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What is a "Base"?

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The filtering bar in the map view has a button "Base" (between buttons "Station" and "Kerbonaut"), what is this button for?

Can you build bases in vanilla KSP 0.23.5?

Image from HarvesteR's Dev Blag:


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Bases are like space stations, but on the ground. Currently they serve no real purpose, and have to be designated as a base (There is no "base" part like there is a "Station" part. I.e there is no part that will automatically designate your craft a s a base, but the cupola will designate it as a station)

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Bases are like space stations, but on the ground. Currently they serve no real purpose, and have to be designated as a base (There is no "base" part like there is a "Station" part. I.e there is no part that will automatically designate your craft a s a base, but the cupola will designate it as a station)

I'm not sure there is any part that designates a station, is there? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79594-Docking-and-Vessel-Type-Rules-%280-23-5%29 Captain Sierra's post (#5) suggests the cupola will normally designate a vehicle as 'lander'.

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I'm not sure there is any part that designates a station, is there? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79594-Docking-and-Vessel-Type-Rules-%280-23-5%29 Captain Sierra's post (#5) suggests the cupola will normally designate a vehicle as 'lander'.

Yes, I can confirm that the stock cupola does not designate the vessel as a station. It actually defaults to a lander...

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Yes, I can confirm that the stock cupola does not designate the vessel as a station. It actually defaults to a lander...

My mistake. I have had parts default to station though. i just dont remember which ones...

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My mistake. I have had parts default to station though. i just dont remember which ones...

I believe some of the Kosmos parts do, and perhaps Bobcat's Mir parts. I don't remember if the ISS pack does.

I'm pretty sure there's no stock command pods or probes that do.

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Yeah like everyone else is saying, that button is used to view all the ships you've renamed to be a base. Right click on a ships pod or probe core and you can set the ship to be "debris", "base", "probe"... The button in the tracking station views all the vessels you've renamed as a base or whatever other vessel you've named to be whatever other button you click on. Hope this helps :)


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In case you didn't know, you can rename any "craft", including flags, asteroids, and debris, from the tracking station; this is relevant because I've started marking things like Kerbal Space Center with a flag marked as a Base so I can easily tell where home is.

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Yes, I can confirm that the stock cupola does not designate the vessel as a station. It actually defaults to a lander...

This is true, unless you pull a Sierra and rename the VesselType line to read Station instead of Lander, because pure stock is sometimes dumb, so when in doubt, do it yourself. :P

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