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[0.90] TweakScale - Rescale Everything! (v1.50 - 2014-12-24 10:40 UTC)


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Crud. And so I find the reason my new approach doesn't work. KW Rocketry parts look great, but don't try duplicating anything.

- - - Updated - - -

  ZodiusInfuser said:
Darn you. I just updated IR Rework to 1.7 a few hours ago! :P Anything urgent in this release that it's worth me doing an immediate update for?

Apparently that doesn't matter at this point. 1.7 might be the best choice for a few more hours. :P

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  Biotronic said:
Apparently that doesn't matter at this point. 1.7 might be the best choice for a few more hours. :P

Aargh, couldn't you have told me that before I asked sirkut to look at an 1.8 upgrade? :wink:

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  marce said:
Aargh, couldn't you have told me that before I asked sirkut to look at an 1.8 upgrade? :wink:

Nope. No way, no how.

- - - Updated - - -

On the bright side: I've got my best trained squirrels on fixing the bug now.

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  Aknar said:
Just to bump my question: #166

Didn't manage work this out yet

I don't quite understand how it doesn't work.

name = TweakScale
type = free

this should make every single part in the game freely scalable from 25% to 400% of default scale. However, if you use this with the .cfgs that come with TweakScale, parts that are multiply defined will misbehave. I guess it's possible to solve that by having the plugin remove all instances of TweakScale except one , but that'd just silently ignore a problem, so I don't want to do that.

For the record: when I tried adding the above to my .cfgs (once), all parts that were not previously scalable became scalable, and those who were already scalable get four scale sliders and do nothing at all sensible.

If that's the problem you experience, the solution is either to delete the .cfgs that come with TweakScale except DefaultScales.cfg and ScaleExponents.cfg, or to modify the @PART[*] to something like @PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[TweakScale]] (not tested, probably doesn't work).

Edited by Biotronic
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  sirkut said:
I want to say how awesome it is that you added other variables within a module!! to be scaled with this plugin. Thanks again for your work.

Are you talking about the 1.10 feature?

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  sirkut said:
Been in a few versions already just wanted to proclaim my gratitude.

Ah, my pleasure. I didn't expect anyone to have figured out the new feature since I hadn't mentioned it. Now I've added some documentation, and can thus inform you that this is now scalable:

class MyModule : PartModule
class Foo
string name;
double d;
List<Foo> foos;

like this:

name = MyModule
name = *
d = 3

and in 1.11 like this:

name = MyModule
d = 3

(because really, 'name = *' shouldn't be necessary.

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  Biotronic said:

[*]:HAS[!MODULE[TweakScale]] (not tested, probably doesn't work).

Yeah, I tried and it doesn't work :( The solution above (@PART

[*]) is the one I was using but it's not convincing as engins and other variables don't change when you rescale so it's kinda cheaty in some cases and useless in others. There must be a universal solution to rescale any part considering what type of part they are first. This mod would be the most useful mod I know if it could do that and consider every mod automatically.

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  Aknar said:
Yeah, I tried and it doesn't work :( The solution above (@PART

[*]) is the one I was using but it's not convincing as engins and other variables don't change when you rescale so it's kinda cheaty in some cases and useless in others. There must be a universal solution to rescale any part considering what type of part they are first. This mod would be the most useful mod I know if it could do that and consider every mod automatically.

Your language confuses me. :(

Currently, TweakScale does change the efficiency of engines - if an engine grows bigger, it will have more thrust, if it's smaller, it will have less. It's probably not perfect, but it's not all bad. With the new features in 1.11, I should be able to adjust Isp as well (this has not been added to .cfgs, but should be possible).

As for 'There must be a universal solution to rescale any part considering what type of part they are first.', the answer is no. There are mod packs out there that don't use the standard set of diameters. There are parts for which 'surface' scaling makes exactly as much sense as 'stack' scaling. Even if I were to limit this to 'stack' scaling, there are parts that are big enough to be 5m, but are intended for attachment to 1.25m parts. If I treat those as 5m, somebody will start complaining. If I were to use free scaling for everything, a tank that's 3.75m by default would have a strange scale of 0.333 when fitted to a 100% scale 1.25m pod. So, just... no. It's not possible.

That said, if you want TweakScale support for a mod, just link the mod here, and I'll probably make a .cfg for you. I want TweakScale to support many mods.

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  Biotronic said:
Currently, TweakScale does change the efficiency of engines - if an engine grows bigger, it will have more thrust, if it's smaller, it will have less.

My bad, I got rid of scaleexponents.cfg with the rest since I'm applying the mod to everything. It's not perfect since as you said, it's more adapted to have different types of scaling for different parts and that's why I was asking for the code to attribute different scale types (free, stack, surface) to different categories (fueltank, utility, ...) This could help a bit even if there would be plenty of exceptions.

The ideal solution, I believe, would rather be to consider the parts depending on their connection nodes (radial, stack, ...). Radial would be free scaling, stack would be stack obviously and if they use both node types, then use surface.

In any case, freescale for all parts works pretty nicely even if stack or surface would be more precise and adapted to some parts. I'll stick with this, thanks for your help :)

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  Aknar said:
In any case, freescale for all parts works pretty nicely even if stack or surface would be more precise and adapted to some parts. I'll stick with this, thanks for your help :)

My pleasure. But like I said, if there are mods you want me to support, just ask. One of the TODOs on the front page is More mods should be supported. I'm open to suggestions.

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Seems the procedural parts tanks problem is still here - but, if it helps, it *seems* to happen only when a tweakscaled part is on top of a PP tank now, if that's not how it was before. So in a stack with a PP tank on the bottom, then TS part, then identical PP tank on the top sandwiching it, the TS part "falls" down into the PP tank below it on reload, but the PP tank on top of it seems to stay in the correct relationship...

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Between this and tweakable everything after a few right clicks all right click menus in the vab at least stop working.

Edit: How does rescaling wings work with FAR? And will it brake anything with them normally sized?

Edit 2: I pulled out this plugin and i still get the right click menu not working, so i don't think its from this, any idea what's causing it?

Edited by bs1110101
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