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The unofficially official 0.24-Kerbapalooza Thread - Now extra #HYPETRAIN!


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I really hope this doesn't turn into another 0.23 waiting thread.

All those who witnessed the event would agree that it was the most glorious thing ever to bless the earth

(I'll give you a clue, a new page. Every 40 seconds MAXIMUM)

We passed that yesterday.

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I really hope this doesn't turn into another 0.23 waiting thread.

All those who witnessed the event would agree that it was the most glorious thing ever to bless the earth

(I'll give you a clue, a new page. Every 40 seconds MAXIMUM)

EDIT: going back up and looking at the time stamps on the past posts, I now see that I'm too late to stop another country wide Mexican fire.


Wait... woah...

What's that?

That... that title...

Under your name?

Darude - Sandsto... NO!


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What makes you think friday makes more sense for à release ?

As an IT guy i can tell you it is the worst day for a release because in case of problem the server may be unreachable for the entire weekend

The game is handled by Steam, no problem there. The forum servers/hosters will be avaliable 24/7 - Squad obviously has a good package.

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The game is handled by Steam, no problem there. The forum servers/hosters will be avaliable 24/7 - Squad obviously has a good package.

But will you get your developers to stay another weekend at work, away from their beloved ones at home, in order to squish bugs?

Also, the accessability of Steam servers is of no interest for people (like myself) who didn´t switch to the Steam version of KSP

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From the Announcements:

We know many of you all had your hearts set on playing Kerbal Space Program: First Contract yesterday. Despite not giving a specific date, you’re all way too smart and had a correct hunch for the day we had in mind. Your levels of hype practically matched all of ours within the company for wanting to bring the update to you yesterday. Unfortunately, the devs ended up hitting a snag that stemmed from a Unity update.

The issue itself is minor, but bothersome enough to your experience to make sure it gets squashed before sending an update out into the world. We’re as disappointed as you are that expectations weren’t met, but the good news is that you won’t be in for as long of a wait this time. As we speak, the devs are on the cusp of smoothing out the issue. From there, that means one last experimental build to test. If nothing breaks (knock on wood), we’ll be issuing a release candidate.

Despite things looking good right now, you still never know what can happen from build to build and won’t release the update until it’s fully ready to go. What this means for some of you is that you can lay off the F5 for a bit. Really. It’s ok….see? There. Feels good, doesn’t it? When it’s ready, we’ll announce it on all of our usual haunts and you’ll know right away.

See, the thing is, since you can't say when it's going to be released, I'm not really laying off the F5 key. You make it sound like it's probably going to be today, and that makes me want to check back even more.

Besides, putting up the notice "on all your usual haunts" is why I have to keep reloading the page!

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This is your Engineer (like, the train kind) talking, Driver of the Hype Train. Only problem is I accidentally threw the computer out the window. No idea when we'll reach The Train Station Of Maximum Hype. It'll be soon, though. Just... Go to the diner car and get a soda or something. Stop knocking on the door. I don't care if you went to all the trouble to knock on the outboard door, Just take a chill pill and wait. I'm trying to concentrate on driving here.


Alright, I'm going for another multi-track drift if you don't get off.

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Hey Kerbots

My name is John, and I love every single one of you. All of you are sciency, more-boosters, awesomeness who spend every second of their day looking at hype train pictures.

You are everything good in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any update? I mean, I guess it’s fun waiting for updates of fun because of your own impatience, but you all take to a whole new level.

This is even worse than not adding struts at all.

Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best screenshot. I’m pretty much done with the update .24, reached jool in a SSTO. I was captain of the kerbal team, and launcher on the KSC launchpad team.

What achievements do you got, other than “Going to the Mün and Minmus� I also get straight hohmann transfers, and have a banging overheated booster (It just blew up, s*it was SO cash). You are all waiting for nothing. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It’s me and my SSTO

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Hey Kerbots

My name is John, and I love every single one of you. All of you are sciency, more-boosters, awesomeness who spend every second of their day looking at hype train pictures.

You are everything good in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any update? I mean, I guess it’s fun waiting for updates of fun because of your own impatience, but you all take to a whole new level.

This is even worse than not adding struts at all.

Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best screenshot. I’m pretty much done with the update .24, reached jool in a SSTO. I was captain of the kerbal team, and launcher on the KSC launchpad team.

What achievements do you got, other than “Going to the Mün and Minmus� I also get straight hohmann transfers, and have a banging overheated booster (It just blew up, s*it was SO cash). You are all waiting for nothing. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It’s me and my SSTO

I ain't waiting for nothing! I'm waiting for 0.24 silly goose!

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I got like 2 hours of sleep maximum last night, and if there won't be any announcement of bugs (delay), I will most certainly get even less sleep tonight. Have to go to work in 5 hours, but I don't care, Hype train must go on!

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