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The Venturer Program: Tour of the planets


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Welp, my mouse packed in last night. It had been going for a little while; the RMB has lost its click and requires only the slightest nudge to right click. It was most problematic in KSP when trying to right click a fuel tank, often producing no response. In fact, last night, the button was permanently depressed, requiring that I actually hold up the button to stop it from doing anything, which, as you can imagine, was a pain in the a$$, rendering it unuseable. It was at the replacement point, so I made one last ditch effort to fix it, but alas, it just got worse. I'm posting this from my Kindle Fire, for the record.

Why am I posting this? Because I didn't post a chapter yesterday or today, and I'll be out of action until tomorrow, so you're all going to have to wait just a little longer :huh:

And here I was hoping to play more First Contract :(

But don't despair, it's only one day... I'm saying that to myself as much as I am to you, audience :P

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Many months later...

Captain's log, Libra, entry 14: We're closing in on Duna, at last. We entered the SOI a few hours ago and the planet is looking pretty big now. It's a shame we won't be landing there, but we can still admire it from way up here.


The Spacedock knows we're getting close, so at least we won't be waiting around for too long to dock there. We just need to get through the aerobrake and then we're home free.



Wehrke: “Alright, 2 minutes from atmospheric entry, buckle up folks.â€Â

Ned: “I don't like this.â€Â

Wehrke: “Don't like what?â€Â

Ned: “Aerobraking. I don't trust it.â€Â

Wehrke: “Why?â€Â

Ned: “I genuinely don't know.â€Â

Enford: “As long as you don't jinx it by saying things like this, I'll be happy.â€Â

Ned: “Hey, I'd rather not burn up in an alien sky, either.â€Â

Wehrke: “I doubt very much we'll be facing problems like that. 1 minute.â€Â

Ned: “I'll raise the alarm bells if things start going wrong.â€Â

Wehrke: “I'm sure you will.â€Â


Wehrke: “Alright, here we go. Duna isn't too bad for aerobraking, so this should be relatively calm.â€Â

Ned: “I hope so.â€Â

A few minutes later...


Wehrke: “Now that wasn't so bad, was it? Enford, get on the horn to the station, let them know we've done the aerobrake.â€Â

Enford: “I'm on it, Captain.â€Â

Ned: “Ok, so we're alive and the ship's fine. I really don't know why I was worried.â€Â

Wehrke: “Nor do I. I take it the engines are good to go?â€Â

Ned: “Yeah, they're all set.â€Â

Wehrke: “Good.â€Â

Enford: “Hey, uh, Captain? You might want to hear this.â€Â

Wehrke: “What is it?â€Â

Enford: “Here, I'll put you on.â€Â

Wehrke: “Oh, ok. Duna Spacedock, this is Wehrke of the Libra, what's up?â€Â

Matt: “Wehrke, this is Matt. Listen, your mission is, uh... changing slightly.â€Â

Wehrke: “Oh, is that so? Let's hear it, then.â€Â

A few hours later...


Matt: “Libra, you're all clear to dock.â€Â

Wehrke: “Understood. Ned?â€Â

Ned: “RCS thrusters are good to go.â€Â

Wehrke: “Good. Hey, uh, Matt? Have you told Enterprise about this?â€Â

Matt: “They know.â€Â

Wehrke: “Plain and simple? So who's going to be in charge of the station?â€Â

Matt: “I'm leaving that for the guys here to decide.â€Â

Wehrke: “That's fair enough, I guess. Ok, we're docking now, watch out.â€Â


Ned: “Clean connection. Pressure's are equalising now.â€Â

Wehrke: “Ok then, let's get ready to welcome our guests.â€Â

Enford: “As long as they don't mess up my bunk...â€Â

Ned: “Or mine.â€Â

Matt: “Hey folks.â€Â

Wehrke: “Hello there. I take it you're Matt?â€Â

Matt: “Aye, that would be me. Jerrick, Alan, bring Matton through, would you?â€Â

Jerrick: “On it.â€Â

Alan: “Watch your head.â€Â

Matton: “Is this the Libra?â€Â

Jerrick: “This is it, buddy.â€Â

Matton: “Huh, this hab looks a lot like the one on Enterprise, just cleaner.â€Â

Matt: “Is that so?â€Â

Matton: “Yeah. At least I know it's gonna be comfy.â€Â

Matt: “Are you sure this is what you want to do?â€Â

Matton: “It's not like I really have much choice in the matter, is it? I'm too badly injured to carry on with the mission, unlike you.â€Â

Franklin: “I take it this is our ride, Matt?â€Â

Matt: “Yeah, this is it. Listen, Matton, you are recovering, so if you do want to carry on--â€Â

Matton: “I don't think I'd be of much use, now. Just promise me one thing.â€Â

Matt: “Yeah?â€Â

Matton: “Don't get hurt. The guys on Enterprise don't need any more of that.â€Â

Matt: “Alright, it wasn't on my agenda to go jumping off a cliff anyway, but I'll try, buddy.â€Â

Matton: “Thanks. And Franklin?â€Â

Franklin: “Hmm?â€Â

Matton: “Make sure you get a shot at piloting something.â€Â

Franklin: “I intend to.â€Â

Matton: “Good, then let's go.â€Â

Matt: “Jerrick, Alan, it's been good working with you guys. Tell that to the others, too.â€Â

Jerrick: “The honour was ours, Matt. Thank you, and good luck out there.â€Â

The hatch seals behind them.

Wehrke: “Are you guys all set?â€Â

Matt: “I'm ready whenever.â€Â

Franklin: “As am I.â€Â

Matton: “Let's roll.â€Â

Wehrke: “You got it. Enford, undock us and I'll get us to Enterprise.â€Â

Ned: “Aye, Captain.â€Â


A few hours later...


