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[0.23.5] Planitron Reloaded - Update - (25th may '14 v0.3.7)


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A while back there was a MechJeb Addon called Planitron by lukedupin

It - like most things in KSP - stopped working a while back..

I've used his idea and created a standalone version of this verry usefull plugin.

(Well - that sounds as if I knew what I am doing - but I've started C# for this project and it seems to work - no warrenty what so ever lol)

What it does:

It lists all available Celestial Bodies and allows you to change Kerbins Environment (Gee/Atmo).

to the values of the selected body.

So right on the launchpad, you can make your vehicle behave as if it would be on an atmosphere less Minmus or on Duna.

That way you can easely test your return vehicles.

How does it work:

- Click the Button to open the Panel

- Click the desired Planet/Moon

- Profit

(The values can be reset anytime and the changes made are not persistent.)


none besides KSP 0.23+

How does it look?:



Hey, I am famous now hihi..

Kottabos Space Program - Planitron Reloaded

Thank's to Kottabos for this much better clip than my own...

Does it work with (insert generic Plugin-/AddonName):

Most likely yes - I've tested it with 0.23, ARM, Real Solar System and Alternis Kerbol.

The Plugin does read out the Planetdefaults from the game and saves them in a config file for restore.

It will work with any Planet-Mod there is.

Even those who do not have a Planet Kerbin or more than one Sun.

Known issues:

- [Defaults get screwed up 12.05.2014] [Fixed in Version 0.3.7]

Situation: If you change planet settings with Planitron and save/reload the game (or change scenes) without resetting back to the default planet,

The dynamically saved defaults are sscrewed up in a way, that they will use the values of the previousely selected Planet.

In effect, if you had Eve selected, Kerbin will stay Eve!

WORKARAUND: Do not save/load aka leave scene while an other Planet is selected!

If it happens anyway, to restart KSP will reset all.

Status: Cause and solution are determined and it will be fixed in next update

- Button not visible for all [not fixed but workaround known - see below]

Situation: the plugin works as there are no error messages, but no button visible!

It seems i harcoded a button position in the config file that does not work for all screen size settings..

My bad - sorry..

Additionally the plugin does not save any other positions, set by the user.. - both is not intended that way.

Status: will be fixed in the next update..

until than, you can use the fix described here:


Many thank's to ObsessedWithKSP for reporting the issue and helping by identifying the cause..

(if you find any, report in the thread below)

Where to download?:

Here: http://kerbal.curseforge.com/plugins/220286-planitron-reloaded

Source: https://github.com/philotical/PlanitronReloaded

License: GNU GPL

Have Fun..

Release Notes:
May 25th 2014 Version 0.3.7
- Fixed the bug where the planet does not reset after you've changed scenes
- Added the ability to create a restore point in case you lose some planet data
- Removed unneeded log spam

May 6th 2014 Version 0.3.6
- removed toolbar alltogether
- added config file
- button/window positions are saved
- no more hardcoded values - everything is retrieved from the game at runtime - garantees compatibility with all planet mods
- added some style stuff

May 4th 2014 Version 0.3.2 Initial Release

Edited by philotical
added bug report and solution link
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Good question - I would say no, unless you try to dock to them..

Are those vessels affected if you use "Hack Gravity" feature in debug menu?

What ever happens - they wont fall of the sky.. - that is for sure..

KSP can handle these changes obviousely.

Edited by philotical
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Never tried the hack gravity option on something in orbit, so I don't know what it would do. :confused:

This looks like it could be a fantastic tool to test fly planes for Duna, Eve, Laythe, and Jool before actually making the trip, or cheating with Hyperedit. Just say it's windtunnel testing, and modeling in dynamic atmo simulators.

Have you tried it with FAR? Do the different atmospheres work correctly?

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nope - didn't test FAR specifically..

Some details..

It merly changes the default values of kerbin to default values of an other planet and back..

That is basically all..

That means, all plugins/code that pulls the default values to work with will temporarly get different values..

So if FAR works on Duna (I guess it does) that it will have no issues with those changed values..

