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[1.1] SXT - Lack's Stock Extension [SXT-25-10APR16] - Basic 1.1 compatibilty


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  billbobjebkirk said:
The KSC buildings have had lights since .21; I'm pretty sure Kerbal Konstructs can't do them yet

Right then, guess I should pay more attention... coulda sworn I never saw lights in .25, but maybe just the remodeled KSC made me pay attention to things I never noticed before, aha. Before that, I hadn't played since 0.18 so it's all a blur to me...

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Thanks! Took a while to set up, the blender setup also looks like a mess from all the axis for the CONSTRAINLOOKFX's.

  Kerbas_ad_astra said:
That looks really slick! Is there a way to get thrust effects from the little "nozzlies" as well?

Thanks. Yes, but I'd need to find an FX that's small enough though (not super keen on the tiniest ones from the LV-1s), or could try messing around with the emission curves. Currently they're set up as RCS nozzles, since then they can actually do their job of providing direction control after the main engine cuts out.

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  Lack said:
New 0.625m engine:


It... it's a little floppy xD Could be good though; what's the efficiency like? So far none of the little engines I have are actually efficient, just lightweight...

Also, your cargo bay and flat little engine were crucial to the aesthetics of my recent Duna mission, so thanks again for this parts pack ^^ Given how useful they are, is there any chance of some various sizes of cargo bay? Even 0.625-1.25m might be useful to a tiny probe or drone, just somewhere to stash its science instruments when passing through the atmosphere, and a 3.75-5m would be awesome for holding rovers :)

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  eddiew said:
It... it's a little floppy xD Could be good though; what's the efficiency like? So far none of the little engines I have are actually efficient, just lightweight...

Also, your cargo bay and flat little engine were crucial to the aesthetics of my recent Duna mission, so thanks again for this parts pack ^^ Given how useful they are, is there any chance of some various sizes of cargo bay? Even 0.625-1.25m might be useful to a tiny probe or drone, just somewhere to stash its science instruments when passing through the atmosphere, and a 3.75-5m would be awesome for holding rovers :)

Their not terribly efficient from compared to the larger engines, but they don't particularly need to be. I've put these at the very start of the tech-tree, and I've currently got the 0.625m decoupler moved to the start (or possibly basic rocketry with the 1.25m) as well. Essentially to try and encourage the idea that less is often more.


Also, new 0.625m tank. Quite pleased with how that's looking (weird mix of Sputnik and Flopnik there, but hey ho). I'd like to make a copy of the Vanguard launch-tower thingy as well as an early game launch-stabaliser. And maybe a retro fin (V2-like?).

Oh, nice. Yeah, I can certainly have a look at that. I was thinking about the 5m recently, I've already got a 5m hab (not sure if anyone else has ever used it, but I'm fond of it), that could do with a garage/fairly slim cargo-bay.

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SO CUTE <3 :)

Ah, a question: I notice you modeled the two exhausts. Are they animated too? Can you put, say, transformExhaust on each? I would like to add a second ModuleEnginesFX and second ModuleGimbal such that you can use them as verniers.

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  NathanKell said:
SO CUTE <3 :)

Ah, a question: I notice you modeled the two exhausts. Are they animated too? Can you put, say, transformExhaust on each? I would like to add a second ModuleEnginesFX and second ModuleGimbal such that you can use them as verniers.

Yes, I set up some additional transforms for that.

'Jet1' and 'Jet2' are the names for each steering jet (z-axis down), so can be used to gimbal. Each of these has 'RCSthruster' (y-axis down) and 'fxPointA' (z-axis down). You'll also need to remove

targetName = jetmark1
rotatorsName = jet1

targetName = jetmark2
rotatorsName = jet2

from the config.

I've PM'd you a copy if you fancy playing with it. Let me know if you need anything else added as well.

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  Lack said:
...Essentially to try and encourage the idea that less is often more.


