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Back In Black...

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This may look a lot like the MK3 version but don't be fooled this new Scythe has had a complete re-build.


While the MK3 was capable of Minmus missions the MK4 can comfortably handle return trips to the Mun. Yay!


Losing the reaction wheel, swapping the landing legs for landing gear, and ditching two of the rocket engines has resulted in a sizable weight saving, which in turn has led to a big performance boost.


The Scythe MK3 was an excellent general purpose craft, easy to fly, extremely agile and thanks to its four rocket engines not lacking in grunt. While high manoeuvrability is great for hooning around in canyons, or er.. Other places.

It's not really something you need in an SSTO, so the reaction wheel was the first thing to go. Likewise having four rocket engines was excessive, cutting them back to 2 has saved a fair bit of weight. In short the Mk4 version has been tuned and refined to better perform it's primary role as a single engine, light weight SSTO dropship. Like the Mk2 and Mk3 model this version is 100% Sub-assembly compatible, just grab the top docking port and go!

Like all my craft the Scythe Mk4 features a horizontal axis cockpit for suborbital flying and a vertical axis docking port for orbital piloting and navigation. The top docking port operates in line with the engines and must be used when performing burns with the navbal. You can also use the top docking port if you'd rather fly the Scythe like a regular rocket.

The easiest way to dock and re-fuel the Scythe is by using the front docking port, however if you need to preserve the balance of your target vessel the top docking port should be used as this runs along the COM.


0 - Toggle Air Sync (Important - Activate On Start-up!)
1 - Toggle Turbo Jet
2 - Toggle Rockets
9 - Toggle Ladder
SPACE - Detach Drop Tanks
Abort - Undock/De-Couple All Ports

Air What?
Air Sync works by closing all the intakes before takeoff, the same intakes are also set to toggle along with the jet engine. In short this means jet engine on - intakes open, jet engine off - intakes closed, all without having to lift a finger.

The Scythe comes with 160 units of jet fuel so if your liquid fuel gauge drops below 536 you've started eating into your rocket fuel supply, the name of the game is to get into orbit before this happens.

Turn on the ASAS, press 0 to activate Air Sync, set full throttle and hit 1 to light the jet. Switch control over to the top docking port and head straight up to 15,000m. Pitch over to 45` on a 90` heading and start building up speed. Once you hit 25,000m start pitching over towards the horizon and slow your rate of ascent. From 30,000 you want to build up your speed so that by the time you hit 35,000m you're pushing past orbital velocity. Once you get there pitch back up to 45` and keep an eye on your Apoapsis. Once it reaches around 50,000m pitch flat to the horizon and keep the jet going as long as you can by reducing throttle. Once the jet runs out of puff completely press 1 to shut it off. You can now coast to your Apoapsis and press 2 to fire up the rocket engines to circularise.

As long as you use the top docking port the Scythe will behave like a regular rocket, pressing C twice will quickly switch you over to the cockpit orientation which should be used for landings. The drop tanks will have enough fuel to get you roughly half-way to the Mun. While you probably could complete a Munar mission without ditching the tanks the fuel margins would be pretty tight, however running a pure SSTO mission to Minmus is more then do-able.

Arriving back on Kerbin you should aim to have around 50 units of fuel left for landing. Use the jet as much as you can (it will only need a tiny bit of gas) and press 2 to activate the rocket engines when you're close to touchdown, this will help get rid of the throttle lag from the jet.

Well, right now I'm still pretty flat out with University work, as are the rest of the team that are working on the cinematics with me. I'm hopeful we'll be able to find time to finish the movies next break we get, but I can't offer any firm deadlines at this stage. Sorry. :(

BANSHEE MK 2 - This puppy was pretty much ready to go but then 23.5 came out and the balance got shot to hell. The reason is that the small batteries and solar panels are now mass-less which is a problem as I used to use them to balance my Dropships. I'm going to wait for .24 to come around before I re-balance the craft, just in case there are any more surprises!

So yes, I do apologise for the lack of videos and Dropships, but don't worry this is only a temporary situation. :wink:

Cupcake... Edited by Cupcake...
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Wings unnecessary? Yes, wings useless? nope

Let me prove you wrong: Realistic VTOL

It's a sandbox game after all, based on physic. Wings are just the best tools to add a personality to your craft's behavior.

But you know I'm weird i prefer making hardcore looping under bridges than going on the moon......

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:cool: the bodywork is the same but under the hood... thanks for the update, sure the mk3 is a bit "fat" for its single turbojet engine!

(imagine what you can do with just a few mods like DoPToOT aerospace :confused:)

Nah, I think I'll stick to Stock, it's actually kind of nice to work around the limitations of the stock parts. :)

Well balanced craft, but need some wings on :)

Btw would you like to participate to this challenge?

Wings eh? Well I guess they would help it glide a bit better! I'm afraid I can't commit to doing the challenge (though it does look cool). Trouble is I've got a big backlog of KSP stuff to do at the moment and not enough time to do it. :(

Way to go Cupcake!! I'll have to take this one for a spin sometime!! My favourite though is still your Stratos!!

I've got a feeling you'll like this new model it's not quite as wild as the previous versions. :wink:


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Heh all,

I've added a new RCS Edition Scythe to the archive, for docking and such like...



Also the standard model is now pointing down the runway. Enjoy! :wink:


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