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SelfiePort discission


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From the "Lets talk about spaceport" devnotes:

...We've insisted on selfies being the main feature, actually. Spaceport is now Selfieport. You've heard it here first. Get your duckfaces ready.


Yes I just did that. I have no license on either picture in this or Nicolas cage. Who is taking the picture.

Rename for 1 day please. Think of all the publicity...

Feel free to comment what you'd like to see in SpacePort now or talk about random Selfie and KSP related stuff.

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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As if it wasn't already hard enough finding the parts you need... Seriously. I do often times do vague searches when I'm looking for something interesting, but just search for "cockpit" sometime and count not how many mods you find, but how many people have tagged their .craft file with 'cockpit' so that you have to wade through dozens of (often times) multi-posted craft files.

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Don't forget the 50+ uploads of the same craft (*cough* sorry selfie)

I wish they'd punish people that do that with a 3 day ban at minimum. Kerbal Spaceport is literally the last place I'd go for ships. It's an absolute mess.

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... the publicity of a buncha selfie-crazy people who have no interest whatsoever in KSP or even space!

Oh, the horror...

So you mean Facebook?

Anybody knows what happened to Spaceport 2.0? I remember somebody was working on it and then left squad. Did anybody else take on it?

Unless some sort of freak delay happens, all will be revealed tomorrow.

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Wow people started actually posting... Whenever I search for parts I always google search and then find the forum post, and THEN use its link to spaceport. I use spaceport as if it where "dropbox" or another download site rather than a mod search. Still though... SelfiePort...

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Wow people started actually posting... Whenever I search for parts I always google search and then find the forum post, and THEN use its link to spaceport. I use spaceport as if it where "dropbox" or another download site rather than a mod search.

Nice one Rowsdower xD. And nice Avater Calc Warrior. So excited for SpacePort news!

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Oooh, sick burn right there!

I'm excited for the SpacePort update; it really needs one! (the copyright date still reads 2013 at the bottom)

We don't know what the news is going to be: the word "update" refers to "updated information", not an update to Spaceport. (Unless I have seriously misread something.)

So you really ought to say "I am excited for a possible update to Spaceport; it really needs one".

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Wait, softweir, I thought you were a mod?

Me too...

On another note I have a new collab in my Signature you could enter if you want :).

On an on topic note - What is it that you guys want to see in the SpacePort update?

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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Unless some sort of freak delay happens, all will be revealed tomorrow.

A freak delay happened. What are the odds? Well, not exactly a freak delay, but we're still waiting on some announcement approvals and most of the team is out for labor day in Mexico, so instead of today, it's looking more like we'll be talking about it on Friday. I'll keep you all posted.

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A freak delay happened. What are the odds? Well, not exactly a freak delay, but we're still waiting on some announcement approvals and most of the team is out for labor day in Mexico, so instead of today, it's looking more like we'll be talking about it on Friday. I'll keep you all posted.


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