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  White Owl said:
Never tried the hack gravity option on something in orbit, so I don't know what it would do. :confused:

hmm just so you know, it can do one of two things; Nothing or literally remove all dv from your craft and cause it to deorbit and crash (i tried it once)

also been wanting something like this for a while, great work :cool:

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I went to Dres with this mod installed and it gave the planet a 70km atmosphere and more importantly the same gravity as Kerbin, leaving my lander with a TWR of 0.88 :| I uninstalled the mod so I could leave. I should mention that I'm not asking for support, hence the lack of details. If anyone else is going to Dres with this mod installed you should bring parachutes just in case.

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  ShadyAct said:
I went to Dres with this mod installed and it gave the planet a 70km atmosphere and more importantly the same gravity as Kerbin, leaving my lander with a TWR of 0.88 :| I uninstalled the mod so I could leave. I should mention that I'm not asking for support, hence the lack of details. If anyone else is going to Dres with this mod installed you should bring parachutes just in case.

On the other hand: I should mention that I AM asking for details, hence the lack of sympathy - so far.

If anyone else is going to report a bug with this mod installed, you should bring Details just in case.

Edited by philotical
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New version is in progress..

It works now with RSS - the harcoded defaults are gone, and a dynamically created settingsfile does the job now..

It "should" even work if no planet Kerbin is around - but I have no such planet system to test with - if some one has one, I'd be happy to send a beta-test version

I will try to implement the toolbar wrapper once more - than there will be only one version that does both..

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Great mod! Playing it on a test install of mine that I like to pretend is for "mission simulations".

Been planning a Minmus base and I wanted to test a crane under the right gravity without actually sending it first. Keep tweaking and see if you can add Toolbar support for it!

Thanks for a super useful tool.

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  Torxhead said:
Great mod! Playing it on a test install of mine that I like to pretend is for "mission simulations".

Been planning a Minmus base and I wanted to test a crane under the right gravity without actually sending it first. Keep tweaking and see if you can add Toolbar support for it!

Thanks for a super useful tool.

Glad to hear you like it..

About toolbar..

I guess not - it is currently perfect as it is - the button saves it's position and will dissapear if you leave the default planet..

The toolbar works but the toolbar wrapper does not - or I'm inept..

This one will stay as it is!

My other plugin I'm working on, a ResourceRecovery System for KSPI will need the bar though..

So, the tweaking will happen there I'm afraid :-)

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Firstly, I'd like to say this is a very useful mod. Thanks for taking the time to make it.

But I have an issue with it: when I set the conditions for a celestial body to another one's (e.g. testing my Eve lander on Kerbin), if I save and load that save, the default values for the celestial body that I'm on have changed to be that of the other body. There doesn't seem to be anyway to revert back to default values unless I close the game.

Pics: reload game after altering to Eve conditions prior to save, change to Laythe conditions then saving and loading, note that Kerbin's values have changed each time.

Other mods I have installed: EVE + Astronomer's pack, MechJeb, Chatterer, TAC fuel balancer, HyperEdit, Mk2 cockpit IVA. Game version: (Steam install), OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64 + SP1, can provide hardware details if required.

It'd be good if you could implement something like a reset button.

Also, a couple of suggestions:

- "Oxygene" is misspelled

- is it possible to implement changing sidereal rotation speed and/or planet size as well? This would make it an even better simulator.

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  cremasterstroke said:
Firstly, I'd like to say this is a very useful mod. Thanks for taking the time to make it.

But I have an issue with it: when I set the conditions for a celestial body to another one's (e.g. testing my Eve lander on Kerbin), if I save and load that save, the default values for the celestial body that I'm on have changed to be that of the other body. There doesn't seem to be anyway to revert back to default values unless I close the game.

Pics: reload game after altering to Eve conditions prior to save, change to Laythe conditions then saving and loading, note that Kerbin's values have changed each time.

Other mods I have installed: EVE + Astronomer's pack, MechJeb, Chatterer, TAC fuel balancer, HyperEdit, Mk2 cockpit IVA. Game version: (Steam install), OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64 + SP1, can provide hardware details if required.

It'd be good if you could implement something like a reset button.

