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[FORUM GAME] The tall skyscraper game.


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The troll performs a ritual on you known as 'Me-kill-you.' He notices the book in your hand and realizes that it\'s his favorite book. He then let\'s you go free in exchange for the book and you climb shakily to floor 79. When you get there, you feel a bit wheezy, there is an oxygen canister nearby, but it\'s guarded by an SAS soldier.

Do you:

A) Creep up on him (or try to) to get the canister.

B) Ask politely if you can have the canister.

C) Stumble on as the oxygen fades from your brain.

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Option C. You stumble as your brain depletes its remaining O2. [this also causes threads to fade too]. The SAS solider is not too pleased with you stumbling around here and tries take you in for questing... However sensing the danger to his lead rocket designer Jeb [now Jeb the anti-mater / mater rocket from 75] blows through the window, smashes through some ammo boxes brought there by the soldier, setting them off in a blase of fire and smoke and RPGs, and heads at full speed for the soldier. Jeb grabs the would be captor, and with a tremendous whoooosshhhhhhhhhhhhh he sails out the other side saving you for the moment....


As he soars upwards you realize that you need to leave now, there is even less air and an exploding ammo dump makes poor company. Thankfully in the commotion the soldier dropped his trusty breathing googles.


They cant have too much air, so you move quickly up to the next floor.

Floor 80 is completely submerged in water, (good thing you have breathing googles) your options:

a) grab a passing whale, and see where it takes you

B) encounter Michael Phelps, smoke, uhhh something ...

c) challenge the local octopuses to a game of twister

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You go to level 82.

You see a computer, same as you seen on level 81, but this computer have NO KSP, but a strange link what looks to be linked to a Youtube video.

(A) You click on the link with all risk.

(B) you run to level 83.

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You use a piece of scrap-metal from 79 and break open the elevator. You then break open the top of the elevator, and climb to level 84, where you find some Iroquois harvesting corn planted in the floor. Do you:

a) Realize your hunger and use the scrap-metal and kill them, taking their crops

B) Beat them with your scrap-metal out of anger, then proceed to level 85 without the corn

c) Make peace with them, then kill them and take their corn

d) Other

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Option C: Using treaties, but not holding your self to them you make peace. When you take corn in violation of the treaty the Iroquois become upset and try to take it back. Of course now you have your justification to quell this insurrection.

Moving right along with a full belly you head to level 85, here you find a star-trek warp core (this is a green building!):

Do you:

a) eject it out into space because its totally awesome every time they do that 8)

B) give plans to developer team, so that they can take heir simulator to the next level! :o

c) allow the descendants of the recently slaughtered Native Americans use the warp core to power their casinos, as an empty jester to repay centuries of genocide :\'(

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You go to level 82.

You see a computer, same as you seen on level 81, but this computer have NO KSP, but a strange link what looks to be linked to a Youtube video.

(A) You click on the link with all risk.

(B) you run to level 83.

why did you guys skip this...............

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