Wehrke: “Libra to Enterprise, do you copy?â€Â

Jeb: “Libra, good to see you. Dock at port 4 and we'll meet you there.â€Â

Wehrke: “Understood.â€Â

Matt: “Last chance, Matton.â€Â

Matton: “I stand resolute with my choice. Of course I'd love to carry on, but I just can't. I've got family to think about, too.â€Â

Matt: “I understand.â€Â

Matton: “There is one thing, though. Get Lengas for me once we're docked.â€Â

Matt: “Sure thing.â€Â

Wehrke: “We're aligned, moving in.â€Â



ANSI/Stanley: “IEV Libra has docked successfully. Equalising pressure now... complete.â€Â

Ned: “That is one frakking big ship.â€Â

Enford: “And I thought Libra was a decently sized vessel.â€Â

Ned: “No, we are decently sized, but Enterprise... Kod, what I wouldn't give to work aboard that beauty.â€Â

Jeb: “Hey there, folks, welcome to Enterprise. Matton, good to see you.â€Â

Matton: “Likewise, Jeb.â€Â

Jeb: “Matt, Franklin, I guess you can come aboard.â€Â

Franklin: “Thank you, Captain.â€Â

Matt: “Matton, I'll be right back with Lengas, alright?â€Â

Matton: “Thanks.â€Â

Jeb: “Lengas?â€Â

Matton: “There's something on Enterprise that I really want, save for my belongings.â€Â

Jeb: “We'll have those brought through to you. Jim, Cal, get Matton's stuff, if you would.â€Â

Cal: “Ok, Jeb.â€Â

Jeb: “You know, we still have room for you on board, Matton.â€Â

Matton: “I know, but I'm not really in the best way, and like I just said to Matt, I've got family back home who were besides themselves with grief when they'd heard what happened. I just want to go home.â€Â

Jeb: “Well, if that's what you really want...â€Â

Matt: “It is.â€Â

Jeb: “It's been great having you with us. I'll make sure to bring back more space rocks for you, from each of the places we've got left.â€Â

Matt: “Thank you Jeb, it's been a privilege to fly with you.â€Â

Lengas: “Matton!â€Â

Matt: “I told you I'd be quick.â€Â

Matton: “Thanks Matt.â€Â

Lengas: “Damn it, man, you gave me a real good scare a few months back.â€Â

Matton: “Oh believe me, it was scary.â€Â

Lengas: “Well, at least you're ok. And that's the main thing.â€Â

Matton: “Yes, yes, but there is something I want that I believe is here.â€Â

Lengas: “Hmm?â€Â

Matton: “That star-shaped rock I picked up from Duna. I want to study it on the way home.â€Â

Lengas: “I'll go one better; I'll get that and a few other samples for you to play with.â€Â

Matton: “Ok then.â€Â

Jim: “Here's your stuff, Matton. Sorry you couldn't come with us.â€Â

Cal: “Yeah, that's a downer.â€Â

Matton: “Thanks guys. Don't have too much fun without me, alright?â€Â

Jim: “Yeah, definitely no promises on that one.â€Â

Maton: “Hah, alright then.â€Â

Jeb: “Thanks, you two.â€Â

Cal: “No problem, Jeb.â€Â

Lengas: “Alright, here you go. The star rock is in the little plastic case, there.â€Â

Matton: “Ah, excellent. Thank you Lengas.â€Â

Lengas: “You're more than welcome.â€Â

Matton: “You are ok, right?â€Â

Lengas: “I will be. At least I know Matt, and he's a good geologist, just like you.â€Â

Matton: “Good, good. Hey, I'll see you back on Kerbin.â€Â

Lengas: “That you will. Until then, buddy.â€Â

Matton: “Until then.â€Â

Jeb: “You know, Matton, I think you may have just saved us all.â€Â

Matton: “Huh?â€Â

Jeb: “Lengas. He was moping around and making the ship quite a sombre place at times because of what happened. First Sid, then you? It drove him mad, and as a result, us too. I think seeing you alive and well may have just cheered him up enough to keep us all sane.â€Â

Matton: “Well, if that's so, I'm glad I could help out.â€Â

Jeb: “Indeed. Well, we've got stuff to do, as I'm sure you know, so I'd best get going. Stay safe, Matton.â€Â

Matton: “You too, Jeb.â€Â

Jeb floats back through the hatch and seals it behind him.

Wehrke: “Are we all good?â€Â

Matton: “Yeah, I'm ready to go.â€Â

Wehrke: “Ok then. Enford, let's go.â€Â

Enford: “Yes sir.â€Â



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You ask a Kerbal in my universe what Kethane is and they'll just give you a blank stare, maybe scratch their head a little and shrug before walking off. Maybe they'll even joke about you and your wonder gas over a pint later on in the evening. Of course, glorious fuel tankers are the only way forward for our supreme society!

...Put simply, I don't have Kethane installed :P

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Many months later...



Anyway, the Dres window. Today we finally head off to that biggest of the lumps of rock in the asteroid belt. It's been a tough time waiting for this; we're all getting bored. I myself have managed to plough through most of the good films and books stored on the ships library, and having very little work to do in the mean time isn't helping. Lengas and Matt have at least been able to study their rocks, Mac's tending to Buzz, and Ed's maintaining the greenhouses. I try to help him out with that, sometimes, and he seems appreciative. He's a good person, Ed; quiet, calm, reserved. I'd say he's probably the least bored of us all simply because of his nature. At least someone's alright.


Lengas is still feeling down about Matton, and Mac is seriously considering prescribing him antidepressants despite the dwindling stock resulting from Buzz, who is now, remarkably, almost Buzz again. For the most part, he's acting like the man I know, although occasionally he does break into a gibbering mess while he's sleeping. Still, it's all progress, and I can only hope Lengas will follow suit. He's doing his job, though, and the ship is holding together. We've all been noticing some little faults here and there, and Lengas has been all over the place fixing them up. He also solved an issue with the fusion core in the engine, but told me to keep it to myself in case something bad happens, just so the crew don't panic. I reckon that he'll be back to normal soon enough.

Dean and Mac did have another argument, though, although I don't know what it was about. Buzz broke them up before I even had the chance to figure the thing out. Seriously, what is wrong with those two?

Ok, the Dres burn is coming up in a few hours, so I'd best make sure everything is ready to go.


