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regex's I'm not developing here anymore thread


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Yeah. You might even be able to get by without RSS-class heat shields, since DRE at stock settings is so weak on Kerbin. If not, slowly decrease the HeatMultiplier until shielded parts just barely survive reentry. (Probably best to test at interplanetary speed, since if you just survive reentry from LKO interplanetary or munar reentry will not work.)

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RSS class heat shields should probably be nerfed a bit with this config but they are needed. The heating is less severe, as NathanKell points out, but you're still looking at scrubbing some 5.6km/s from LKO for reentry.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm using just the 6.4x scaling v5 with RSS 6.2 and NEAR, to give 0.24 career mode suitable difficulty. However all the launch sites are at the wrong altitudes, either hovering in the air or underground. Did 0.24 break this somehow?

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It seems the 6.4x v5 config breaks when used with RSS v7. Can't tell from my initial scans through the configs if there's anything simple that would fix it. Logs are here, but I'm betting there's something off with the AtmosphereFromGround (NRE on that node for Eve) and/or the LaunchSites.cfg (said it loaded 0 sites, though the config is populated).

Is there an easy fix for this?

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Will the campaign system have different Science, Funds, and Reputation for each launch site?

No. The campaign system will not concern itself with Science, Funds, or Reputation. It will be built with sandbox play in mind because balancing costs against multiple sizes of parts/solar systems doesn't really sound like fun. That being said, it should hopefully add an additonal element of planning to your game and hopefully someone will make additional contracts that require differing orbital inclinations.

Is there an easy fix for this?

Generally when LaunchSites.cfg doesn't fully load I suspect ModuleManager, probably the version. I'll get back on this tomorrow/next week, get it all fixed up for 7.0 but I'm going to be out tonight.

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Generally when LaunchSites.cfg doesn't fully load I suspect ModuleManager, probably the version. I'll get back on this tomorrow/next week, get it all fixed up for 7.0 but I'm going to be out tonight.

No worries about the time. I'm using RSS v6.x with this config and it seems to work ok for now.

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I've been putting this post off for a bit, probably out of trepidation, but I'm ditching this thread and the mods therein.

  • KSC Switcher is in RSS already.
  • I've lost interest in the Campaign System (might revisit it later, but probably not).
  • 6.4:1 Kerbin should be public domain, take it and do whatever you want. It's a toy that I've outgrown, I want better.
  • RandomCrew is, well, it could be better, but I don't care about it anymore.
  • All the options in HardMode are now stock settable outside of config files.

I've decided my limited time is better spent playing KSP, helping other modders, and writing small utility plugins that can easily be integrated into other mods. I keep thinking I want to do a release thread and stuff like this but at the end of the day my interests and free time are so erratic these days that it really doesn't make sense. Thanks for your time, sorry for any inconvenience.

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