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[0.90] TweakScale - Rescale Everything! (v1.50 - 2014-12-24 10:40 UTC)


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  Biotronic said:
Autoscale and chain scaling are now both toggleable, and will work correctly across adapters. I could have made a release now, but I need sleep, and I should test more.

much thanks Biotronic! looking forward to it :D Thank you for all your efforts.

Get some good sleep!

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Blech.... getting infinite logspam of this:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at SpriteText.UpdateMesh () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at SpriteText.set_Text (System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ferram4.FARControlSys.ChangeSurfVelocity (SurfaceVelMode velMode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ferram4.FARControlSys.LateUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

And then that's followed by lots of this:


ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.

Parameter name: source

at System.Linq.Check.Source (System.Object source) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.Linq.Enumerable.OfType[iUpdateable] (IEnumerable source) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at TweakScale.TweakScale.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.

Seems to regard the SXT TinyJet engine, or at least in the Debug screen there was mention of it, but I have no idea. Log is too gigantic to post. TS version 1.44, just started happening when KSC re-loaded after I flew away from it and then returned.

Edited by AccidentalDisassembly
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  Castun said:
Is it possible to adjust the scale increments? Going from 100% to 140% to 200% or whatever is kind of annoying. Would be possible to change it to 5% increments?

Look in the DefaultScales.cfg file - the answer is yes, just imitate how things are done in there and add more values, or write your own type.

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My planes (the ones that have scaled parts) keep getting arbitrary mass after quickloading in flight. Usually by a factor of 4 compared to the moment of quicksave. Needless to say sudden increase of airplane mass has ab absolutely catastrophic impact on airworthiness. Also in SPH I once got a spaceplane which, after scaling three parts to 200%, according to MechJeb, weighted something like 50000 tons.

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Yeah, this issue with autoscaling is absolutely insane. The amount of time I want to bash the screen because of this is being driven to the max. This release can't come soon enough. The amount of bugs I've gotten from this is beyond insanity. Even if it's just a release to fix that I'd be bowing and kissing your feet because then all the problems will go away.

Just keep in mind that the user knows best when it comes wanting a specific size. I don't want a lander can the same size of the MK 1-2 pod just because I attached it. This is simply a feature that needs to be there for newer plays, but most experienced plays know exactly what they want. When it get's autos-caled, all of that's out of the window. I think I've vented my frustrations. This plugin was in my top fix mods, not it's uninstalled so I don't have deal with crap like that.

Sorry for the rant, I just want a release where this issue isn't present... The sooner the better, and thank you for your work! It' greatly appreciated. I never realized how much I used this mod before, but now all it's doing is screwing with my game and that's a no-no!


Just downgraded to an old version... this is how this plugin is supposed to work! Thank you your your older work!

Edited by FiiZzioN
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  Corovaneer said:
My planes (the ones that have scaled parts) keep getting arbitrary mass after quickloading in flight. Usually by a factor of 4 compared to the moment of quicksave. Needless to say sudden increase of airplane mass has ab absolutely catastrophic impact on airworthiness. Also in SPH I once got a spaceplane which, after scaling three parts to 200%, according to MechJeb, weighted something like 50000 tons.

This is the glorious auto scale in action! I had a rocket that got autoscaled to 3.75 when all I wanted was a 1.25. After launching it, I found that the tanks that the were resized as well as the fuel. The largest 1.25 has I think 545'ish fuel, well, turns out that the scaling made it to when they only have 17LF and 20.7 oxidizer... Needless to say I was pissed because I had to completely rebuild the rocket and triple check every single tank to be sure it had the right numbers. This autoscaling stuff needs to go down the drain, IMHO. It's up there on my "most hated mod features" that I've had to deal with in recent years.

I've temporary uninstalled until it's fixed. Until then I'm just make custom parts that I resize the most and give them their respective values.

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  Biotronic said:
Autoscale and chain scaling are now both toggleable, and will work correctly across adapters. I could have made a release now, but I need sleep, and I should test more.

I was just going to post about this. Thank you for fixing that. It's so annoying how when I add a Mk-16 parachute, it always makes it larger (in addition to other parts).

I look forward to the update. As another user posted, I may downgrade temporarily until then.

EDIT: I've also noticed that if a part is resized and then sized back to the original size, the mass (at least) is wrong.

The 1k battery is 50kg, but after resizing to .625m, it becomes 6kg. If you resize it back to 1.25, it stays 6kg. If you then size it to 2.5, it goes to the proper 50kg from the 1.25m size.

I also noticed this with the Mk-16 parachute, so I suspect it's not an isolated incident.

Edited by Phoenix84
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  FiiZzioN said:
This is the glorious auto scale in action! I had a rocket that got autoscaled to 3.75 when all I wanted was a 1.25. After launching it, I found that the tanks that the were resized as well as the fuel. The largest 1.25 has I think 545'ish fuel, well, turns out that the scaling made it to when they only have 17LF and 20.7 oxidizer... Needless to say I was pissed because I had to completely rebuild the rocket and triple check every single tank to be sure it had the right numbers. This autoscaling stuff needs to go down the drain, IMHO. It's up there on my "most hated mod features" that I've had to deal with in recent years.

It's not an autoscale issue, as is. Parts are not changed in size, but they suddenly become changed in mass - while in-flight, after quickload.

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Although you said this in your initial post:

  Biotronic said:
HALP! It no worky! / FAQ

Part Z becomes too heavy when scaled up!