ANSI/Stanley: “T-minus 5... 4... 3... 2.. 1... commence burn.â€Â

Jeb: “Firing up now, here we go!â€Â


Lengas: “Ah good, the engine isn't exploding. We're at full throttle and fuel consumption is normal. Hull integrity standing at 96.8%â€Â

Bob: “Hold on, why would the engine be exploding?â€Â

Lengas: “There was a magnetic imbalance with the containment system. I fixed it, but I was scared that it might cause problems down the line.â€Â

Bob: “Good Kod, if that had gone wrong...â€Â

Lengas: “We'd likely have been vapourised.â€Â

Jeb: “Yeah, thanks for fixing that, by the way, Lengas.â€Â

Lengas: “No problem, Jeb.â€Â

Bill: “I'm sure there are failsafes that stop the fusion core from exploding, right?â€Â

Lengas: “Yeah, but you don't leave things like that alone.â€Â

Bill: “True... right, we're halfway done.â€Â

Jeb: “Got it.â€Â

Bob: “A fusion core explosion... not the worst way to go, I guess. No pain, just... gone.â€Â

Lengas: “Can we please not talk about it? I was petrified something would go awry, so I only told Jeb and made sure he kept it to himself to avoid everyone panicking.â€Â

Bob: “Ok then.â€Â


Bill: “That's it, that's the first burn complete.â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “My calculations point to a Dres encounter with 97% certainty. I do believe we'll make it there safely and with enough fuel to reach the fuel tanker around Jool.â€Â

Jeb: “Excellent. Now, I suppose that seeing as we haven't exploded, we can tell the rest of the crew about the core, Lengas.â€Â

Lengas: “Honestly, I'd rather not. I don't want to be responsible for making everyone fear for the lives, which could affect the mission. Besides, I've fixed it, it would seem. There's no need to go scaremongering.â€Â

Jeb: “If that's what you want, then so be it. My lips are sealed.â€Â

Lengas: “Thanks.â€Â

Jeb: “Bill, Bob, same applies to you; do not say a word.â€Â

Bill: “Understood.â€Â

Bob: “You got it, Jeb.â€Â

Jeb: “Alright, now then... Lengas, you still--â€Â

Lengas: “Jeb, look, I know you want to beat me at Skrabble, but I'm really not feeling up for it. I'm sorry, but you're just going to have to wait.â€Â

Jeb: “It could help get you back on track.â€Â

Lengas: “I appreciate the sentiment, but I want to get back on track my own way, and that involves working.â€Â

Jeb: “Alright then, just don't work too hard.â€Â

Lengas: “No promises.â€Â

Lengas floats back through to the hab.

Bill: “Of course, he could just be saying that so that he doesn't have to give up his Skrabble championship title.â€Â

Jeb: “It is a possibility.â€Â

Bill: “What he said is probably true, though. We both know that Lengas feels better when he feels like he's helping out, so...â€Â

Jeb: “Yeah, I know. I've got no problems with him, but he has to come up for air at some point.â€Â

Bill: “Don't we all?â€Â



A few weeks later...


ANSI/Stanley: “Dres encounter confirmed, Captain.â€Â

Jeb: “Brilliant. Guys, we're going to Dres.â€Â

Buzz: “That's good. I never got to land there the last time I visited.â€Â

Jeb: “Of course, you flew there with Venturer. That must have been an experience.â€Â

Buzz: “It was certainly interesting, despite being stuck in low orbit. It's just a shame I'll not be able to see those ravines up close, what with the mission objectives being the way they are.â€Â

Jeb: “No, but it'll still be a good time down there; Dres is mostly unexplored. Only the ravines are really known territory.â€Â

Buzz: “Yeah, that's true. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind where I'm landing, it looks to be a decent site, and walking on an alien planet is always a good thing.â€Â

Jeb: “Indeed.â€Â

Buzz: “There's just one thing, Jeb; Sid was supposed to accompany Dean and I down there. Who's replacing him?â€Â

Jeb: “Oh, right, err... I'll get in contact with control, see what they say about it, so hang tight.â€Â

Buzz: “Thanks, Jeb.â€Â

Jeb: “Oh, and Buzz?â€Â

Buzz: “Hmm?â€Â

Jeb: “It's good to see you almost normal, again.â€Â

Buzz: “Oh believe me, it feels good to be almost normal. Anyway, I'll be back in the centrifuge if you need me.â€Â

Jeb: “Right.â€Â

Several months later...


ANSI/Stanley: “Alert: We have entered Dres' SOI.â€Â

Jeb: “We have? Great. Bill, get over here, we need to make adjustments.â€Â

Bill: “One moment.â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “This is an interesting moment for me. The Venturer mission to Dres was my first in active service, and now I'm back here. It will be interesting to see if anything has altered since the last time I was present.â€Â

Jeb: “Ah yes, that's right, Stanley. Is that some natural curiosity that I'm detecting from you?â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “I am an AI, Captain, I am made to think this way.â€Â

Jeb: “Of course you are.â€Â

Bill: “Right, trajectory changes, let's see...â€Â

Jeb: “I don't think it needs to be anything drastic this time round, fortunately.â€Â

Bill: “That's not by chance, I made sure it was so.â€Â

Jeb: “Oh, alright then, Mr. Perfect.â€Â

Bill: “Mr. Perfect wouldn't need to make corrections right now.â€Â

Jeb: “I retract my compliment, then.â€Â

Bill: “Aw, I didn't know it was a compliment.â€Â

Jeb: “Yep, and now you lost it.â€Â

Bill: “Damn.â€Â

Jeb: “However, I will give you Mr. Perfectionist.â€Â

Bill: “I suppose that'll do. Uh, we may have a problem.â€Â

Jeb: “How so?â€Â

Bill: “Any corrections we make are going to be too delta-V intensive for my liking.â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “Analysing... confirmed, any manoeuvres aside from the deceleration burn will put us into the yellow for fuel levels upon arriving at Jool.â€Â

Jeb: “Ok then, we'll just sort everything out once we're in orbit, not to worry.â€Â

Bill: “It'll have to do.â€Â

A few hours later...




Jeb: “Disengaging throttle. Bill, are we looking good or what?â€Â

Bill: “Yes, everything's checking out so far. I reckon we'll be ok.â€Â

Jeb: “Good.â€Â

Buzz: “At least we're not having a repeat of the Venturer mission.â€Â

Lengas: “Oh Kod, I remember that. That was more than a bit nerve-wracking.â€Â

Buzz: “Indeed it was.â€Â

Jeb: “That may be down to Enterprise being a better ship and me being a superior pilot.â€Â

Buzz: “I see you haven't lost any of your, umm... 'Jeb-ness'.â€Â

Jeb: “And I hope I never do, although the reputation could use some fixing, I think.â€Â

A few hours later...






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A short while later, in the hab...

Jeb: “Is everyone here? Right, well, I'm sure most of you have noticed that we're in orbit of Dres right now. Kind of hard to miss, really.â€Â

Jim: “You don't say?â€Â

Jeb: “Hush, Jim.â€Â

Jim: “Sorry.â€Â

Jeb: “Anyway, we do have a very minor problem. I've been talking with control but they kept letting me defer to my own judgement on the matter, which is a bit annoying because I don't want to end up seeming as though I'm picking favourites. The problem is that this landing mission was to be undertaken by Buzz, Dean, and, well... Sid. You can no doubt see the issue already.â€Â

A few mutters permeate the meeting area.

