected to "mrtransform" at all)

Edited by landeTLS
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No, you pick either the new, semi-working NODE {} method that uses transforms, or you use the old node_whatever = (7 numbers) method that's been around since the start. Check basically any part ever for the syntax; it's xyz, xyz orientation, [optional size, defaults to 1]

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