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FIX: Dock / Undocking Bug in 0.23.5

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Your file is a little backwards, but works the same.

Look for this section first:

name = dockingPort2
uid = [COLOR="#FF8C00"]2476039542[/COLOR]
mid = 3364854089
launchID = 13
parent = 15
position = 0,-4.43045043945313,0.912153959274292
rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,0.7071068
mirror = 1,1,1
istg = 0
dstg = 0
sqor = -1
sidx = -1
attm = 0
srfN = None, -1
[COLOR="#FF0000"]attN = top, 31[/COLOR]
attN = bottom, 15

Search for the UID and change the attN to mach the red part above. That'll fix the ship with the lander can.

To fix the one with the MK1-2 command pod, look for this section:

name = dockingPort2
uid = [COLOR="#FF8C00"]1048510628[/COLOR]
mid = 3364854089
launchID = 13
parent = 15
position = 0,-4.43045043945313,-0.912153601646423
rotation = 0.7071068,0,0,-0.7071068
mirror = 1,1,1
istg = 0
dstg = 0
sqor = -1
sidx = -1
attm = 0
srfN = None, -1
[COLOR="#FF0000"]attN = top, 106[/COLOR]

Again, search for the UID and change the attN line to mach the above. That'll fix the ship with the command pod.

Save the file (make sure it finishes saving), then F9 it into KSP.

When you separate the ships, you need to right click the regular docking ports (not the shielded ones) and select "Decouple."

Enjoy (here's the teaser).



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I suck with editing files and stuff like that... Can anyone help me with my quicksave? The stuck docking ports are named "Habitat 1" and "FuelTank1Front".


Edit - I'm using .24.2 by the way... Also, I stumbled through the instructions enough to get it undocked. But now the first node is stuck to the second one and the first one detatched from the space station instead of the fuel tank.

Edited by Mykill Metal
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  Mykill Metal said:
Can anyone help me with my quicksave?

Hey Mykill Metal,

Sorry for the delayed response. I tried digging through your save file but it's a bit more difficult because (as I discovered) you are using mods. Not that using them is a bad thing, but I don't know what mods you're using and don't have them installed myself. The names you list help out, but without pictures to envision what your ship looks like, it's hard for me to dig through the save file.

From what I see, it's unclear to me if the docking ports are supposed to be attached together, or to something else. They look like they are attached to a central node of docking ports. I'm not sure if you've edited this file already, but they also appear to be attached to the same parent docking port, so that's probably why your ports came undocked strangely. If you have an unedited copy of your save, I would need to see that. Also, because you have mods installed I need to at least see pictures since I can't look at your ship in-game (it makes it a LOT easier to dig through save files).



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Ran into the "won't undock" problem in 0.24.2. Tried you solution. No luck.

In the quicksave file I didn't have two "attN=" lines. I had...



name = dockingPort1

uid = 665474283

mid = 3763059155

launchID = 0

parent = 136

position = 0.177622318267822,12.1255493164063,13.3565616607666

rotation = -0.6179113,-0.3443054,0.344789,0.6170577

mirror = 1,1,1

istg = 0

dstg = 0

sqor = -1

sidx = -1

attm = 0

srfN = None, -1

attN = bottom, 183

mass = 0.1

temp = -201.9218

expt = 0.5

state = 0

connected = True

attached = True

flag = Squad/Flags/hexagonCircles

rTrf = dockingPort1

modCost = 0

I tried adding "attN = top, 136" above it. No luck. The would not respond to right-double click at all and the matching one would only say "status locked" with no bottons to hit at all.

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  davidpsummers said:
Ran into the "won't undock" problem in 0.24.2. Tried you solution. No luck.

...The would not respond to right-double click at all and the matching one would only say "status locked" with no bottons to hit at all.

Hmm. I have a feeling there's more going on in your save file. You may have to tinker more with the parent docking port too.

Are you able to upload it anywhere? If it's not all stock, I would appreciate a screen shot of the craft and some kind of annotation of which is the broken port (if it's not obvious). You can simply right-click on it or highlight it before taking the screenshot.


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Not sure how to send the save file. It is only a few kilobytes so maybe I could e-mail it? Or send it by pasting it into a message the website?

Well, here are the screen shots. Here is Brahe Station…


Zoom a bit...