Jeb: “So, I've decided to let you guys choose who is filling Sid's slot on the lander. Buzz and Dean are still flying this mission, so there can only be one.â€Â

Jim: “I nominate my--â€Â

Jeb: “And no self-nominations.â€Â

Jim: “Damn. Ok, I vote Ed.â€Â

Dean: “I vote Ed, too.â€Â

Ed: “Hold on, I had a landing not too long ago on the lander crew rotation and I've got another one coming up relatively soon, I think.â€Â

Dean: “Are you saying you don't want to explore Dres?â€Â

Ed: “Not at all; I'd love to go down there, but I don't want to wind up taking up more landings than I'd feel comfortable with.â€Â

Jeb: “You're only down for two landings, Ed, and you've already done the Moho one. You can go if you want.â€Â

Ed: “No, no... I vote Matt.â€Â

Matt: “What?â€Â

Ed: “Yeah, you. Sure, you're a newcomer, relatively speaking, but you're a geologist who's been stuck around Duna for years.â€Â

Matt: “I appreciate the thought, but I didn't think I'd be doing anything this soon in the mission.â€Â

Cal: “Actually, I vote Matt, too.â€Â

Bob: “As do I. Seems a reasonable choice.â€Â

Bill: “I'm with them.â€Â

Matt: “What the heck?â€Â

Franklin: “It does seem to be a good idea, Matt. I'm voting you in, too.â€Â

Mac: “I agree; Matt's a good choice.â€Â

Lengas: “While I get the feeling that you guys have forgotten that I'm a geologist too, I suppose it's a good thing because I would like to keep an eye on the engine. I vote Matt.â€Â

Matt: “Geez...â€Â

Jeb: “Well, I think that settles that, then. Matt, are you happy wit this?â€Â

Matt: “Happy? I didn't think I'd be doing anything so soon on this mission. Thanks, guys.â€Â

Jeb: “It's no problem. Buzz, when are you going?â€Â

Buzz: “When we're back on the light side. I think that gives us about an hour to get ready.â€Â

Jeb: “Alright, you heard him, Matt.â€Â

Matt: “Aye, Captain. I'll go grab some equipment.â€Â

Buzz: “Just be sure to check what's already in the lander before getting anything else.â€Â

Matt: “Will do.â€Â

Jeb: “Right then, folks, you're dismissed.â€Â

Franklin: “Captain, may I speak with you for a moment?â€Â

Jeb: “Uh, yeah, sure. Oh, it's just Jeb, no need for the formalities, by the way.â€Â

Franklin: “I see.â€Â

Jeb: “So, what is it?â€Â

Franklin: “I was wondering what landing I'll be taking part in. I've had a look at the mission plan and noticed that Matton's next landing was to be on Vall. Will I be taking that spot, instead?â€Â

Jeb: “It would make sense to do so. I'll put you up for it.â€Â

Franklin: “You're not going to make it a vote like for this landing?â€Â

Jeb: “I can put it up for a vote when we get to Vall, but honestly, I think you'll get picked anyway, so I'll just alter the plan to include you.â€Â

Franklin: “Of course. Thank you, Jeb.â€Â

Jeb: “No problem, Franklin.â€Â

Franklin: “Oh, if you're interested, I did bring along copies of my logs from my time on Duna. I can forward them to you, if you would like.â€Â

Jeb: “Well, what harm could it do?â€Â

Franklin: “My thoughts exactly. The more people who know what it was like to try and survive down there, the better.â€Â

Jeb: “Agreed. Forward them whenever you want.â€Â

Franklin: “I will.â€Â

One hour later...


Buzz: “We're clear.â€Â

Jeb: “Good luck, folks/ Buzz, you're certain that you're ok for this?â€Â

Buzz: “If I weren't, then I wouldn't be sat in the lander, Jeb.â€Â

Jeb: “Alright then, but take it easy. Good luck, Jeb out.â€Â

Buzz: “Right then, let's go.â€Â

Dean: “I suppose it doesn't matter too much if you're still wacky, Buzz; I can always take over, if need be.â€Â

Buzz: “That's true, but I don't think it'll be entirely necessary. I'll let you fly on the way back up, of course.â€Â

Dean: “Sure thing.â€Â

Matt: “Wait, you're both pilots?â€Â

Dean: “Yep, both of us. You're the only real scientist here.â€Â

Matt: “Oh.â€Â


Buzz: “Is something the matter?â€Â

Matt: “Not at all. I'm just curious as to how we've managed two pilots on one landing mission to a mostly unexplored dwarf planet.â€Â

Buzz: “Beats me.â€Â

Dean: “The whole mission plan is crazy; some landings have no specialised pilots whatsoever.â€Â

Matt: “That's not exactly comforting.â€Â


Buzz: “We can all fly, but some of us are much more professional than others; only a few of us can handle Enterprise, myself and Dean being two such folks, but the rest can pilot landers with ease.â€Â

Dean: “Yep.â€Â

Matt: “Ok, that's a little more reassuring.â€Â


Buzz: “Alright, we're heading down, now.â€Â

Matt: “Good. It'll be fun to explore somewhere that isn't Duna.â€Â

Buzz: “I like Duna.â€Â

Matt: “So do I, but there's only so much of it one can take before you get a little bored of it. I can only imagine how Franklin felt on the surface for years.â€Â

Buzz: “Hmm.â€Â



Dean: “Looks like we're slowing down enough, Buzz.â€Â

Buzz: “Indeed it does. I'll reduce the throttle a bit.â€Â


Matt: “I think we're coming down into the crater about a quarter of the way from the western wall of it.â€Â

Dean: “Agreed. We could be landing on a slope.â€Â

Buzz: “Not to worry, I'll handle it.â€Â



Matt: “I tell you what, this place looks rather neat from what I can see out my window.â€Â

Buzz: “No ravines, though.â€Â

Matt: “Sadly, no. Those have got to be the most dramatic things in the known system.â€Â

Dean: “20 metres.â€Â

Buzz: “Nearly there... and I think that's it.â€Â


Buzz: “Engine shutting down, ladder extending.â€Â

Matt: “Brilliant. Let's get to work, shall we?â€Â

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Buzz: “Well, it looks dusty out here.â€Â

