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Do you have a 'space agency' for KSP?


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After using things like KASA,Quick flight co, Kenterprize industries and many more I've recently settled for simply "ChrisCorp" Not very original I know but it seems to roll off the tounge with a certian ease.

I dont have a page of my own but I do have a post in the stockexchange


So far I've only added SSTO's but I plan to put in Base and station Pieces as well.

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As I have not noticed the name of the save anywhere in the game, I call my main save just KerbMav.

Corporations in my games are often named "Phoenix Foundation". :P

Might be I will call my space agency just that should the name ever become relevant in texts ingame. :)

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Kerbal Space Exploration Administration

Hire's largely from the military and the worlds top scientists to be it's prime astronaut crews. I have recruiting standards. Courage and/or stupidity (which is reverse I think) must be at least half. If courage or stupidity is maxed out, they are used but never as mission commanders or lead scientists, to be leaders they must have a higher stats than the rest. I assign the crew roles into two teams, being commanders/pilots and engineers/scientists.

Commanders are, Max courage and high intelligence

Pilots are, High courage and reasonably intellgent.

Engineers are, High intelligence and reasonably brave.

Scientists are, Max intelligence and reasonably brave.

Kerbals who fail at obtaining my standards are not hired into crews that go on the big missions. They are given jobs on the stations and bases that require some basic mechanical skill(KAS) and are relatively safe and routine to do, or they do the projects around the space center. I operate mostly in Kerbin's SOI, rarely venturing further than Duna, unless it is a probe.

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After the death of admirals Jebediah, Bob and Bill, thus the end of the Kerbal Space Program, two major agencies took over the Kerbal Space Center.

The older one, Midgard Space Agency specializes in interplanetary warfare, planetary defense, and dealing with asteroids. It has a permanent fleet, comprised of Asgard-class starships, Valkyrja-class fighters, and various other spacecrafts.

Asgard-1-class starships:

  • Asgard: decomissioned, currently orbiting the Mün.
  • Helheim: destroyed during orbital assembly.
  • Valhalla: in service, currently waiting for a Duna-Kerbin transfer window.

Vanr-class SSTO cargo planes:

  • Freyja: in high Kerbin orbit, waiting for a refuel craft.
  • Freyr: in hangar, ready for a mission.

Asteroid tugs:

  • Tanngrisnir: pusher-type asteroid tug for classes A and B.
  • Tanngnjóstr: puller-type tug for class C and larger.

Space stations:

  • Alpha site: situated on a captured E-class asteroid, with a docking tower, fuel reserve, and a construction dock.

The recently founded Pandyssia Space Exploration specializes in interplanetary exploration and transportation. Their only ship is still under construction. It is a Sovereign-class vessel, originally intended to be used as a space station, but it was later retrofitted with a fusion reactor and NERVA engines. It was named PSS Empress Jessamine in honor of Dunwall's late empress.

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I have been holding off on a type of Website / blog for my space agency until KSP gets much further along maybe close to release.....? I have a huge text document where I marked down flights and firsts along with accomplishments I will use to fill in this site/Blog as I want to do this when the game is closer to being final. Not sure why exactly I take everything I do now as a sort of "Training" for my space program.

NCSA: Neblian Company Space Agency

No fancy logo just a quick flag I had done ages ago:


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I don't have an agency, but I have a "company" called FTM Astro-Telecommunications Incorporated. I make things that look like they belong in a communications network. I once had plans to make a page and produce crafts but I've given up on it, seems like too much work and upkeep. Perhaps sometime later on.

Flag W/Logo (based off of Bell telephone logo):


Edited by Flymetothemun
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I really don't have a serious name for my space program, but I were to have one it's most likely be "Kerbin Space Program." I like to think the Kerbals as a unified, peaceful civilization who has banded together to create an internationally-representing space program. As space program to represent the planet, I suppose.

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