Also, a couple of suggestions:

- "Oxygene" is misspelled

- is it possible to implement changing sidereal rotation speed and/or planet size as well? This would make it an even better simulator.

Thank's for the thorrow report..

- Typo, will be fixed in next update, thanks..

- Rotation and PlanetSize: I have no clue how to do that - but if new features will be implemented, that could be a good choice..

So far, I merly tried to recreate to historic functionality and didn't look for new features..

I will have a look at how this is done - probbably PlanetFactory would be a good point to start..

- Bug: I can confirm this bug, I found it yesterday.

Cause and solution are also determined..

Cause: Last update, I implemented compatibility with Real Solar System on request - since then, there are no more hardcoded values - all is pulled generic

Solution: I may need to clean up the saved defaults back to the original MainBody when you leave scene.

Because it also happens if you set to any planet and leave to the SpaceCenter.

So far, closing and re-opening the game works - better is to manually reset to the default Body (usually Kerbin) before saving or changing scene..

But it will be fixed..

I will also update the Known issues section in the first Post to let others know..

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  philotical said:
On the other hand: I should mention that I AM asking for details, hence the lack of sympathy - so far.

If anyone else is going to report a bug with this mod installed, you should bring Details just in case.

I didn't ask for sympathy either. I actually didn't ask anything of you. And is there a proper noun called "Details" or is that someone's name? I don't know them so I can't bring them.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  sal_vager said:
ShadyAct, philotical, don't turn this into an argument thread please.

I don't seem to be able to understand the reasoning behind this comment..

However: You are a moderator and I will comply..

Guess it was a bad idea to tell that guy to stay on topic afterall..

Progress report:

I've tested cremasterstroke'ssuggestion with rotation and radius.

- Rotation has not much effect that you could mesure or see.. - I took it out again..

- Radius - I've got strange results that I can't explain..

Mostly, I've seen no change - but than sometimes..

For one - several times, the planet disapeared, sometimes I got the blue ball

Further - if you moved from a smaller to a larger Body, the ship got catapulted to escape velovity or just exploded..

If anyone reading this has an idea how to get around this, I will reconsider that suggestion..

Otherwise it's off the table for now..

I will release soon an update with following changes:

- you will be able to create a backup file to allways reliably reset to default planet

Those settings will be saved in an additional cfg file

- the still present log spam got removed for conveniance

That's all so far..

Not much but it's not much missing..

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hihi, so I downloaded this today but for some reason, the icon doesn't appear. I am using the very latest Toolbar if that's some help, but I read that you disabled Toolbar support entirely but still, the icon doesn't appear. I'd post pictures, but unless you want to see a launchpad with no Planitron icon, there's not much else to see.. Is there some specific way this should be installed? At the moment, it's under GameData\Philotical\Planitron.. help plz?

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I did the same right now - new download from curse - install - all was working..

can I ask some questions..

- is the KSC planet name still "Kerbin" in your install?

- did you install any universe changer or stuff like that?

- did the log file show any errors?

and finally..

- are you sure, you've installed it in:



thank's in advance for the answers..

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  philotical said:
I did the same right now - new download from curse - install - all was working..

can I ask some questions..

- is the KSC planet name still "Kerbin" in your install?

- did you install any universe changer or stuff like that?

- did the log file show any errors?

and finally..

- are you sure, you've installed it in:



thank's in advance for the answers..

1, Yes

2, No (just EVE, a different solar flare texture.. no RSS or similar though. I do have HyperEdit, but I don't change the planets properties)

3, Didn't check (will do this tonight)

4, 100% sure

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  ObsessedWithKSP said:
1, Yes

2, No (just EVE, a different solar flare texture.. no RSS or similar though. I do have HyperEdit, but I don't change the planets properties)

3, Didn't check (will do this tonight)

4, 100% sure


so far it's strange - let's hope the log will help a bit..

Otherwise, the "I can't replicate, so I can't fix"-constant (da one dat rulez da univerz, u no)

will most likely take effect against our will..

Edit: I did not test with EVE - although I can't see a relation - but who knows..

Would you be so kind to move the EVE folder temporarly out of gamedata to see if it's that?

If yes, I'll install EVE and make it work... - still I doubt it..

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