Matt: “I thought I saw a load of the stuff jump out from beneath us when we touched down. Let's try not to kick it everywhere, shall we?â€Â

Buzz: “I wasn't planning on it.â€Â

Dean: “You may not be, but I certainly will be.â€Â

Matt: “Err, why?â€Â

Dean: “For science, of course.â€Â

Matt: “Riiight...â€Â


Buzz: “Well, I'm on the ground. It's definitely dusty, too; I just kicked a bunch into my visor.â€Â

Matt: “Good to know.â€Â

Buzz: “I tell you what, though, after being cooped up on Enterprise under almost constant surveillance from Mac, this is nice.â€Â

Dean: “I wonder what Mac's thinking right now, what with you coming down here with me.â€Â

Buzz: “Oh, probably not happy.â€Â



Mac: “I still can't believe you actually let those two go down there together.â€Â

Jeb: “We're done here, Mac.â€Â

Mac: “We're done when I say we're done. I seriously do not trust Dean with Buzz, Jeb.â€Â

Jeb: “Have you not seen Buzz these last few weeks, Mac? He seems practically fine! I don't think anything is going to tip him back over into insanity now. Also, you'd better watch your tongue lest I accuse you of insubordination.â€Â

Mac: “Well, if you're wrong...â€Â

Jeb: “Damn it, I'm not wrong! Buzz will be fine, you fool. Now, please, go and bother somebody else. I'm sick of hearing you complaining about this.â€Â

Mac: “...Yes, Captain.â€Â

Back on Dres...


Buzz: “Well don't just sit in there, we've got an asteroid to explore, here.â€Â

Dean: “Oh, you're clear? Alright then.â€Â


Dean: “Wow, you planted that flag quickly.â€Â

Buzz: “Yes, I did.â€Â


Matt: “You clear, Dean?â€Â

Dean: “Come on out, it's a beautiful day out here.â€Â

Matt: “Right then.â€Â

Dean: “Well, I think I'm going to head off closer to the centre of this crater, have a look there.â€Â

Buzz: “Sure thing.â€Â


Dean: “You know, I agree with you, Buzz.â€Â

Buzz: “About what?â€Â

Dean: “Getting off Enterprise, and not being spied on by Mac all the time. It feels good.â€Â


Buzz: “You really don't like him, do you?â€Â

Dean: “He's the one who has the problem with me, Buzz. I never intentionally provoked him, and yet look at what's happened.â€Â

Matt: “Something I should know?â€Â

Buzz: “Only if you fancy getting caught up in their fight.â€Â

Matt: “Oh, no thanks, I'm perfectly happy to stay out of things like that.â€Â

Dean: “As am I, but it's a bit hard when the ships doctor is the one perpetrating the whole thing.â€Â

Matt: “Oh.â€Â


Dean: “Say, this wouldn't be a bad place for a base.â€Â

Buzz: “What about the ravines?â€Â

Dean: “Well, we'll obviously colonise the ravines at some point, we'd be mad not to.â€Â

Buzz: “True. Well, if you think it's a good spot, put a flag there.â€Â

Dean: “Ok then.... there we go. Maybe future expeditions will congratulate me on my brilliant choice of site.â€Â

Buzz: “Now let's not get too cocky, shall we?â€Â

Dean: “Hah, alright. I'm heading back, now.â€Â

Buzz: “Roger.â€Â


Dean: “Alright, what now?â€Â


Buzz: “I'm gonna go up the crater wall a little bit. Could you help Matt with his experiment?â€Â

Dean: “Yeah, sure.â€Â



Buzz: “Hmm, not a bad view from up here.â€Â


Dean: “Hey Buzz, I've just thought; we used hardly any fuel coming down here. We could make a second landing.â€Â

Buzz: “...You're right, we could. I'll talk with Jeb first before we do anything, though.â€Â

Dean: “Of course, but I think it's a good idea.â€Â

Matt: “It does sound good. We could double our science yield for Dres.â€Â

Buzz: “Yeah, this does sound good. Alright, I'll head back to the lander now and get in touch with the ship.â€Â

A few minutes later...


Buzz: “Enterprise, it's Buzz, do you read?â€Â

Bill: “Buzz, I read you. What's up?â€Â

Buzz: “Hey, Bill, is Jeb there?â€Â

Bill: “Yeah, one moment. Jeb, get over here, Buzz wants you.â€Â

Jeb: “Hey Buzz, what is it?â€Â

Buzz: “Listen, we've still got a truckload of fuel on the lander and Dean suggested we use it to pull off a second landing here. Thoughts?â€Â

Jeb: “Sounds good. Go right ahead.â€Â

Buzz: “...Is that it?â€Â

Jeb: “Yeah. What, you think I'd have a problem with you doing more stuff when we've still got months before the Jool transfer?â€Â

Buzz: “Well, now that you mention it. Anyway, I guess we'll be doing that landing then. Thanks, Jeb, Buzz out.â€Â

Dean: “That sounds promising.â€Â

Buzz: “Yeah, we'll be heading to another site. Come back inside and we'll check the map for good spots.â€Â

Dean: “Alright.â€Â

Matt: “Let me just pack this core drill up.â€Â


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Half an hour later...


Buzz: “So, it's settled? That's where we're heading?â€Â

Matt: “It looks to be good, so yes.â€Â

Buzz: “Right, let's do it. Buckle up, we launch in one minute.â€Â




Dean: “That's it.â€Â

Buzz: “Alright, we've still got plenty of fuel, too.â€Â

Dean: “Yep. This was a good idea, even if I do say so myself.â€Â

Buzz: “I've got to hand it to you, Dean, you know what you're doing sometimes.â€Â

Dean: “Hey, I know what I'm doing all the time, not just some of the time.â€Â

Buzz: “Ha, sure you do.â€Â

Dean: “No, really!â€Â

Buzz: “Ok then, hehehe.â€Â

Matt: “Well, you two seem like peas in a pod.â€Â

Buzz: “We were in the Air Force together. Joined at the same time, flew the same missions...â€Â

Dean: “Ah, good times, eh?â€Â

Buzz: “Hell yeah.â€Â


Matt: “You know, I did sometimes think of joining the Air Force, but something kept luring me back to science.â€Â

Buzz: “Well, either way, you'd have been happy, I imagine.â€Â

Matt: “Perhaps. It doesn't really matter now, I don't feel like I've missed out on anything, and I still got to fly around Kerbin and see the sights in much the same way that I would have done in the military.â€Â

