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I haven't Been active in this planet pack but heres an update

Currently focusing my time on a new moon.

I can tell you it will have a thicker cloud cover than polo in a highly inclined orbit and its name CZF-30

I thank braininator for letting me use his Cfg

Anyways once done with CZF-30 i will finalize Kaisers rings.

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Just installed 0.4, and Kaiser's texture is broken. Now it just says "Default" (or rather "Tluafed") on a blank planet. Also, there are files for Marek and Nitro in the folder but they don't show up. I know it's because Marek was removed (it's still there in my heart DX), but Nitro just isn't appearing. Is it not ready?

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Yes, the Kaiser texture is missing. Just go into the version 3 folder and copy the Kaiser_Map file and past it into the version 4 folder. I would think that would fix it.

Oops i will hot fix it now!

Edit:I fixed it Sorry For that Minor Error.

Just installed 0.4, and Kaiser's texture is broken. Now it just says "Default" (or rather "Tluafed") on a blank planet. Also, there are files for Marek and Nitro in the folder but they don't show up. I know it's because Marek was removed (it's still there in my heart DX), but Nitro just isn't appearing. Is it not ready?

Nitro is Not ready Yet but the files for are there Marek was Removed Because I thought it was Boring it might be re added In a future Update It was Replaced by CZF30 I just need To expand Kaiser's SOI in order to continue With new moons.

Edited by Dooz
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  • 4 weeks later...

I think it's interesting, it's funny, it's memorable. My issues:

1. You don't use proper punctuation and it drives me CRAZY.

2. You really don't know how to change the radius?

3. The moons have weird names... Weirder than Kerbal planet names.

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I think it's interesting, it's funny, it's memorable. My issues:

1. You don't use proper punctuation and it drives me CRAZY.

2. You really don't know how to change the radius?

3. The moons have weird names... Weirder than Kerbal planet names.

First off is this a insult?

Second off i do know how to change the radius it causes all kinds of issues with my planets.

The moon's names are random names thrown together in my head that sound suiting don't like em? Change em in the cfg file :P

So not everyone's grammar/pronunciation is perfect..

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First off is this a insult?

Second off i do know how to change the radius it causes all kinds of issues with my planets.

The moon's names are random names thrown together in my head that sound suiting don't like em? Change em in the cfg file :P

So not everyone's grammar/pronunciation is perfect..

Sorry it just drives me crazy when someone is using caps on everything. I like the names but "Polo"? Come on that's a type of shirt :confused:, and Marek is the last name of a Star Wars: The Force Unleashed character. And Don is just... odd.

And changing Kaiser's radius causes no problems. I did it.

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Allow me to write some descriptions for these bodies is proper English, eh?


Marek is a strange moon that is awfully close to Kaiser. The surface color is rather entirely not unlike Rusty Iron. Perhaps this moon was once an oasis of water?


Don has a nasty reputation among the Kerbal Astronomical Union of tricking people into thinking its Duna. This is a particular problem when swinging a telescope around desperately trying to get a look at anything red so you can say it's Duna. Planetary Geologists believe it could have formed at the same place as Duna, and by some twist of gravitational fate managed to find itself orbiting Kaiser.


Kunar is a rather perplexingly bright shade of orange. A strange yellow and green scar covers a large portion of it's surface. Astronomers think it would be a pretty place to view Kaiser.


A rather massive moon orbiting Kaiser near the edge of it's gravital influence. It's large size and distance from Kaiser give it a large sphere of influence, making it easy to get captured by it.


An extremely Cyan moon. Cyan atmosphere, Cyan land, and pools of Cyan fluid. Even the Ice caps are simply solidified Cyan fluids! Astrobiologists believe than some form of Cyan Cat could roam the surface. It certainly looks welcome.


Known as the Rainbow planet, Kaiser is unanimously known by the Kerbal Astronomic Society as the MOST beautiful planet in existance, with the possible exception of Jool. It lies just inside the Habitable Zone of the Sun. The vast variety of complex chemicals in the atmosphere may arise new and exciting types of fried snack-foods.

I'd like to see some pictures of CZF-30 and P&G, so I can give them a proper description.

By the way, this color, #BADA55 is the color of the Kerbals.

Edited by GregroxMun
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I will get some screenshots soon, I do like your Descriptions.

I got a new keyboard It kinda explains why the descriptions are Messed up.

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Allow me to write some descriptions for these bodies is proper English, eh?


Marek is a strange moon that is awfully close to Kaiser. The surface color is rather entirely not unlike Rusty Iron. Perhaps this moon was once an oasis of water?


