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[WIP] [Dev thread] Dang it! A random failures mod


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I have a bug to report(like in the good old days :P).

Basically, the mod cause a failure... that isn't a failure.(sound weird right?)

The mod notify "a tank of is leaking" and show it in the flight log.

Here the screenshot of the notification and the fligh log(the ligh log is nearly empty because I had to reload quicksave after missing the maneuver node by severals days(I used to use mechjeb for that but mechjeb doesn't want to stop time warping when a failure occur))



Also, I have a suggestion for the mod: incremental failure.

Basically, the more you wait for fixing a failure, the more spareparts you will need to fix it(because of the degradation the failure cause). Eventually, the failure could be unfixable, no matter how many spacepart you have, after all, sometime, things can't be fixed(especially if you wait too much before fixing it in the first place :wink:)

Edited by goldenpeach
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Yes, I'll do that too one day. I want to cover ideally all the stock modules, I am just not working on it right now because it would be a lot more code to edit every time I change the API (and I am doing that a lot).

Brakes are one failure that will be kinda mean :)

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Quick dev update (it's been a while since the last one). I'm working on some more polish, especially code-wise. In all honesty, it's a much more difficult plugin that I thought, and it's starting to show. I'll have to do some serious work on it to make it reasonable when I'm sure it doesn't need any new addition.

Anyway, the big difference you are going to see in the next update is a GUI :)

Messages will be reported using the new messaging app (both failures and inspections), and in the space centre there will be a window to edit the settings. I just finished testing this new settings window and I was able to toggle the manual failures option successfully :D

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Alpha 3.2 is out!

This is pretty much just a polish update. There are no new features in it, but now I integrated my messages in the stock messaging app.

Also, you can now edit the settings using a window that can be brought up in the KSC with a button in the stock toolbar (thank ferram4 for this).


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I have yet anther bug to report(like in the old days :P)

It's simple to describe but yet, too simple(as in: you won't get a lot of information)

I had a leaking fuel during a manned Duna mission, but I couldn't open the GUI of the tank no matter how hard I tried.

Here's a picture of the tank and of the verbal kerbal* in EVA.


thank you auto corrector!

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Uh, are you using the 64 bit version? Because that's a known issue with the 64 bit build.

I really hope you are using that one because otherwise I really have no idea :/

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ok, I have a good news and a bad news.

Which one do you want to know the first?

I am using the mac version

I tried to boost the minimum maximum distance (by using the menu in the space centre): I passed from 1 to 10 and it worked!

Edited by goldenpeach
fixed a dumb mistake
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  goldenpeach said:
ok, I have a good news and a bad news.

Which one do you want to know the first?

I am using the mac version

I tried to boost the minimum distance (by using the menu in the space centre): I passed from 1 to 10 and it worked!

Oh, good ^^

For the distance, well, I'm afraid that that's something I can't change. I think that KSP computes the distance from the centre of the part instead of the distance from its surface, and it shows when you have big parts like an orange tank.

Thank you for pointing that out to me, it's good to know this happens! :)

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By the way, as far as I see it I am nearing scope completion, to use a familiar term about this game.

With this, just as SQUAD, I mean that basically all the gameplay elements I want to add are almost there.

Basically, the only part that is absolutely lacking is kerbal management (perks and training*), unless something new comes to mind. I am not a fan of the "quality" system many have talked about (i.e, spending more to have more reliable parts), and basically with perks the basic system will be there, and after that I will work on adding more and more failures and supporting more parts / mods.

Unless someone has a particularly good idea, that is :)

* By the way, one day I'm going to talk with the author of Kerbal Economy Enhancements to make sure that trained kerbals will be more expensive to maintain.

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I think, I've encountered a bug, or rather an incompatibility.

When trying to recover my spaceplane in career mode I get "NaN" values as a cost of all parts, which are equipped with DangIt modules (like pod, tanks, engines etc.) This, of course, breakes the game and after that save needs editing in order to be used again.

I've tried several times with and without the mod installed and may say for sure that DangIt is the reason.

I have quite many other mods. So I've tried to uninstall them one by one, but for now I still have not succeded in determining which one of them has conflict with DangIt.

I've still got logs, if that may be of any help.

Edited by Shnyrik
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Yes please, I am going to need to see the log. The absolute best would be opening an issue on github, if you don't mind.

Can you please try to replicate this in a clean install with just my mod installed? I've never seen this happen (but I don't play career except for testing).

Thank you!

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Well, what can I say. I was wrong to blame SmartParts :) After tests on a clean install I can say for sure that conflict is between DangIt and Bahamuto Dynamics. Reported to github.

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I just uploaded a new update. Changelog for Alpha 3.3:



* the spares container now responds correctly to the distance settings;

* changed the default max distance to 2m to allow interaction with parts up to 3.75m;

* tank leaks now ignore empty resources.


* the temperature now makes parts age even when they are not in use;

* the TemperatureMultiplier is now included in the computation of Lambda for all parts;

* unmanned command pods don't get spare parts. Supports up to 7 crew members.

* the atmospheric density is now used as LambdaMultiplier for control surfaces: this means they are less likely to fail at high altitudes.

Also, testing that thing about the temperature was FUN:


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  Ippo said:
I just uploaded a new update. Changelog for Alpha 3.3:

Also, testing that thing about the temperature was FUN:

holy poop for some reason I just imagined the whole thing wobbling like some warner bros. cartoon rube goldburg machine, with whistles and steam blasts as you spew radiation all over the place. poor kerbal.. i will send his family a gift basket.

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  autumnalequinox said:
holy poop for some reason I just imagined the whole thing wobbling like some warner bros. cartoon rube goldburg machine, with whistles and steam blasts as you spew radiation all over the place. poor kerbal.. i will send his family a gift basket.

...Huh. Now I want a steampunk mod for KSP.

I've already been weirding out my family by saying that things of particularly modular, internally incongruous, and/or hacked-together construction have a 'kerbalpunk' aesthetic.

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Starting with the next update, you won't be able to repair a part unless its temperature is lower than 100°C (212°F).

This comes from a very reliable source that sets the maximum operating temperature for a space suit to about 150°C, so I imagine that you could still operate somewhat safely up to 100°C. Maybe our Scientific Advisor would like to pitch in on this?

Honestly I don't really think this case is going to come up very often, but you know, added realism* :)

* over time I want to balance it more towards RSS rather than stock. Sorry folks, but that's the way I'm playing it now

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