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Confess your KSP sins

Red Iron Crown

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It's Sunday, so I will confess.

Jeb crashed and died on the Mun during my first Mun landing attempt (in 0.90) because I was too impatient and didn't press "," fast enough.

I once ran out of mono propellant during a Kerbin orbital docking maneuver, just 3km away from the target so I sent Bill out on a spacewalk, overshot the target by 5 m/s and ran out of EVA propellant trying to get him back in to the ship so he spent a whole 3 days floating in deep meditation while I built another vessel to retrieve him inside a cargo bay.

Bob was a victim of an unfortunate accident during a Minmus landing, the craft successfully landed and bob got out to take some surface samples, but yet another random structural linkage failure caused one of the landing legs to violently explode, sending Bob flying into space. His odd orbit around the sun took 4 KSP years to catch up to him. somehow, he managed to live 4 years without food or water. strange.

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Not sure I can say the full version of this one without risking taking a banhammer (the staff is rather touchy about this).

I managed to enlighten yet another of my friends to this game not too long ago. If he keeps on playing as much as he is he could rival my hours logged by the end of the year (thats a 4 digit number). Problem is I had to do some things of 'questionable' legitimacy to do it.

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I use mechjeb for almost everything, i can do everything manually esp. with all the new aids, but with my low framerate mechjeb is just better.

I rarely kerbin SoI, i've been everywhere once or twice but mostly i clutter local space with refueling stations, power stations, and mun/min bases.

ps. also i am not nearly as active on the forums as i should be given the length of time i've been a member. (i remember the pre-symmetry days and that big cheaty pumpkin tank that was one of the first mods)

Edited by marko dash
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I was doing career mode without quicksave or revert flight and I built a rocket that I was only about 50% sure would fly. Jebediah had 3 stars as a pilot already so I decided "you know what, I'll get a worthless kerbal to do this almost guaranteed failed mission." The rocket almost immediately lost a booster, tipped over and crashed, killing poor Jonfred Kerman

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I always bog my saves down with an increasing number of missions because I don't want to accelerate time too much while transfers complete

It's always, well that transfer to Minmus is going to take 12 days, I could do a Mun mission while that's going out there, hrm it's going to take 3 days for that Mun mission to arrive I should work on my communications constellation, hrm it's going to take a day for that communications satellite to reach AP out in geosynchronous orbit I should get that probe carrier into orbit ready for the Moho transfer window.

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  • 5 weeks later...

The first thing I did once version one was released was I gathered a large number of kerbals together under a Kerbodyne S3-14400 Tank and dropped it on top of them.

Don't know why I need to confess this... Since by the miracle of helmets they all survived.

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I always bog my saves down with an increasing number of missions because I don't want to accelerate time too much while transfers complete

I do this to such an extent that, after nearly 2.5 years playing KSP, last weekend was the first time I'd landed a probe anywhere outside the Kerbin system.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I never click space center, so if stuff happens, i can click revert

I never sent kerbals to anywhere outside kerbin system, because i dont want to let then stranded

(yes, im too noob to return em safely)

Edited by Vanamonde
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I spent more than 20 hours making this:


To be fair I was new to rocketry and it was alpha! I have a few hundred hours more in game since. But yes, those orange tanks go 5 high in single stacks. A central column of them with 6 more around that (not 6x symmetry but 2 different 3x columns). This was before I knew the struts only connected 2 pieces once, so every orange tank on the inside is strutted 3 times to every other neighboring tank, IE 1 orange column has 45 struts. I also thought struts wouldn't break off so many are attached to decouplers. It certainly does look absurd but it GOT TO SPACE WITHOUT EXPLODING (3 times!). With a lot of delta-V left, enough to go anywhere!!!

It took about 35 minutes to get to orbit due to how every second in game took multiple seconds in real time. The point is, no matter how crazy- with enough effort you can make it work!

Forgive me.

Edited by Tynrael
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I've never managed to get above tech level 45 in 1.0+ without either hacking my savefile or using an older, bugged version of MechJeb that has every function unlocked from the start (well, as soon as you unlock patched conics and mission planning.). My most recent attempt at a "no cheats" save almost got to the Mun, but I accidentally tapped F5 at just the wrong point (during a poorly calculated suicide burn) and Jebediah was stuck endlessly lithobraking.

That, and I almost always hack my savefile to upgrade the buildings to their highest levels. I just do NOT like the way the early game progression works...

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Whenever I start a new career game, I just grind out all my science on Minimus by launching the same lander over and over and adding science instruments as I get them.

I've been playing this game for 1 and 1/2 years and have only gone to Mun/Minimus, Duna, Ike and Gilly.

