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Hello! Finally joining the forums


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Hey everyone,

I've been playing KSP for maybe a couple months or so now, and I love it! I wish I would have found it sooner, honestly.

I'm currently a college student studying Robotics Engineering, and I was thrilled to find that terms like roll, pitch, and yaw along with much of what I know about physics and mechanical systems is extremely applicable here in the game. As much as I'd love a couple of extra parts features in the game (come on, please, one hinge is all I want) I prefer to play mostly vanilla.

That being said, if anyone has any suggestions for any awesome non-gameplay changing mods, I wouldn't mind trying them out. I currently only have Kerbal Engineer installed. (Delta-V calculations were getting tedious, and it gives you lots of numbers without adding anything unnecessary)

Anyway, I have lurked a bit on the forums, and have finally decided to join you all. Maybe my rovers and ships might be more appreciated here! (My roommates just don't get as excited about a stable VTOL rover as I do) As far as KSP experience, I have completed the science tree, and have been to every one of the inner planets and moons. (No Jool system or Eeloo yet) I have a decent handle on orbital rendezvous and docking, and can get lined up and dock in a couple orbits. I am not very good at spaceplanes, but I'm learning.

Sorry about the wall of text, but I'm excited to be a part of the forums and share/receive knowledge and experience about KSP!

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The Infernal Robotics mod is a must, it has various translating and rotating parts:


Also I highly recommend Deadly Re-entry:


it is gameplay changing but it makes the game more realistic and challenging, so it's hard to see any down side to that :)

Also mods like Kerbal Alarm Clock and Precise Node are very useful without changing the gameplay



and all the beautification mods your pc can handle, I like this one


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Thanks for the recommendations!

Infernal Robotics is exactly what I was thinking of. I wouldn't mind playing through Career mode with a little more realism like Deadly Re-entry and maybe FAR. I definitely like the Alarm Clock and Precise node, that will make any multiple-ship mission much easier to organize. As for the texture mods, they are beautiful, but I doubt my computer could handle them.

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You're welcome, ThatGalaxyMan, post pics of your creations if you can.

I love seeing the awesome creativity that this game inspires.

Me too. You think you've seen everything, but every day people come up with even more crazy and fantastic vessels.

Nice! Section symbol is a nice galactic icon for sure. Enjoy your stay.

Thanks! I have a Minecraft account of the same name, and have used that symbol on various Minecraft forums. I've grown fond of it

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