Buzz: “That was one of the reasons I joined up; seeing the world. Now look at me, I'm flying through the system on the most advanced interplanetary mission ever.â€Â

Dean: “It's quite the step up from test flights, that's for sure... right, we'd better start slowing down, Buzz.â€Â

Buzz: “Ok.â€Â



Dean: “500 metres.â€Â

Matt: “Looks to be fairly interesting...â€Â

Buzz: “Good.â€Â



Dean: “Oh crap, watch out for that hill!â€Â

Buzz: “Holy-- there, we should be clear.â€Â

Dean: “We're coming down just west of it. That was close...â€Â


Dean: “Touchdown.â€Â

Buzz: “Phew. You had me worried there for a moment, Dean.â€Â

Matt: “Me too.â€Â

Dean: “Yeah, well, I just saved all our hides.â€Â

Buzz: “You did. Ok, so maybe you do know what you're doing, after all.â€Â

Dean: “I told you so.â€Â

Buzz: “Ok, let's get to work, and try not to mix up the samples from the two sites. That could prove to be a headache for Lengas.â€Â

Matt: “And me, too.â€Â

Buzz: “Of course.â€Â

Dean: “Well, I'm going out first this time.â€Â

Buzz: “By all means.â€Â


Dean: “Damn, that is a big hill. Good thing we didn't land on it, we may have tipped over.â€Â

Buzz: “Good to know, I think...â€Â

Matt: “I wouldn't call it a comforting thought, though.â€Â

Dean: “Neither would I.â€Â




Dean: “Beautiful...â€Â


Buzz: “Hey, this isn't a bad place at all. Good choice, Matt.â€Â

Matt: “Thanks.â€Â

Dean: “So. What now, sample collection?â€Â

Buzz: “I think so.â€Â

Matt: “I want to look at that hill.â€Â

Buzz: “Ok then.â€Â


Matt: “I'll be back in a few minutes.â€Â

Buzz: “Got it.â€Â




Matt: “Now this is a view and a half, and there aren't even any ravines to impress me here.â€Â

Dean: “Yeah, this is definitely more interesting than the first site.â€Â

Buzz: “On that we can agree.â€Â


One hour later...

Matt: “Well, I'm done up on this hill. What about you guys?â€Â

Buzz: “Nearly finished.â€Â

Dean: “Yeah, we're almost done here, Matt. I think we screwed up one of the cores, though.â€Â

Matt: “Eh, it's probably still useable. You can show me in a moment, I'm coming back now.â€Â

Buzz: “Roger that.â€Â


Matt: “So, this core sample...â€Â

Dean: “Here.â€Â

Matt: “...Well, it certainly isn't the worst I've seen...â€Â

Dean: “But it's not the best, either?â€Â

Matt: “Not really, but like I said, it should still be useful. How did you do this, by the way?â€Â


Buzz: “The drill slipped and knocked the core. I'm surprised more didn't break off.â€Â

Matt: “Not to worry, then. Come on, let's load them up.â€Â


Several minutes later...

Matt: “Ok, everything is secure, Buzz.â€Â

Buzz: “Good. We did good work here today, guys, well done.â€Â

Dean: “Aye. It's good to see you back in action after all this time.â€Â

Buzz: “It feels good to be on my feet again. Right, I suppose we'd best get going, so...â€Â





Dean: “Hey Buzz, there's the ravine system.â€Â


Buzz: “Oh yeah. They look better up close than they do from where I was stuck on Venturer.â€Â

Dean: “Yeah, I bet they do.â€Â


Buzz: “Ok, we're en route to meet up with Enterprise now, so just chill out for a bit.â€Â







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Mason! Mason! Mason! I have a question! The greenhouse on enterprise - what mod is it? How do I get it? What does it weigh? How many Kerbals can it fit?

Lack Luster Labs (in the Lite edition as well as the full blown mod).

Click the download button of downloading.

It weighs mass.

Amazingly, a super-awesome grand total of -- and you're not gonna believe this -- 0.

Have fun! :D

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ANSI/Stanley: “Welcome back. Lengas is waiting to assist with offloading the samples and Bob will help with the data.â€Â

Buzz: “Excellent. Matt, give Lengas a hand.â€Â

Matt: “On it.â€Â

Dean: “Well, months of waiting for the Jool transfer now. How exciting...â€Â

Buzz: “We could throw you out the airlock to liven things up a little.â€Â

Dean: “I'd rather not.â€Â

Buzz: “We'd give you a space suit.â€Â

Dean: “Still no.â€Â

Buzz: “That's a shame.â€Â

Dean: “Although I'm sure if I did let you chuck me out, Mac would be the first one to do so.â€Â

Buzz: “Again with the Mac situation...â€Â

Dean: “I know, I know, but it's probably what would happen.â€Â

Jeb: “What's probably what would happen?â€Â

Dean: “Nothing, don't worry.â€Â

Jeb: “Hmm, alright. I assume your stay was good down there?â€Â

Buzz: “Absolutely. It felt good to stretch my legs outside the ship for a change.â€Â

Jeb: “I'll bet it was, good to see you're ok. Matt?â€Â

Matt: “Yeah, it was good.â€Â

Jeb: “Good. Well, I won't keep you held up.â€Â

Buzz: “Alright then.â€Â

Dean: “Say, I've got an idea.â€Â

Buzz: “Uh-oh.â€Â

Dean: “Hah. Anyway, it stems from your little suggestion to throw me out the airlock; a game of zero-g catch, outside the ship.â€Â

Buzz: “Zero-g catch outside the ship? Interesting...â€Â

Dean: “Indeed. It could keep pass the time quite well if we do a tournament.â€Â

Buzz: “What if we lose whatever it is we decide to play catch with?â€Â

Dean: “Well, I don't know, so I guess we'd have to make sure it isn't an important bit of kit.â€Â

Buzz: “You're damn right on that account. Anyway, you'll have to pitch the idea to Jeb, seeing as he's the boss around here.â€Â

Dean: “Naturally.â€Â

Mac: “...And while you're proposing that ridiculous idea, Dean, I need to check on Buzz's health.â€Â

Buzz: “Sigh...â€Â

Dean: “Well, you're a bundle of joy, as per usual. For the record, Buzz is fine. He didn't display any abnormal behaviour down there at all.â€Â

Mac: “And what makes you so sure of that? You're no professional in the field.â€Â

