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The Kerbal Galaxy

Vaporized Steel

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I think they live in andromida, an in 5 billion years time an update will come out that changes the sky box to include the Milky Way. Then boom!

Boom, a very slow and peaceful gravitational waltz as two massive, flowing formations of spiral arms lose their plethora of interstellar gas and dust to the other.

Their cores, shining vividly yellow, pass close to each other and then diverge once more.

An entanglement of once-uniform spiral arms sprawled out like a viper hissing at a predator, filled with glowing red nebulosities of star-forming and blue-white star clusters illuminating the night...

The last of the humans are long gone.

Earth sits defiantly on the verge of the void, doomed to a fiery fate of being swallowed by its friend, its only hope to stay bound safely in a stellar wind

Free of the interstellar dust bombarding those who do not seek shelter from a star

Destroying the Voyagers as they continue their journey through this gravitational mess

They see, they all see

A bright yellow nucleus in the skies

The cosmos here is at peace, and the gravitational ballet has finally come to a close

Triangulum watches in admiration of its once-companion galaxy, and her close neighbor, Andromeda Galaxy, has become one with the Milky Way...

And now, the skies darken

The blue stars are no more than old red stars

The nebulosity is a mess of scattered hydrogen, no more star-forming regions once known to its kin, now forming into densely packed star clusters...

The unified Galaxy's many stars are in much greater numbers, but no longer shining beautifully

They have all sank towards the Galaxy's core...

They watch as before them the gases and dust of the beautiful spiral disk of their home

fades into nothing

and the core is the only place

in the once beautiful Galaxies they once knew


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i think we should call it the kinky way

That's a risky move... Let's not.

I heard it's called the Sacred Strut, after the Kerbal myth that the cloudy band across the sky is a giant, distant strut holding the universe together.

This, I like. Got a nice little bit of Kerbal Mythology thrown in there.

how about..... the galaxy (the sun is only called Kerbol because of the community said so, in game it is just called the sun)

Let's not be boring.

Boom, a very slow and peaceful gravitational waltz

Yeah, very slow. Say, a few million/billion years.

The last of the humans are long gone.

Not a chance. The odds of a star impacting Earth or anything in the Solar system are so minute that you're more likely to win the lottery. Chances are, the galaxy collision won't even affect us. It'll just look really awesome :cool:.

Sun River is good. Although generations later the sound could morph into something like 'Sunivar'

Yeah, I like the idea of the name being morphed through generations.

It would probably be in some ancient Kerbal tongue, I would think. Maybe "Skyswipe" or "Kerbolpass", something that's essentially WYSIWYG in the tongue of the ancient kerbal. Again, possibly blurred through the ages by misspellings, mistranslations, and misspeaking. For example, "Skyswipe" becomes "Skaisuipo" or "Sqaesweyp". I'm not great with these things.

EDIT: On the topic of the name being distorted by history, maybe "Sacred Strut" could become something like "Sacrestut" etc.

Edited by Shna_na
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Not a chance. The odds of a star impacting Earth or anything in the Solar system are so minute that you're more likely to win the lottery. Chances are, the galaxy collision won't even affect us. It'll just look really awesome :cool:.

But we would have left. I'm sure by then, the Sun will be as swollen as a picked-at pimple full of slowly expanding pus. :)

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I've always though of it as a far off part of our own galaxy. Galaxies are huge.

The Spore galaxy does this: in every game of Spore, one of the solar systems is always the one that we live in (in real life). You can literally settle on Earth, because its just a T3 creature-stage planet as far as I know. I don't know if the rest of it is randomised, but I'm still yet to find Earth in my Spore saves. Maybe you should be able to find Earth when (if) interstellar travel gets implemented later in development.

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