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[dead] CELSS Greenhouse (TAC Life Support Add-On, Version 0.1, beta)


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Yeah, I was just about to come on to this thread to say, "if you're using the TAC-LS prerelease, don't try to install the liter patch!"

But it looks like there is some other incompatibility (which is possible, 'cause it has a dependency on the TAC-LS plugin, but shouldn't happen even so). Working on it now; in the meantime, best not run 'em together.


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im having issues with the prereealse not working the plugin isnt starting and mm files not applying so im working that out before i can even reinstall this and change its values.

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First, as a note, I have not installed your mod yet and have been trying to read through the thread. But time and kids get in the way. I think when .24 comes out I will give this a shot.

That said I was wondering if a couple paths have been considered. In a post Algae growth was talked about, if this is in this mod, have you thought about a solar collector like solar cells or the radiators from Interstellar. The collectors would be a set of clear tubes the algae can be pumped through. This would increase the surface area for light collection by the algae solution. This would increase the amount of potencial energy the Algae would have access to, especially at distances farther than Kerbin. As for space, the tubes could be insulated from freezing or even heated to maintain optimal thermal conditions.

I also kind of hope that the algae will allow me to produce fuels...but heck that is later.

The other key thought I had was akin to the last, but instead using a different technology:

. You were wondering about ways to reduce the energy requirements to light the interior of the bay. This could be an option as the system would condense solar light when available and then could use high intensity LEDs of the proper wavelengths for times when the solar collectors are not working.

Well that is all...Good luck with your work and I look forward to seeing it come to full fruition. I hope the thoughts help.

Edited by SyberSmoke
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When I tried the new TACLS with this the log said it was looking for TACLS version 0.8.0 when it froze. My guess would be that there's a hard dependency on that version and not 0.8.0+. Dunno if that helps, but thought I'd mention it.

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If you're having trouble running this with the TAC-LS 0.9 prerelease, go here:


and grab 0.5, which fixes the too-hard dependency problem. If you're running on 0.8 - well, go grab the update from here, too, so that you don't have to remember to do it when you _do_ update your TAC-LS.

(If you mentioned the problem here, I'd appreciate a quick message if the fix worked, just so I know I can stop considering other possibilities. Thanks!)


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I am currently reading a tutorial on how to make plants in Sketchup, i could try to make some low poly plants to be put into the greenhouses so they don't look so flat anymore. Just let me know if you are interested.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So glad someone finally made a simple greenhouse addition, biomass and the like are way too complex. I am a little confused about the contents of my .zip though. What's the LacunaConverter folder and where does it go? I assume it doesn't just get merged into game data like the rest?

For now I'm running it entirely without. I am having an issue where mousing over the greenhouses in the VAB causes the thumbnail to grow rapidly until it takes up the whole screen and disappears, I assume this is unrelated?

I'm also excited to be able to attach parts like solar panels radially to the greenhouses

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To make stuff surface attachable, do I just have to edit the config file like this http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/71841-Make-shielded-docking-port-surface-attachable thread suggests? Would I just change a 0 to a 1?

Edit: Also, what would I change to get true 100% efficiency out of the 2 man greenhouse? (I need it for traveling between stars in the StarSystems mod)

Edited by kklusmeier
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My interpretation of that link is that they are explaining how to make a part attach radially, not make the part allow others to attack radially to it. (So it makes things attach to the craft the way solar panels do, rather than letting solar panels attach to it.

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Edit: Also, what would I change to get true 100% efficiency out of the 2 man greenhouse? (I need it for traveling between stars in the StarSystems mod)

Search for TacGenericConverter, and then change OutputResources to match InputResources.

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I changed the numbers on the greenhouse to the following:

CelssInputResources = CarbonDioxide, 261.78, WasteWater, 1.98, Waste, 0.56, ElectricCharge, 1900800

CelssOutputResources = Oxygen, 261.78, true, Water, 1.98, true, Food, 0.56, true

But despite this, when I run the CELSS mode I lose water and food, but the O2 gets filled up and the CO2 emptied, so the O2 > CO2 conversion must be more than 100% efficient.

I do not understand why my numbers do not provide exactly 100% efficiency.

Edited by kklusmeier
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I changed the numbers on the greenhouse to the following:

CelssInputResources = CarbonDioxide, 261.78, WasteWater, 1.98, Waste, 0.56, ElectricCharge, 1900800

CelssOutputResources = Oxygen, 261.78, true, Water, 1.98, true, Food, 0.56, true

But despite this, when I run the CELSS mode I lose water and food, but the O2 gets filled up and the CO2 emptied, so the O2 > CO2 conversion must be more than 100% efficient.

I do not understand why my numbers do not provide exactly 100% efficiency.

I had issues like that too.

I solved it by going back to the original measure system:

CelssInputResources = CarbonDioxide, 1, WasteWater, 1, Waste, 1, ElectricCharge, 1900800

CelssOutputResources = Oxygen, 1, true, Water, 1, true, Food, 1, true

I would suggest you to at least increase the Power consumption compared to the 90% efficiency greenhouses, that way it feels a little bit less like cheating :D

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I changed the numbers on the greenhouse to the following:

CelssInputResources = CarbonDioxide, 261.78, WasteWater, 1.98, Waste, 0.56, ElectricCharge, 1900800

CelssOutputResources = Oxygen, 261.78, true, Water, 1.98, true, Food, 0.56, true

I had the same issue, after manually recalculating the consumption / production in liter / day using the default TAC values I realized that the default values are wrong.