Oh, nice. Yeah, I can certainly have a look at that. I was thinking about the 5m recently, I've already got a 5m hab (not sure if anyone else has ever used it, but I'm fond of it), that could do with a garage/fairly slim cargo-bay.

Excellent - I've been using tweakscale to give me a better range of small probe parts, but somehow I always feel a bit guilty. Be nice to have some 'legit' little ones :)

I'm aware of SXT's larger modules, but I've only got as far as 3.75m rockets - and sent kerbals to Duna with just 2.5m - so I've not really had much opportunity to use them. A wider, shorter garage bay would be good though; the potential to use it as a rover drop bay would really give a reason to scale right up to big rocketry as soon as possible :)

Here's a random thought, since you've modelled a few cockpits for SXT already; ever thought about an aerodynamic drone core? Something streamlined for FAR, with a decent bit of torque (since it'll be bigger than a flat core), that would fit nicely on the front of 0.625 or 1.25m drones, and maybe include some air intake capacity? Lol, bit specific I know, but I've been messing with SSTO drones the last few days and I'm amazed by how much you can get out of them - but they end up so ugly due to lack of a good looking front-end :/ As another concept, something with a decent bit of battery, or even an inbuilt RTG, to favour ultra-light ion gliders? Ooo, ooo, solar-panel-wings, generate power without adding drag!

...I'm rambling, sorry xD You just seem like the kind of modder who might go for unusual aircraft concepts. Feel free to ignore :)

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Good day.

Download and install the mod "SXT - 19 Downloads"

Staged events to the specified folder "KSP_win\GameData\SXT\" but I do not have descriptions of some parts. When you hover over the item in the description chtoit link to the file, I go to open a file editor (Notepad++) and it is in the following description - description = [sXT/Parts/Hull/ServiceMod1/SSP-20CrewCabin.cfg]


Tell me how to fix it.

Thanks in advance.

Please forgive me for such English, I use online translator

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Some nice ideas there (solar wings esp, only problem is that 'symmetry' isn't really symmetry, but rather flipping it upside down on the other side, so you end up with one side solar up, t'other down), only thought what can be done with combining existing parts, as I try to favour the modular approach. I had been thinking of a nose-cone with internal space for science experiments, but a .625 + 1.25m cargo bays could serve the same purpose.


I was playing around with having each steering jet gimbal separately and the vernier code (works nicely, now has roll control) as well. Yeah, I've quickly realised how useful having x,y gimbal range control would be.

@Arron Rift,

Not currently, but I can set some up.


Have you read through the 'Please note:' section in the first post? I've addressed most of the causes of that (at least those that I've been able to replicate) there.


You can fix it by writing a description for the part :sticktongue:

Those are just parts that I haven't written a description for yet, writing the file location seemed more useful that having nothing.

More info here, here and here.

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For solar wings, you could do something like this. Pretty please? [iNSERT BAMBI EYES HERE]

EDIT: Of course, that would be quite hard to pull off using only stock textures. It would probably fit better in a different addon, for example triple-L.

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More N-1 revamp stuff


For that, I'd copy the textures across (see below) from a stock install into the 'RotatingMk2' folder and remove the 'texture = ...' lines from the config.

texture = fueltTanks_cm , NASAmission/Parts/Size3MediumTank/fueltTanks_cm
texture = mk2CrewCabin , Squad/SPP/Mk2CrewCabin/mk2CrewCabin
texture = mk2CrewCabin_LUM , Squad/SPP/Mk2CrewCabin/mk2CrewCabin_LUM


I was actually thinking more along the lines of things like Helios, but some sort of large array like that is tempting.


There is one in the main-pack, you'll need an up to date Firespitter.dll else it won't load (since it wouldn't work). I thought there was one in the main DL, but apparently not. You can grab a copy of the Firespitter folder out of the 'Airbrakes' mini-pack.

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Hello, can somebody please help me? I'm getting some sort of bug with SXT, here are the steps that led to it:

(each step was done with CKAN)

1 - Completely fresh installation of KSP - Works fine

2 - Installed mods: Realism overhaul and all dependencies (but no extra/recommended mods) - Works fine

3 - Install SXT - Contracts disappear, NullReferenceException pops up in player.log(see below), game ui completely nonfunctional after i enter the contract building.