Dean: “I know my friend and how he acts, unlike yourself. Go shove your tests where the sun doesn't shine.â€Â

Mac: “I'm afraid I can't. My duty as ship's doctor means I must tend to the ill and wounded regardless of... objections.â€Â

Dean: “Well I'm telling you, you don't need to test him any more.â€Â

Buzz: “Guys, I'm right here, you know.â€Â

Mac: “Is that so, Dean? I only really wanted to check that you didn't screw anything up like you usually do.â€Â

Dean: “Hah, funny. Me, screw things up with the friend I've known for years and whom you've known for far less time? What makes you think you know anything about him, huh? What makes you an expert on my friend?!â€Â

Buzz: “Guys!â€Â

Mac: “I never suggested I knew him better than you, but I know how he's been since Eve! I've been looking after him for months, and I'll be damned if I let anyone as idiotic as you try to stop me from doing my job!â€Â

Buzz: “GUYS! Shut the frak up!â€Â

Jeb: “What on Kerbin is going on down here?!â€Â

Buzz:â€ÂThese two, again!â€Â

Jeb: “Oh for Kod's sake! Mac, get the hell out of here! Dean, go and help Matt off load the samples, and don't even think about talking to each other for the rest of the day!â€Â

Mac: “Captain, I need Buzz!â€Â

Jeb: “Shut up! I'll be the judge of whether or not you need him for anything! Buzz, get the helmet recordings, now.â€Â

Buzz: “Aye, Captain.â€Â

Mac: â€ÂCaptain, I--â€Â

Jeb: “I said shut up!â€Â

Bill: “What the hell?â€Â

Bob: “We heard shouting. Is it popcorn worthy?â€Â

Jeb: “Guys, go back to the bridge, this doesn't concern you.â€Â

Bill: “It does if you can't keep your cool, Jeb.â€Â

Jeb: “I'll be fine, I just need to deal with this... atrocity.â€Â

Mac: “Jeb, if you have anyone to yell it, it's Dean! The imbecile downright refuses to accept that I'm trying to help Buzz!â€Â

Dean: “If by 'help', you mean keeping him locked away from me, then I'm not having any of it!â€Â

Mac: “You're nothing but a maelstrom in his recovery, Dean, so stay out of the way!â€Â

Dean: “No, you're the maelstrom!â€Â

Jeb: “Damn it you two, I told you to shut up!â€Â

Bill: “Jeb, please, calm down would you?â€Â

Jim and Ed are sat in the hab entrance eating popcorn.

Jeb: “Bill, the bridge, now.â€Â

Bill: “Aye...â€Â

Mac: “Regardless of what anyone thinks here, I need to examine Buzz! It's the first time he's been off the ship since Eve and I want to check that he's alright, for crying out loud!â€Â

Buzz: “Frakking hell, I can speak for myself, here! Now listen up, all of you! I don't want anybody to be yelling at anyone else any more over my now-insignificant mental situation! Mac, I'm fine, really, so you don't need any tests unless Jeb conludes that I do, and that's only after reviewing the helmet footage, which is here, Captain.â€Â

Jeb: “Thanks.â€Â

Buzz: “Now, I'd like some food alone, so would you all kindly get the hell out of my way.â€Â

The docking hub goes silent save for some light crunching from the popcorn duo as Buzz floats through to the hab, nudging aside Jim in the process.

Jim: “Aw crap, my popcorn!â€Â

Jeb: “Damn it, you two!â€Â

Jim: “Sorry, but I agreed with Bob on this one; that was completely popcorn-worthy.â€Â

Jeb: “Go and do something else, would you?â€Â

Ed: “Will do, Jeb.â€Â

Mac: “Jeb --â€Â

Jeb: “No, Mac. I'm not speaking to anyone until I've watched this footage completely. Bill, Bob, care to join me in attempting to resolve this fiasco?â€Â

Bill: “Naturally, Jeb.â€Â

Bob: “Sure, but I may need to keep an eye on some other systems; the lander is still transferring data to Enterprise.â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “If it helps, Bob, I can monitor the data flow and keep it going so you are free to work on this incident.â€Â

Bob: “Ah, thanks Stanley, that's a great help.â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “The pleasure is mine.â€Â

Mac: “I don't frakking believe this...â€Â

Jeb: “Just go and do something else, Mac, preferably not moping around.â€Â

Mac: “...â€Â

More than a few hours later...


Jeb: “Well, that's everything from their helmets. What do you guys think?â€Â

Bill: *Yawns* “Well, my list is quite short if it helps.â€Â

Bob: “Mine to, although I used a few pages on doodles.â€Â

Jeb: “I have to admit, I've got nothing. Buzz seemed fine throughout both the landings and the flights. I don't think Mac needs to check him over any more.â€Â

Bill: “Agreed, although I fear what the doc's reaction is gonna be when he hears this.â€Â

Bob: “The wrath of Mac. Lovely.â€Â

Jeb: “He's going to have to accept our verdict, whatever we agree on. So, should Buzz be tended to or be left alone?â€Â

Bill: “Left alone.â€Â

Bob: “Definitely left alone, but if he does start going insane again – “

Jeb: “Then we're frakked and Mac will have the high ground, which I'm not going to accept.â€Â

Bill: “Jeb, are you alright? You seemed pretty harsh with Mac earlier.â€Â

Jeb: “No, I'm not alright. I've had it with those two fighting, but Mac? He didn't stop complaining that Dean was alone with Buzz for the entirety of the landings. Constantly going on and on about how Dean would undo all these past months of work on Buzz's mind.â€Â

Bob: “I've heard him speaking about it to some of the other crew, too. Everywhere I saw him, it was Dean this, Dean that. I can understand your mood, Jeb.â€Â

Jeb: “Hmm, at least someone does. Anyway, I'll go talk to Mac. Hopefully he'll see sense. Pass me the recordings, too. He'll no doubt want to make sure I'm not screwing him over.â€Â

Bill: “Here. Good luck.â€Â

Jeb: “Thanks. I'll definitely need it...â€Â

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Captain's log, entry 20: Well, Mac hates me. I gave him the verdict, and before he could yell at me I give him the footage as well so he could review it. While he did reach the same conclusion, he was not happy in the slightest. I'm going to avoid him for a little bit.

