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Sun escape Science?

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I've been googling around for about an hour and I can't find the answer to my question anywhere.

Basically what I want to know is if there are any science points to be had from sending a probe on an escape trajectory of the sun?

I got a craft to escape once I'm pretty sure, but it took quite a few years and by the time I noticed it was way out there I'd already folded in the solar panels and left it to die a very long time ago in what I thought would be a collision with Jool.

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RTGs are your friends, but no, there is on "Escaping from the Sun" Science since the Suns SoI is technically infinate, all you would ever get is High over the sun (which if you don't any experiments interplanetary you already have)

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On a side-note, you can get going like a bat out of hell if you head out to Jool, do a powered gravity assist to lower your Solar Pe to almost zero, and burn at Solar Pe. By the time you get back to Jool you'll be going over 50km/s if you do it right.

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That's a shame :<

Maybe when the solar system has been expanded some more they'll add a super far from sun biome for the fun and such? :3

Yeah, an "escaped from sun" biome would be nice, in honor of Vger. (Voyager, for those who don't know Vger. :) )

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How much science is there in space near the sun?

Materials bay, goo pod, thermometer, and gravioli. I suppose crew report and EVA as well, but I haven't sent a crewed ship there since science was added to the game.

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Materials bay, goo pod, thermometer, and gravioli. I suppose crew report and EVA as well, but I haven't sent a crewed ship there since science was added to the game.

Personally I like mods which add lots of science equipment too. It's nice to send a giant magnet on a stick and a cute little three pronged thingymabob instead of having to rely on big cartoon looking things that don't rest inline. :3

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There should be one experiment - if you manage to get the thing back home, you should get "Recovery of a vessel returned from an escape trajectory from the Sun" the way you can with other bodies. I may be mistaken though... or maybe it was "flyby of the Sun". Lemme know what you find out ;)

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