Don has a nasty reputation among the Kerbal Astronomical Union of tricking people into thinking its Duna. This is a particular problem when swinging a telescope around desperately trying to get a look at anything red so you can say it's Duna. Planetary Geologists believe it could have formed at the same place as Duna, and by some twist of gravitational fate managed to find itself orbiting Kaiser.


Kunar is a rather perplexingly bright shade of orange. A strange yellow and green scar covers a large portion of it's surface. Astronomers think it would be a pretty place to view Kaiser.


A rather massive moon orbiting Kaiser near the edge of it's gravital influence. It's large size and distance from Kaiser give it a large sphere of influence, making it easy to get captured by it.


An extremely Cyan moon. Cyan atmosphere, Cyan land, and pools of Cyan fluid. Even the Ice caps are simply solidified Cyan fluids! Astrobiologists believe than some form of Cyan Cat could roam the surface. It certainly looks welcome.


Known as the Rainbow planet, Kaiser is unanimously known by the Kerbal Astronomic Society as the MOST beautiful planet in existance, with the possible exception of Jool. It lies just inside the Habitable Zone of the Sun. The vast variety of complex chemicals in the atmosphere may arise new and exciting types of fried snack-foods.

I'd like to see some pictures of CZF-30 and P&G, so I can give them a proper description.

By the way, this color, #BADA55 is the color of the Kerbals.

CZF30: A bright, habitable moon very similar to Kerbin. The only problem is it's day is over two years.

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CZF30: A bright, habitable moon very similar to Kerbin. The only problem is it's day is over two years.

I was thinking more like "Mysterious Moon with a atmosphere full of water vapor and oxygen, Scientists still debate over it being a life sustaining planet, although scientists found dead Bacteria floating high in the atmosphere could it be a false alarm or not."

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey I got one make a black hole and a white hole go in a circle a white hole spews matter out so make that one safe to land on and have 4 suns going around it with a few planets close to the suns make them all have Easter eggs and a make them life planets and have like satellite dishes that communicate with each of the planet but make one of them something so weird but also make one of the planets like a minecraft for the lol and hvae it be a cube please and thank you if you add this mod

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hey I got one make a black hole and a white hole go in a circle a white hole spews matter out so make that one safe to land on and have 4 suns going around it with a few planets close to the suns make them all have Easter eggs and a make them life planets and have like satellite dishes that communicate with each of the planet but make one of them something so weird but also make one of the planets like a minecraft for the lol and hvae it be a cube please and thank you if you add this mod

Yes but this a Gas giant system, and I want my planets to be realistic, and as far I know I don't have a cube height map laying around my Harddrive, sorry but I wont be adding your suggestion, but I do like the concept of easter eggs which I might add in Kaiser system 2.

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Im gonna Spoil the descriptions for planets in Kaiser 2, and some changes

Kaiser: Named after the kerbal god Of colors, Kaiser Is a newly found Gas giant after eeloo, it was found after eeloo because Kerbals like flying around with flashy rainbow lights and It caused scientists to be confused and they never looked at it. Kaiser's atmosphere contains Thousands upon millions of chemicals All In one mega chemical reaction.

Kural: Kerbals argue over kural being orange or yellow However they happen to be looking at different Sides of kural, Kural has a large yellow scar stretching from pole to pole, kural has a high concentration of gold in the Yellow scar, and iron oxide in the orange lands.

Don: Don appears to look like duna however Its composition is way different Its atmosphere is Mainly made of radon gas And crust is made of Radium and uranium Which makes it Dangerous, Don may have been a companion to duna then somehow escaped duna, migrated inwards and Captured by kaiser.

Polo: Polo Appears to look like a cyan sphere from space Kerbals like telling story's about supernatural things on Polo The famous story like Kerboo monster He lives on polo and he rides his Ship to kerbin and scares Kerbals these stories however are not true, kerbals are still scared to visit polo.

Jabin: A Large lumpy rock wandering around kaiser, it has fairly high gravity similar to Tylo Its mainly a lavender color with green Spots It appears to be Holding on tightly to a small moon

P&G: P&G Is a Sub moon of Jabin it Appears to have green ice Its very much like minmus.

CZF30: A mysterious Moon CZF30 appears to be covered in Clouds Made of water vapor, it appears like it can support life this theory has been supported with Kerbal Xenobiologists finding dead Bacteria Floating high up in the atmosphere.

Changes include Kunar was renamed to kural and many more changes.

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  • 3 months later...
May I have permission simply to convert the old Kaiser system to Kopernicus? Your license kinda prohibits me...

Changed license to alow distribution of modified material, go ahead do it.

However Kaiser 2 made by me will still have the no distribution license on it.

And because I thought distributing outdated modified config files made no sense.

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  • 1 month later...
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