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Hipparchus I

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Meet the Hipparchus I, an interplanetary research vessel.


Crew: 6

Propulsion: Dual Handwavium fueled engines

Compliment (Allowed by current version of game): 1 EVA Craft

Mods Used:

Novapunch Remix Pack (Tiberius)

Probodobodyne (NovaSilisko)

Kosmos Spacecraft Design Bureau (Normak, CardBoardBoxProcessor, Xemit)

Instant Orbits (Foamyesque) - I highly recommend this for putting large, asymmetrical ships into orbit, much easier than trying to launch them.

I think that\'s all. The .craft is attached.


In Keosynchronous orbit.


Glamor Shot. Note the EVA Craft is mounted on the foremost section.


Launching the EVA Craft (Note this is an earlier model of the Hipparchus Design).


I spend most of my time trying to line up the craft for docking. Very hard.


Another glamor shot.


About the farthest I ever dared go with the EVA Craft. You should just be able to see the Hipparchus on the right side of the image. I was freaking the hell out at this point (On a side note, I successfully returned to Hipparchus from that distance).

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