See the port in question in the upper right (I've right-double clicked on the port attached to the big fuel tank).


After I click to undock.


The ports both give "control from Here", but they aren't separate ships. You can't switch between them and Gilry and Jeb/Bill are on opposite sides of the port.



After this, the whole station seems to have problems with attitude control centered around that ship. In this screen shot, you can see how it has bent out of alignment with the others.

The problem "resets" if I quit and restart the program.

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<Dropbox, Mediafire or File2web all work, but you certainly aren't limited to these. They should give you a link that you can post here in the forum.>

OK, here are the quicksaves from before I tried to decouple and afterwards (in case that helps).



<Looks like it's all stock?>

Except for Kerbal Engineer.

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Hey David,

I haven't abandoned you. I downloaded your save but I've also been busy (and getting distracted). 6MB isn't a few K, so it's taking a little bit to wade through your file. I might have to install KER or try another text editor to help out because Mediafire hashed up your save file. Plus I might delete some of your other ships to help me out.

I will try to look at it tomorrow. Hopefully this isn't causing you a complete stand still.



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@Claw: Sorry, not means to be hijacking, just share my part of the solution.

The are the same solution, just explain it differently. Here.

Did try download the above file and load it. But my notebook can't handle that much load, and crash twice. So, I give up.

Well, just browse the file with Excel, and found that station name was 'Galileo Station' if not mistaken.

Edited by Sirine
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  Claw said:
Hey David,

I haven't abandoned you. I downloaded your save but I've also been busy (and getting distracted). 6MB isn't a few K, so it's taking a little bit to wade through your file. I might have to install KER or try another text editor to help out because Mediafire hashed up your save file. Plus I might delete some of your other ships to help me out.

I will try to look at it tomorrow. Hopefully this isn't causing you a complete stand still.



Yeah, my subconscious conflated "K" and "M". (Both small compared to Gigabytes :-)

Would it help if I re-uploaded it?

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  davidpsummers said:
OK, I deleted everything but Brahe Station. Here are the resultant quicksaves (before and after attempting to undock).



Yes, that actually helped a whole lot.

The reason why the fix isn't working is because you're using the shielded docking port. The game is smart enough to know that you can't PreAttach that port.

Here's what you need to fix:

[COLOR="#FF0000"]name = dockingPort2[/COLOR]
uid = 665474283
mid = 3763059155
launchID = 0
parent = 136
position = 0.177622318267822,12.1255493164063,13.3565616607666
rotation = -0.6179113,-0.3443054,0.344789,0.6170577
mirror = 1,1,1
istg = 0
dstg = 0
sqor = -1
sidx = -1
attm = 0
srfN = None, -1
[COLOR="#FF0000"]attN = top, 136[/COLOR]
attN = bottom, 183

Right click on what used to be the shielded docking port to decouple them. After you've disconnected the ship and flown a safe distance away, you can change the "dockingPort2" back to "dockingPort1" if you wish.

Good luck,


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>Yes, that actually helped a whole lot.

Given what you were doing to help me, it seemed the least I could do...

[Detailed instruction deleted...]

Well, it worked!

<Right click on what used to be the shielded docking port to decouple them. After you've disconnected the ship and flown a safe distance away, you can change the "dockingPort2" back to "dockingPort1" if you wish.>

That ship is headed home. It won't exist in a hour of game time. But Bill is back on Earth and the port is now free!


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Hmm. I don't think there are pictures/description of them. But if you are curious, you can throw up a picture of which ones (or describe them) and I'm sure we can clear up what they are for. The best place for that is probably my 0.24 FAQ thread.


Glad your ship is free. :)



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Well, I had it again. (Didn't someone say it hadn't been reported with 0.24.2? If so, it has now). This time it wasn't a shield port and your directions worked great. (Though it helps if you make it "attN = top, [number of actual parent]" rather than unthinkingly copying and using "attN = top, 12" :-)

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  • 1 month later...
  Doc said:
Hey Claw, I haven't tried this fix yet, but it sounds like it's a bang up for what went wrong with my station. Thank you for all your hard work in trying to run this down.


Hi Doc,

You are welcome, and thank you. Hopefully it works for you. :) This is actually the first post I've seen about docking port problems in 0.25. So if you feel up to it, a picture or two would be nice. Also, are you using any mods (such as docking alignment)?

I may add this to my list of things to fix.



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