The correct numbers should be (90% efficiency):

CelssInputResources = CarbonDioxide, 261.779, WasteWater, 1.976, Waste, 0.674, ElectricCharge, 1296000

CelssOutputResources = Oxygen, 273.839, true, Water, 1.618, true, Food, 0.842, true

Or on the fully self sufficient super-duper advanced part (100% efficiency):

CelssInputResources = CarbonDioxide, 261.779, WasteWater, 1.976, Waste, 0.674, ElectricCharge, 1900800

CelssOutputResources = Oxygen, 304.266, true, Water, 1.798, true, Food, 0.935, true

This should work as intended, the basic parts granting effectively x10 of the life support amounts stored at start and the advanced part supporting life indefinitely.

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Why does changing the numbers to 1 solve the problem? Doesn't TAC LS use liters now? Wouldn't using liters mean that the standard '1 unit' would not support a kerbal?

I was still using the tacls that did not use liters and stuff... so instead of downloading the plugin to change tacls to liters I sticked with the 1 conventional unit.

I have been busy and I didn't play in a while, maybe now I'll look into it, to check if the new mods for 0.24 are out

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  • 3 weeks later...

seems to me that this plugin is still working well now in 0.24.2

are there any news about it being still under development?


something I forgot to say before:

I've modified the cfg of the greenhouses to have the exact efficiency 90% or 100%

for 100%

[TABLE=width: 368]


[TD] CarbonDioxide[/TD]

[TD=align: right]261.7793104187810000[/TD]



[TD] WasteWater[/TD]

[TD=align: right]1.9765306520064000[/TD]



[TD] Waste[/TD]

[TD=align: right]0.6741654936768000[/TD]







[TD] Oxygen[/TD]

[TD=align: right]304.2655355225660000[/TD]



[TD] Water[/TD]

[TD=align: right]1.7977746498624000[/TD]



[TD] Food[/TD]

[TD=align: right]0.9346385253600000[/TD]



for 90%

[TABLE=width: 368]


[TD] CarbonDioxide[/TD]

[TD=align: right]261.7793104187810000[/TD]



[TD] WasteWater[/TD]

[TD=align: right]1.9765306520064000[/TD]



[TD] Waste[/TD]

[TD=align: right]0.6741654936768000[/TD]







[TD] Oxygen[/TD]

[TD=align: right]273.8389819703100000[/TD]



[TD] Water[/TD]

[TD=align: right]1.6179971848761600[/TD]



[TD] Food[/TD]

[TD=align: right]0.8411746728240000[/TD]



when TACLS changes the consumption rates of resources you need to change the values of the greenhouses as well...

Edited by Sigma88
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry its either getting a bit confusing on this thread or I'm sleep deprived!; is this now working for the latest version of TAC LS (the one with litres instead of units)?

Also what is the co2harvesting.cfg file for? I searched this thread and did a google for it and nothing come up :(

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  • 4 weeks later...
well, with reconfigured values, it worked in 24.2.

let's see what happens with a .25 version of tac-ls. maybe, celss isn't as dead, as it seems.

my solution was: switching from celss to MKS. it's more complicated, it involves mining and so on.

You can do closed loop life support in less than ten parts for MKS btw :)

You just need to ferry up supplies every decade or two :P

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I know, celss (especially the 100% greenhouse) was the fire and forget solution.

but with MKS (where I have to dive into the depts of building and finetuning a station), I think that there is much more to do.

currently I wait till all the mods I'm using get updated to .25 (or if one or two are not updated, then I'll leave them). from what I've seen from your USI-mods, they indicate a greater goal of yours, they fit together like gears.

and somehow, stations made with MKS look a bit like colonies from the old game outpost (maybe you know it). would be fun, if outpost-content finds a way into ksp.

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this is probably the mod that got me excited the most, and is now dead? damn

I hope someon picks this up

thanks cerebrate for starting it!

Yeah, I am sorry about that, Sigma88 , but, well, as you can tell from the long lapse in updates, other projects - including the ones I actually make a living at, so you know how that goes - are eating so much of my time these days that I'm just not able to find the time to devote to this one that it needs/deserves. Especially since it's sitting in the same design space as other really good mods, so it needs that time in order to be worth it. I too hope someone picks it up, or at least some of the concepts behind where it was going.

Unfortunately, between time pressure and recent controversy makin' me slightly less popular around here than ebolavirus, it's unlikely to be me any time soon.

As a side note, I feel like I should offer a recommendation to people who want to move to a live mod at this time; I see RoverDude downthread has already mentioned MKS/OKS. FWIW, that's what I'd recommend myself if asked, having been using it recently. It's an excellent piece of work and I do love the look of the OKS modules.


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In case this is not dead, The "exploding zoom" in the VAB probably comes from having 3 or more resources defined on a part that only expects to have 2 resources. It's fixed by putting a module on the part. (Advice courtesy of Bob Fitch)

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