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You realize that you can do it manually, right? That's actually a component of a challenge I recently saw: to use one SSTO and have it land, be refuelled, and take off again. Just have a fuel tank with a KLAW or a docking port system waiting for when you land. Otherwise, eh... I'm not convinced a dedicated feature will make it into the game.

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Well, I'd like a refuel point because that will eliminate the building cost of the tankers.

You're okay with a prepackaged (free) space center but not the cost of a tanker? I'm pretty sure the cost of a tanker is in the noise.

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problem with user made ground equipment, it tends to turn launch operations into a slide show once you have enough of it lying around. then comes the problem, how to you refuel the refueling truck? you have to recover and build another one. what i want is some kind of bottomless fuel tank as part of the ksc that has a receptacle somewhere (possibly a port in the ground at the start of the runway) for refueling ops, and a receptacle part for your ship. you might be able to walk up to the runway port pull out a hose and connect it to the receptacle in your ship with a kerbal, sorta like how you do with pipes in kas.

Edited by Nuke
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Correct me if I'm wrong as I don't 'do' planes, but why would you want to refuel and then launch a landed plane again? Surely you'd have to either recover it (to change it e.g. the contents of its cargo bay... even if you don't recover it, you'd have to launch a new one with the changes which kinda defeats the purpose) or, if it's a Kerbin explorer type thing, you'd need to build something that can take the Science data from it so why not make that a refuelling truck as well? You need to recover SOMETHING to get the Science after all... If you're in Sandbox mode then the first would apply to you and in Career, then either would apply. I mean yeah, with enough foresight, you could make a crane thingy that can replace the old payload with a new one but again, why not make that a refueller as well?

Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of a fuel depot at KSC, and I'm sure you can MacGyver one together with a modded-to-contain-an-ungoldy-amount-of-fuel tank, wheels to move it out the way and KAS for the hose etc and I really kinda make something like that now, but I don't really see the need for it.

Edited by ObsessedWithKSP
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Correct me if I'm wrong as I don't 'do' planes, but why would you want to refuel and then launch a landed plane again? Surely you'd have to either recover it (to change it e.g. the contents of its cargo bay... even if you don't recover it, you'd have to launch a new one with the changes which kinda defeats the purpose) or, if it's a Kerbin explorer type thing, you'd need to build something that can take the Science data from it so why not make that a refuelling truck as well? You need to recover SOMETHING to get the Science after all... If you're in Sandbox mode then the first would apply to you and in Career, then either would apply. I mean yeah, with enough foresight, you could make a crane thingy that can replace the old payload with a new one but again, why not make that a refueller as well?

Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of a fuel depot at KSC, and I'm sure you can MacGyver one together with a modded-to-contain-an-ungoldy-amount-of-fuel tank, wheels to move it out the way and KAS for the hose etc and I really kinda make something like that now, but I don't really see the need for it.

Roleplaying. Also, once money drops in, reusability for the craft.

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I have no problem with the idea of building our own fuel-truck and moving it around but as I don't want to build and align a stupid dock, or use the grappler to "make contact", it could be more appreciable to have a new part that allow undocked fuel transfert while on the ground.

Basically a deployable fuel hose.

Then come the question of refuelling thefuel-truck. If budget is implemented would it be alright to recover/rebuild over and over the tanker ? if not then a refueling zone will be needed

Plus of course the fact that we cannot change cargo/crew outside as of now.

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i would think that recovering the craft would "refund" the cost of its parts. so for all purposes, if you recover a ssto and then launch another, its the same plane, although properly cleaned up, tuned, fueled, and reloaded with snacks

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i would think that recovering the craft would "refund" the cost of its parts. so for all purposes, if you recover a ssto and then launch another, its the same plane, although properly cleaned up, tuned, fueled, and reloaded with snacks

I don't know. I think it will only return part of the money it's worth. We'll see.

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if we cant have on deck refueling, per part recovery bonuses should be something like this:

recovery from water 50-70% (salt water is corrosive)

recovery from land 70-90% (omg the dents)

recovery from designated landing area 90-100% (we can use that again)

these might be set on a part by part basis. a structural part might be more recoverable than an engine.

one use parts like srbs and decouplers would have different recovery values if they have been used or not.

recovery of consumables is on a per unit basis, 100% value of anything left in the tanks (though this can be adjusted per resource, you might have oxidizer boil off and get a lower recovery percentage).

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