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[0.23.5+] Science Library v1.2


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  SpiritOffice said:

I want to make a good UI, but it is too little feedback from the players.

I should have brought feedback before, therefore sorry (but, your new version may deserve some more use time before a report :)).

Anyway, one thing I would like to see with the UI, is the ability to select different skins in the windows (e.g. Unity, Gameskin, KSP window #, default, etc..). Other mods have that ability (MechJeb, VOID to name a few) and it allows the user for a much better UI of his choice.

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  SpiritOffice said:
I don't understand why is it too complicated to click on download button in curse. But now i added a binary v1.2 release to github.


I had also such idea to group or sort science in monitor. But at this moment i don't know how to do it.

Some window to select "hidden" science or something else? Some filter for experiments that have too little remaining science? I can also just hide "OnShip" data at all.

I want to make a good UI, but it is too little feedback from the players.

Make toggle to hide "Onship" is perfect idea! Not in setting tho, maybe on UI like button hide/unhide next by Setting button (or maybe Both). so I can quickly look to double check if I had it or not before going to area. Also, if you can, toggle in setting for hide 0% remain.

Reason, some of those is buggyish I collect some Science, and some are still in there. Look for "SurfaceSample@MunSrfLandedNorthwestCrater". I have 2 of them, 1 in red and other is yellow. I collect, the red stat is remain same. So that mean, next time I come back, there will be 10 left)

I agree with Diomedea, I would love to have Unity.30ndnvq.jpg

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  diomedea said:
I would like to see with the UI, is the ability to select different skins in the windows (e.g. Unity, Gameskin, KSP window #, default, etc..). Other mods have that ability (MechJeb, VOID to name a few) and it allows the user for a much better UI of his choice.

Thank you for this idea. I'll add it in the next version.

In fact i allready did it and uploaded the source to github, but it needs some changing before i make a new release, because it looks to ugly with some standart skins :-)

  MADTJ said:
Make toggle to hide "Onship" is perfect idea! Not in setting tho, maybe on UI like button hide/unhide next by Setting button (or maybe Both). so I can quickly look to double check if I had it or not before going to area. Also, if you can, toggle in setting for hide 0% remain.

Thanks! This will be added too.

  MADTJ said:
Reason, some of those is buggyish I collect some Science, and some are still in there. Look for "SurfaceSample@MunSrfLandedNorthwestCrater". I have 2 of them, 1 in red and other is yellow. I collect, the red stat is remain same. So that mean, next time I come back, there will be 10 left)

Thanks for finding this bug. I thought i allready fixed it, but it seems it is still there.

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I've been looking at this plugin for a few minutes now. I really like the Science Monitor, as it gives a quick overview as to what science can be gained with the tools that are currently available.

As for the Library, I see room for improvement. In Particular, I don't like that the library just displays a list of experiments with their values. The game library is just a wee bit better in terms of astethics, bit I don't like that either. What I prefer is to haver a table taht lists all the experiments in their various situations Per Planet and Biome if appliable. I've done a spreadsheet a while back for myself, that suits my thinking in that way (Spoiler ahead): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lxhzIODeJuHoWVwLebcZIF-EI68oOVGwYApXDPga3E8/edit?usp=sharing

Quick explanation: The sheet has seperate pages for each body. The experiments are listed on the X-Axis while the Situations are listed per Biome on the Y-Axis. So if I want to check, what Science is still available I select the planet and scroll trough the biomes to see, which blanks are not yet filled. This is way faster to grasp than reading trough a list.

Also, it'd be good to have the abitity to blacklist certain experiments that do not generate science by situation. For instance SCANsat pop's up as an experiment, but generates science based on the completeness of the map, and not by situation.

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  7499275 said:
Made a little mod review going over the mod if anyone is interested!

Thank you for this video! It is now in the first post.

  harryyoung said:

This is a very nice idea! I will implement it asap.

If I got it right you suggest to

... make blacklist for some experiments,

... make some window to show spreadsheet with planets, experiments, parts for this experiments, possible situations and biomes,

... and some filter to apply for all of this.

Edited by SpiritOffice
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I notice someone else asked this, but no answer yet.

I love the look of this, but will it work with other custom science/biome mods? e.g. Better than Starting Manned?

From looking at it I would say it's possibly just reading the science file, so if those mods change it, then it could just work?

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  CreepyD said:
I notice someone else asked this, but no answer yet.

I love the look of this, but will it work with other custom science/biome mods? e.g. Better than Starting Manned?

From looking at it I would say it's possibly just reading the science file, so if those mods change it, then it could just work?

Like most science experiment mods it might kind-of work, but not properly. BTSM has lots of conditions that must be met to conduct an experiment, this mod will ignore all of that when starting the experiment.

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  SpiritOffice said:

This is a very nice idea! I will implement it asap.

If I got it right you suggest to

... make blacklist for some experiments,

... make some window to show spreadsheet with planets, experiments, parts for this experiments, possible situations and biomes,

... and some filter to apply for all of this.

You got it.

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Looks very promising. Good call on flipping the situations to the X-Axis, leaves more sace for added experiments ^^

Now back to apologising to all my brasilian friends for completely overrunning their team...

