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The unofficially official 0.24-Kerbapalooza Thread - Now extra #HYPETRAIN!


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Balancing is part of the testing they do in experimental stage.

And there will always be people complaining about balance - even if it's mathematically and logically as optimal as it possibly gets.

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Yeah, I'm expecting cost balancing and budget mechanics to be first draft quality. Though people should complain about bad balancing they discover, that's part of the feedback process. I would say "report" rather than "complain", though. And I guess there's a difference between "This $Thing is unbalanced, you might want to revise it in the future" and "OMG how can Squad be so incompetent as to leave $Thing as unbalanced as it is!" I expect we'll see some of both.

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Unbalanced? Naaah.

It can't be unbalanced because there isn't yet a concept of what "balanced" is.

Then again, that also means it cant be balanced, because there isn't yet a concept of what "unbalanced" is.

That's either a win-win or a catch-22, depending on your viewpoint.

My opinion is that there isn't enough data out abut it to form an opinion about it yet, so I'll wait and see what it's like when it comes out.

I'm 99% certain that it won't be any LESS fun than it already is.

And we're getting LFO RCS thrusters which means we will probably be able to tweak configs to get RCS thrusters using any two propellants that we choose. I'm not sure how it will handle electric+xenon or electric+monopropellant RCS, but that's one of the first things I'm going to try when I get it, because the stock RCS blocks have way too much thrust for docking probes that weigh under a ton with any kind of precision. That and I like electric propulsion options in general, so long as they don't require solar panel spam (which is really a matter of having the right solar panels for what you want to do)

Also, monopropellant engines? I bet there's going to be a challenge to make orbit on JUST them, so long as you can get a TWR of better than 1 with them.

Edited by SciMan
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I sure hope they aren't waiting on just the Kerbin cup to release it. I mean, if they need the testing, fine. But it would be silly to hold it back just for a contest based on a stupid soccer game.

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  Alshain said:
-snip: soccer game.

thank you for calling it its proper name.

but really im crossing my fingers for the devnotes today to say "why are you reading these? go play .24!!!!!"

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  r4pt0r said:
thank you for calling it its proper name.

Proper name is Association Football, soccer is just an abbreviation.

On: Hope tomorrow we'll get some news about the release date, I'm really waiting for 0.24 to restart the game

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  federicoaa said:
Proper name is Association Football, soccer is just an abbreviation.

Soccer is what we call it in the US because Football is something else (which is far more entertaining btw). To me, Soccer is the proper name. In any case, I don't care if it's the most interesting sport in the world (which of course is NASCAR :kiss:), it would be a silly reason to delay a game release... if that were the only reason.

Edited by Alshain
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Weirdly, the name soccer comes from Oxford. Taken from Wikipedia:

The term soccer originated in England, first appearing in the 1880s as an Oxford "-er" abbreviation of the word "association"

Anyway, 0.24 should hopefully be here soon - I doubt that they would delay it due to the WC.

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  Sky_walker said:
You mean: racing dumbed down for Americans?


We make it look that way to the untrained eye, but in the end it's more sophisticated than any other motorsport. We're just mysterious like that.

We should really be able to launch a Sprint Cup car into orbit. Sure, it's not practical but since when has that ever stopped KSP?

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  Alshain said:
Hmm, well it's getting late in the day...

Still have a couple hours to go until we are within the "average time window" for the daily updates from Squad. I too am getting anxious and excited -- cannot wait to try my hand at my first contract!

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  cpast said:
On the SteamDB page, why's the QA build ID lower than the Experimentals build ID?

Perhaps they found a version to "hold" on to finalize and prep for release, and have continued moving forward with fixes in the experimental version?

Perhaps it's the last working version?

Perhaps they have version-gnomes that are stealing their updates?

Regardless, it all leaves us with the same question: IS IT READY YET!? :sticktongue:

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