4 - Removed SXT - works fine again

5 - Installed SXT + Firespitter + RP-0 - Broken again

Here's the NullReferenceException:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at Contracts.Contract.Save (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Contracts.ContractSystem.OnSave (.ConfigNode gameNode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ScenarioModule.Save (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ProtoScenarioModule..ctor (.ScenarioModule module) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ScenarioRunner.GetUpdatedProtoModules () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Game.Updated () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at GamePersistence.SaveGame (System.String saveFileName, System.String saveFolder, SaveMode saveMode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MCSceneSpawner.onMCDespawn () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at EventVoid.Fire () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MCDespawner.BtnExit (.POINTER_INFO& ptr) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at (wrapper delegate-invoke) EZInputDelegate:invoke_void__this___POINTER_INFO& (POINTER_INFO&)

at UIButton.OnInput (.POINTER_INFO& ptr) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AutoSpriteControlBase.OnInput (POINTER_INFO ptr) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UIManager.DispatchHelper (.POINTER_INFO& curPtr, Int32 camIndex) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UIManager.DispatchInput () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UIManager.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UIManager.DidAnyPointerHitUI () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at SpaceCenterCamera2.InputCamera () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at SpaceCenterCamera2.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

The player.log looks fine until that point, no errors, no exceptions, no warnings.

Am I missing some required file?

Thanks in advance!!

Edit: Oh, I forgot to mention I'm playing KSP in 64bits under Linux.

EDIT 2: Now the game doesn't even load anymore, crashes while loading SXT parts

According to system monitor KSP uses less than 50% of my memory at the moment of the crash.

[ModuleManager] Applying node SXT/SXT_TweakScale/@PART[sXTNERVASATC5N]:FINAL to SXT/Parts/SaturnV/Stage3NEng/SXTNERVASATC5N

(Filename: /BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/LinuxStandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

[ModuleManager] Applying node SXT/SXT_TweakScale/@PART[sXTSaturnV3Upper]:FINAL to SXT/Parts/SaturnV/Stage3Upper/SXTSaturnV3Upper

(Filename: /BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/LinuxStandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

OutOfMemoryException: Out of memory

at (wrapper managed-to-native) string:InternalAllocateStr (int)

at System.String.Concat (System.String str0, System.String str1, System.String str2, System.String str3) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ConfigNode.WriteNodeString (System.IO.StreamWriter sw, System.String indent) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ConfigNode.WriteNodeString (System.IO.StreamWriter sw, System.String indent) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ConfigNode.WriteNodeString (System.IO.StreamWriter sw, System.String indent) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ConfigNode.WriteRootNode (System.IO.StreamWriter sw) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ConfigNode.WriteNode (System.IO.StreamWriter sw) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ConfigNode.Save (System.String fileFullName, System.String header) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ConfigNode.Save (System.String fileFullName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ModuleManager.MMPatchLoader.CreateCache () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ModuleManager.MMPatchLoader+<ProcessPatch>c__Iterator0.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: 4294967295)

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  Spid said:
Hello, can somebody please help me? I'm getting some sort of bug with SXT, here are the steps that led to it:

(each step was done with CKAN

Hmm, I really haven't the foggiest, I'm afraid. SXT really shouldn't be having much effect on RAM, it's footprint is really pretty minimal, especially on a linux 64 build. Have you tried doing it without CKAN? Also, did you run the 'pruner' in Ven's stock overhaul (that breaks SXT, there's a patch to correct that in OP of this thread).


Thanks. There's been a few plans, some even made it into being modelled. They all unfortunately fell down since I find setting up landing legs in Unity pretty difficult; having suspension is nice and all, but I really did like how simple to set up the old landing legs module was.


More N-1 revamp.

Testing version here for people: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39086055/subpacks/N1.zip


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