Edit: Correction: Bagging for forgiveness

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This window has a big problem. It needs a lot of CPU power. It seems even after I have implemented a cache function, it is still a pain for Unity to create such a big spreadsheet.

I think, i must add a restriction, that would show only one planet at once.

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Find what might be considered a bug... Using remotech 2 I found that if you have the monitor window open and click "Deploy" it will ignore the signal delay of remotech, for comparison if you right click on the module itself (e.g. goo canister) it will be put into the delay before it actually takes a reading.

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  7499275 said:
Find what might be considered a bug... Using remotech 2 I ...

It is never a bug. It is an incompatibility with another mod. I can't install all the mods, to check its working with science library. And as i understand, the monitor has to wait some time to start deploying experiments. But this will break a lot of code.

At some time it would be a feature in some of new versions. But not now. I have to finish redesign monitor window first to make it smaller, but still showing the same info. And I can't find any API description for remotech, that means remotech should wait.

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  SpiritOffice said:
...But not now. I have to finish redesign monitor window first to make it smaller, but still showing the same info...

Would you consider an "extra-compact"-mode, that only shows the experiment name and "next" science points? Most of the time, i really dont care about the other info, but am running out of space (my opinion: Just a single button column, with exp name and next points as the button labels, would be ideal for a compact mode).

Edited by rynak
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This window has a big problem. It needs a lot of CPU power. It seems even after I have implemented a cache function, it is still a pain for Unity to create such a big spreadsheet.

I think, i must add a restriction, that would show only one planet at once.

Besides of the planet restriction, i've tried quite a few times, but i never managed to make the library window:

- Show only experiments for a certain planet AND

- Sort by science points remaining, descending AND

- Show only experiments i even know about (parts available) AND (Only show relevant experiments)

- Don't show experiments for which there is no science remaining (Only show relevant experiments)

I would think that the above describes the most popular usage scenario of the library. It also is the one that should result in the fewest results. And yet, AFAIK there is no way to make it do the above - at least, i couldn't figure out how to do it.

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  gendalf said:
can you adjust sizes of in-flight windows?
  rynak said:
Would you consider an "extra-compact"-mode, that only shows the experiment name and "next" science points? Most of the time, i really dont care about the other info, but am running out of space (my opinion: Just a single button column, with exp name and next points as the button labels, would be ideal for a compact mode).

That is one of the aspects, I am working on. But there are some problems with asteroids, those breaking the whole database planning. There is no place for asteroids in the library, because by this design there can be only one Experiment-Subject for one Experiment-Situation. But you can do science for more than one asteroid in the same situation. That also means, it is impossible to show it all on the library window, without rewriting the spread sheet. And there would be problems to filter the database on monitor window too.

  rynak said:
Besides of the planet restriction, i've tried quite a few times, but i never managed to make the library window:

- Show only experiments for a certain planet AND

- Sort by science points remaining, descending AND

- Show only experiments i even know about (parts available) AND (Only show relevant experiments)

- Don't show experiments for which there is no science remaining (Only show relevant experiments)

I would think that the above describes the most popular usage scenario of the library. It also is the one that should result in the fewest results. And yet, AFAIK there is no way to make it do the above - at least, i couldn't figure out how to do it.

Do you speak about version 1.2 or unreleased github version?

V1.2 can only filter planet->experiment and minimal sorting and this sorting algorithm splits old and new subjects.

The Github version can filter planet->experiment->biome, but no sorting at all, because of total different style of showing data, it can't be sorted. Or I have no idea what to sort. There are "pages" of Planet-biome combination with experiments as rows and situations as columns. (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/78305-0-23-5-Science-Library-v1-2?p=1253976&viewfull=1#post1253976)

The new library window will be able to hide experiments, if you don't have experiment parts needed for it.

V1.2 allready does it, but a bit different: it hides experimens, that are not at least once in the database. The same for biomes. This can be changed in the settings.

I will try to make all this filtering possible you described, but it will be still need a lot of new buttons to control it. Every new unity gui element adds some cpu power to waste (and not just a little!).

Edited by SpiritOffice
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The Github version can filter planet->experiment->biome, but no sorting at all, because of total different style of showing data, it can't be sorted. Or I have no idea what to sort.

Well, based on the link to the screenshot you posted, the obvious answer is: Sort by science points remaining. If the screenshot is the display you're talking about, then it still displays one experiment per line, so there should be no layout problem with sorting experiments? Of course, one could only sort those experiments, that weren't filtered out with the buttons.

EDIT Also, maybe some curious players want to know the opposite: total earned science points for a combination of loc/biome/situation/experiment.

Soo, for the library:

1. Various intuitive filtering options - there should be reasonable defaults, like for example not even listing unavailable experiments.

2. Sort the results either by science remaining (default!), total science earned, or "type" (location > biome > situation > experiment)

Straight forwards?

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Question: I have not seen anything posted as to this mod working with the .24 release. So I ask the obvious question. Does this mod work with version .24 and, if not will you be doing an update for it. I like this mod because it makes it easier for me to do experiments without wasteful trips to places that are already finished. Great mod, please keep it up.

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I don't know if -everything- works perfectly, but i do know this for the 32bit version:

1. The monitor button properly shows up

2. The monitor window properly displays experiments while landed on the runway

3. The buttons to quickly perform experiments, work on the runway

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