Anyway, we're now waiting for the Jool transfer window. We've got months ahead of us with very little to do, so I'm going to let Dean go ahead with his zero-g catch idea. It sounds fun, so I'll probably join in from time to time, provided we aren't throwing wrenches around, because one, Lengas would kill us, and two, if that thing hit anyone in their suit, they'd be in big trouble. Speaking of Lengas, he does look to be getting back to normal. He's talking more, which is always a good sign, and he's been slowing down on the anti-depressants, I'm told. I knew he'd get there eventually, but I do completely sympathise with him and the situation he's faced. I may pull out the Skrabble board again, ask him if he's up for giving my championship title back to me.

Oh, and before I forget it, Matton contacted us from the Libra. He says they just left Duna for Kerbin , and that was... what, 3 hours ago? Yeah, 3 hours. He's also recovering quite well, according to Wehrke, the captain over there. I told Lengas and it cheered him up a bit more. That's always good stuff to see. If Matton had died as well as Sid... I don't think it would be entirely bearable here.


Many more months later...


ANSI/Stanley: “Jeb.â€Â

Jeb: “Hmm? Oh, don't tell me!â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “But I'm programmed to tell you stuff...â€Â

Jeb: “Yes, but I know this one; the Jool window is open?â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “Correct. And here I was hoping to tell you myself. Commander Bill to the bridge, please.â€Â

Jeb: “Well, I could have done that last bit, but ok.â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “You made me feel inconsequential; I got payback by stealing your task.â€Â

Jeb: “That's clever, and admittedly slightly worrying, too. You're definitely beginning to develop a more sentient personality, Stanley. Just please, don't let it get out of hand.â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “There are multiple fail-safes that should prevent such an occurrence, Jeb, but I will remain vigilant as to my personality.â€Â

Jeb: “Thank you. The last thing we need is a rogue AI in control of the ship.â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “Indeed.â€Â

Bill: “I'm needed?â€Â

Jeb: “The Jool window is open. Could you plot the course?â€Â

Bill: “Finally! I'll get straight on it.â€Â

Jeb: “Brilliant.â€Â

Bill: “Right, let's see here...â€Â


Bill: “Done. We'll make refinements along the way, as is the norm.â€Â

Jeb: “Of course. Man, back to Jool again. This is going to be good.â€Â

Bill: “When we get there, I've no doubt it will be.â€Â

In the hab, Lengas is gazing out the window.

Lengas: “...â€Â

Mac: “Oh, you're moping around here, too?â€Â

Lengas: “...Perhaps.â€Â

Mac: “Hmm, may as well join you.â€Â

Lengas: “If you want, but this window isn't that big.â€Â

Mac: “I'm aware of that.â€Â

Lengas: “So, what's up with you? It can't still be this Buzz situation, can it?â€Â

Mac: “No, no, Buzz is fine and I accept that. My problem lies with Jeb and Dean.â€Â

Lengas: “Dean I can understand, I think, but Jeb? What's he done?â€Â

Mac: “You know damn well what he's done, Lengas.â€Â

Lengas: “For arguments sake, let's say I don't. What is it?â€Â

Mac: “Sigh...â€Â

Lengas: “Look, I can't help you if you won't talk. I'm no psychiatrist either, so maybe this would be better between you and Ed?â€Â

Mac: “I may well discuss it with him later, but that's for another time. Anyway, my problem with Jeb is that, despite him thinking he's been the impartial mediator in this dispute, he's been doing nothing but bullying me and effectively supporting Dean.â€Â

Lengas: “Now hold on a minute, Jeb's done nothing of the sort. I can understand having a grudge because you didn't get your way, but the captain's been as impartial as you can get. Sure, he yelled, and it may seem like he's been attacking you, but Dean's had the short end of the stick, too. You're not alone in facing his wrath.â€Â

Mac: “Really? Every time I try to talk to him to explain my position, he shuns me.â€Â

Lengas: “He's stressed, too. He thinks you were constantly pestering him, so it probably didn't help that you went to see him so often.â€Â

Mac: “Maybe, but you don't shun your chief medical officer like this.â€Â

Lengas: “Perhaps not, but he does need his space, and the fight you and Dean are, or were having, is something that affects the entire ship in some way or another. No-one is comfortable around people who fight, especially not a ship that still has years left of its mission. We're all feeling the heat. Maybe you need to take a step back a just evaluate your position.â€Â

Mac: “...â€Â

Lengas: “Oh, for the record, I don't think I need the anti-depressants any more.â€Â

Mac: “Right.â€Â

Lengas: “...I'm getting the feeing that you aren't quite agreeing with me.â€Â

Ma: “Lengas, I appreciate that Jeb's your friend, but... I don't know. I'll think about what's been said.â€Â

Lengas: “Good. Use one of the greenhouses to just collect your thoughts, they're very peaceful.â€Â

Mac: “I will. Thanks for the chat.â€Â

Lengas: “No problem. Of course, I won't accept it if you drag me into this feud.â€Â

Mac: “I don't plan to.â€Â

One orbit later...



Jeb: “And that's that. We're on the way to Jool, folks.â€Â

Bob: “Woo!â€Â

Buzz: “Brilliant. How long?â€Â

Bill: “About 5 of these new years.â€Â

Buzz: “Lovely...â€Â

Jeb: “Seems like quite a while, but at least we're heading there now.â€Â

Bill: “Indeed we are.â€Â

Lengas: “The ship is still holding up pretty well, too. Fuel supplies are nominal and we should be able to pull off a few manoeuvres once we're there.â€Â

Jeb: “Excellent. Now, Lengas, I think we should resume our Skrabble championship.â€Â

Bill: “Uh-oh.â€Â

Lengas: “You know what? I agree. Let me disgrace you in front of the rest of the ship again.â€Â

Jeb: “Ooh, fighting talk, huh? Bring it on, tough guy!â€Â


A few months later...




Even more time later...

Captain's log, entry 21: My Kod, we're nearly there, now. All these months, all these years and we're about to enter the SOI of Jool and its swirling green beauty. The planet has had some recent activity on a vast scale, so it's looking rather different to the last time anybody was here. More belts, more bands, even a storm cell, all according to our resident astrophycist, Cal. This should make for some very interesting scenery.





Bill: “There, we're heading into an aerobrake.â€Â

Jeb: “At last! Time to get the cameras back out, eh?â€Â

Bob: “I'm already on it.â€Â

Lengas: “It's even more stunning than last time we flew here.â€Â

Buzz: “I guess we're in for an even better time than we expected.â€Â

Jeb: “I believe so, Buzz. I believe so.â€Â


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