I cheat custom kerbals into my career game... a lot.

I once SFE'ed after a Kraken attack reviving four kerbals and paying myself 500k funds in return for my mothership that was flying away from Duna at 60km/s in pieces.

I use docking mode. (Yes, that's a sin.)

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- I'm never interested in visit most planets and moons, except Mun and Duna are my only go to places as test sites.

- I'm a terrible spacestation builder, built and scrapped the designs several times before even send them to space.

- I used Inf.Fuel the first time couple days ago.. that felt.. dirty.

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I've become adept at save file editing to fix Kraken attacks.

After a long time building and launching a Mk2 cruise liner (nuke tug with crew and LFO capacity) for indefinite use, I noticed that the version I put on the launcher lacked a comms array. Rather than revert and relaunch, I instead fixed the problem and edited the new ship into the save file.

As punishment, the 1.03 change list obsoleted the design.

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My first Sandbox game... My first rocket was FAR over engineered, and I put my crew into a Kerbol orbit, just escaping Kerbin's SOI, and drifting away from kerbin at the tiniest pace. The orbit nearly was perfectly parallel to Kerbin's orbit... Poor "Challenger Titanic Fitzgerald"...

Poor Jeb and gang... I decided to try getting out and pushing... I wasn't THAT far from Kerbin's SOI at the time... Bill got flung from a ladder with only a tiny bit of fuel left... It wasn't enough to save him... He drifted away, as Jeb had to smell Bob's... odors... till they were rescued. :huh:

Jeb claimed Bill's snacks. :sticktongue:

Challenger Titanic Fitzgerald II was launched as a rescue mission... It took me 45 in game years for CTF II to reach them. Got to within 1400Km and I shot by, and passed my point of no return fuel point. We... we don't speak of CTF II... Dres does though... Dres does... :sealed:

It will return... someday... But the snacks will have long since run out... ;.;

It took me over 80 in game years for CTF III to reach them. I fortunately quick saved... I went to rescue Bill first... I got my target lined up real good... I was gonna claw grab him... I hit him head on and he poofed. Alt-F9, and he got better, and I gave myself moar time to decelerate. I got him in the front, but dang it, I could not get the claw to activate! So, I used RCS to perfectly match orientation and velocity and moved the door to Bill! I switched to Bill, and grabbed the ladder the moment the ladder came to me. Did I mention the vessel's mass at this time was still 129 tons? :confused:

I went after the command module after that. Rescuing Jeb and Bob wasn't terribly difficult at this point. Still had issues with the Claw. I EVA'd them to the CTF III's command module, and transferred their rescuer to the lonely habitation module below. I'm sure they all used the habitation module's facilities to wash up after 80 years of BO buildup though... :blush:

After burning the last of the giant Kerbodyne tanks for the trip home, I ejected those. CTF III was almost exactly the vessel below, but instead of the lab, was the shorter habitation module, moar RCS tanks, and moar Xenon tanks. I had a total of 79000 units of Xenon on board, and I also had 4 "wings" that had 3 additional Ion engines each. There was enough RTGs to power it all. It also had the claw up front, and a landing leg "catcher". I came into Kerbin's SOI with a 2 day SOI escape, and had to burn off the interplanetary transfer speeds with ion engines, mind you, I think it was 20 of them. I ended up staging the ion "wings" and tanks for kerbin landing with 400ish units of Xenon left! I started my deceleration burn before I ever reached Kerbin's SOI! :D

Below is CTF IV. It had much less fuel, as it was meant to do orbital science around the Mun. I ditched the Claw for sciency stuff, and exchanged fuel for the lab. I got science, decided I had enough fuel to fly to Minmus... realized I had the fuel and TWR to land and launch from Minmus... Said screw it... I landed it on the nozzles of 8 ion engines, using ions and RCS only. No ladder... If I ran out of EVA fuel, I was stranded on Minmus. I got 5 biomes from one landing using EVA hops... I screwed up and poofed Jeb... He got better with an Alt-F9 bandaid. STILL screwed up the 30 km EVA hop that had been previously perfect (almost... stupid dying last time) by hitting my last 5% EVA fuel with 15 km still to go... I aimed Jeb, and set a weight on my "Shift" and "W" keys, and went to bed. Set an alarm to wake me up when Jeb would be done with his long walk... :cool:

That mission was a wonderful success... Despite the fact that I never planed to need things like "landing legs", or "ladders".

Fortunately CTF IV and CTF III were both able to overcome their VERY unfortunate naming scheme...

I still have never retrieved CTF II... and to this day, it drifts alone... snackless... passed Dres.


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