Yeah, I'm a bit lazy, so all parts' mass scale with the cube of the size. That's the equivalent of saying every part is solid, or filled with heavy cream. Some parts are probably not filled, and may consist of but a thin skin over an empty inner. Maybe some day I'll get around to updating that kind of stuff. Otherwise, if someone else were to do it, I'd be more than happy to include their work!

, I feel obliged to post this, as the behavior I found is very different from what I think you intended. I initially discovered this bug with v1.47 of your mod as well as the following:

B9 Aerospace Pack R5-2-6

BetterScienceLabs v

HooliganLabs v3.0.0

KAS 0.4.6

KW Release Package v2.6d


MKS 0.20.9

PMI Fuel Gen

RadialEngineMountsPPI v0.30

I will soon verify that your mod is the sole cause of the bug, but since it manifests when I use exclusively stock parts, I am pretty sure it is this mod.

The behavior is that any time a part is scaled or reloaded, it's mass increases. The mass and volume don't match either. For example: a 0.625m RCS fuel tank scaled to 7.5m by moving backwards on the slider masses ~18t compared to it's normal 0.05t. If what you say when you describe your mod is true, it's mass should scale to the cube of the scale factor. So, 7.5m / 0.625m = 12 is the scale factor. and therefor 12*12*12 = 1728 is the mass and volume scale. This should yield a mass of 86.4t. Furthermore, if I continue to repeatedly click the button on the left of the scale bar, which should scale the part down (and does if you watch only it's physical dimensions), it's mass continues to grow exponentially. The last symptom I found was that mass of scaled parts increases on reloads (like if you go to the space center and back or if you revert to launch). I have a series of screenshots showing a small rover vehicle I made which initially weighed ~7 t, which I show with successive reloads as it grows to reach 39000 t after reverting to launch 5 times. In the same world I have a ~44 Billion ton ship in orbit over Kerbin which I can't move, because it's mass reduces it's acceleration to nearly zero.

Upon request I will provide documentation of the bug to the degree that I am able. I will post again when I have more time with further verification and data.

Before I sign off, I'd like to say that I've really enjoyed your mod and that I hope you will continue to do your best to keep it up to date and functional. Thank you.

user Rms2000

contact me on steam at Rms2000, if you have immediate questions.

EDIT: I just tried to test with only TweakScale installed. Although the autoscaling bug is less obvious, the reloading bug is still as deadly as ever.

Edited by Rms2000
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Hey, i am having a problem that seems to be caused by tweakscale because as soon as i remove tweakscale from gamedata folder it all seems to work fine.

The problem is the following: when trying to attach something radially in symmetry in SPH the part loses its attach node and the game becomes disfunctional in the sense that i cant put the part back (sell it) exit the SPH or what ever else and i have to close the program the old fashioned way. I have attached some screenshots of the problem(see how the structural fuselage only has 1 node after i detach it from the rear,after this i could not remove it from my cursor and i had to alt+F4) as well as a screenshot of my mod folder(they are all updated AFAIK).

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  Climberfx said:
Is possible to have tweak scale on Adjustable Landing Gear mod parts?

I'm in need for a little gear that can be adjusted.

This mod need's this integration.

Like this

@PART[BD_Adj_LG_Medium] // bdAdjustableLandingGear
name = TweakScale
type = surface

@PART[BD_Adj_LG_Side] // bdAdjustableLandingGear
name = TweakScale
type = surface

Tested and works.

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Great, thank you very much MeCripp.

I had did this before, but the gears don't touch the ground on any size smaller than 100% you put. and the bumps get a little crazy...

I think this time Adjustable Landing Gear mod need to give a hand, if he can and want.






name = TweakScale

type = surface







name = TweakScale

type = surface



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  Spacepigu said:
Hey, so i was playing with the Alcubierre drive mod, and i wanted to make it tiny for some reason. I tried the way it said, then the way that someone else said, but it still doesn't work. It would be awesome if you could integrate that, because i cannot for the life of me figure out how. :huh:

This worked for me

name = TweakScale
type = stack
defaultScale = 1, 1, 1

name = TweakScale
type = stack
defaultScale = 1, 1, 1

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I wrote a couple bug reports on the GitHub page to describe some of the issues going on: https://github.com/Biotronic/TweakScale/issues

In particular, engines change textures when scaled, and wings keep their original mass regardless of scale. I've reverted to 1.44 because of the quicksave/load and VAB mass multiplication issues in 1.47, but wings are still broken in 1.44.

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Just joining the bug report trend. I went from .44 to .47 and now stuff is going nuts

Edit: Now that I'm sober I can be more helpful. After I updated a lot of parts resized themselves to the largest possible size. Simply scaling them back down to 100 didn't work, because after launch they were big again. I had to rebuild the ship and now I don't have a problem.

Some parts however, while resized in the hanger, return to their stock size once I launch

Edited by clown_baby
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I got a problem, when I launch a ship, some parts stay scale tweaked while others shrink back down. It doesn't happen all the time, but it causes for unstable rocketry, add that to my minor OCD behavior, I don't really like it. Is it because I didn't update the mod, is it interference with another mod, I don't know. can anyone help me here?

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  LPGhatguy said:
wings keep their original mass regardless of scale(...) are still broken in 1.44.

Are you using FAR? I've encountered weird behavior with TweakScale arguing with FAR over wing mass, since the latter has a strength/weight slider which interferes with TS in an unpredictable way.

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