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How do you think a new gas giant would look like?

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I wounder what you guys on the forum would think/like the gasgiant to belive to replace eeloo to look like.

Would you like to se somthing like the blue planet in the planet factory mod,or somthing more like a real planet like saturn or neptune

like to see what you guys think :D

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Ooh, rings would be purty. Perhaps it will have a moon in the middle of one of said rings? If only you could make the ring an actual physical system of tiny rocks. That would be fun to fly through.

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What I really would like to see is a hot Jupiter.

But this is probably not going to happen as it would make trips into the inner reaches of the solar system extremely easy. A return trip to moho would be like a cakewalk with the proper gravity assists and aerobrake maneouvres.

But I would still like it nonetheless.

As for a outer GP2 I would want a Saturn analog. Maybe not necessarily a saturn coloured planet. But atleast one with big rings and some asteroids within these rings.

Although I'm not sure how you can model a actual nice looking ring. For computing issues this ring will probably be a 2d disk making it look rather dull especially when flying through it. A model as stated made of tiny rocks will force extreme computing power.

Although if squad could implement a system of loading cells where tiny asteroid textures are loaded within the radius of your location and make the ring load a 2d modelled texture/mesh beyond this radius it might actually work and you may still feel like entering a real asteroid ring.

Edited by Vaporized Steel
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Space Engine appears to have solved the ring problem with a moving 2D particle field.

Like Saturn, a Shepard Moon could be located in a ring gap. Ships that fly through the ring should run the risk of being destroyed due to colliding with the high speed dust particles of the ring, so one that wants to land on the shepard moon needs to approach from a non planar direction.


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It would definitely need rings. Otherwise it'd be too much like Jool. This is the last picture (perhaps a year old or more) of what the second gas planet looked like when the devs were still working it. Would make a nice contrast to green Jool.


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Lookswise I quite like that blue-white appearance.

Layout-wise I'd like a Uranus analogue, with the moons having a high orbital inclination. That'll make it a very different system to visit and leave compared to Jool. (Giving the planet axial tilt would have to wait since KSP doesn't currently support that, but it doesn't matter much for a gas planet.)

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