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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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Stock Proton and Stock Soyuz ... (still tuning some bits and pieces on them ) downside of tehse rockets: very huge partcount, but they look awesome :D


Hey, yeah! This Proton is really good.

Alnair Docking Command module needs to have actual ModuleCommand included. The TKS FGB should be a standalone spacecraft not requiring the return capsule for Command functions.

name = ModuleCommand
minimumCrew = 1

Ah yes! Okay this is added now.

Hi Beale!

Firstly, Great mod! Love the stock-a-like style! Been having so much fun with it.

Secondly, I've come across a bug with the AFKB habitation module.

It seems that the crew hatch hover over is missing, which means I can put Kerbals in but can't get them out.

Here's some shots.


(Mousing over the door in both pics)

Couldn't find any posts about it so i thought i'd bug report.

I'm running ksp heavily modded so I'm not sure if its a mod conflict problem. Will try running a clean version with tantares.

Thanks again for a great mod!

Hi! Many thanks for the feedback.

Yeah this has been a long standing issue, to do with door colliders. Should be fixed now.

I'm uploading the new Beta version!

Thanks for the great feedback!

Beta 2 uploaded, check Dev thread

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Hey, yeah! This Proton is really good.

Ah yes! Okay this is added now.

Hi! Many thanks for the feedback.

Yeah this has been a long standing issue, to do with door colliders. Should be fixed now.

I'm uploading the new Beta version!

Thanks for the great feedback!

Beta 2 uploaded, check Dev thread

Looks like the ModuleCommand for the Docking Control pod didn't make it into the Beta 2 build.

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How do I download this? This download link is a document.
For the main download that doesn't include the TKS beta you go to https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BydZPLYYolh3YnoyVkVsNVdsT1U/edit and click the download button in the middle of the page. If you want the TKS beta you go here https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BydZPLYYolh3aEZhc2FISVl2dnc/edit and do the same as before click download in the middle of the page.
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For the main download that doesn't include the TKS beta you go to https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BydZPLYYolh3YnoyVkVsNVdsT1U/edit and click the download button in the middle of the page. If you want the TKS beta you go here https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BydZPLYYolh3aEZhc2FISVl2dnc/edit and do the same as before click download in the middle of the page.

When I download it, its a document. Could you please link to something else dropbox, github, mediafire, etc? I am having alot of trouble with google drive.

Edited by sp1989
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When I download it, its a document. Could you please link to something else dropbox, github, mediafire, etc? I am having alot of trouble with google drive.

This is a 7-Zip (.7z) archive. You need 7-Zip to open it.

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Looks like the ModuleCommand for the Docking Control pod didn't make it into the Beta 2 build.

Yeah, unfortunately I'd already archived it and uploaded before adding that in. :)

When I download it, its a document. Could you please link to something else dropbox, github, mediafire, etc? I am having alot of trouble with google drive.

As others have said, it is a 7-zip file.

Google drive has the unfortunate "feature" of treating .zip files as a folder and showing all the files inside.

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Still having trouble with the door collision. I'm guessing that was done after archiving as-well?

New release looks good! Tested the re-entry self orientation and it works fine.

Been playing with the textures too.


If only I knew how to make the solar panels on the radiators work.

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Still having trouble with the door collision. I'm guessing that was done after archiving as-well?

New release looks good! Tested the re-entry self orientation and it works fine.

Been playing with the textures too.


If only I knew how to make the solar panels on the radiators work.

1 word, wow!

Nice work!

Yeah the door collider was also fixed post patch, sorry :(

Your textures are damn nice, If you want the original .PSDs with layers, just give me a PM.

To make the radiators with solar panels work, I imagine an extra transform is needed in Unity. I could experiment with a separate "solar" version of the tank.

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Beale ... your Alnair BETA 2 ... just ... awesome ... so shiny ... :cool:

some pics of my TKS ship and i foudn a solution about the cargodoorproblem ... i rotated teh Cargobay by 90 degree to the side and mounted the solarpanels in a special way. with an actiongriup i can retract the panel directly above the cargobay door to keep it save. so i can design the Alnair like a real TKS. position of monotanks is closer and i got the RCS working like the real thing :D




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Beale ... your Alnair BETA 2 ... just ... awesome ... so shiny ... :cool:

some pics of my TKS ship and i foudn a solution about the cargodoorproblem ... i rotated teh Cargobay by 90 degree to the side and mounted the solarpanels in a special way. with an actiongriup i can retract the panel directly above the cargobay door to keep it save. so i can design the Alnair like a real TKS. position of monotanks is closer and i got the RCS working like the real thing :D


Hmm, I really like the cargo bay layout!

Love your bespoke RCS blocks, I have a few RCS block sub-assembalies saved from your progress spacecraft (sure they are high on part count, but whats the bother).


The long Alnair IVA work has begun, doing the crew module first. Fits three fine, but it is oh so cramped!

Heavy WIP without any props.


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About when you were talking about Igla a long time ago, don't just make a tantares OM with it, just make it standalone so we can put it on the TKS and Salyut too. And Beale, Danke for the rep.

EDIT: About the IVA, Look at the KOSMOS TKS IVA. If you want to redesign it, go off of that design. It's roughly the same size but less cramped.

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About when you were talking about Igla a long time ago, don't just make a tantares OM with it, just make it standalone so we can put it on the TKS and Salyut too. And Beale, Danke for the rep.

EDIT: About the IVA, Look at the KOSMOS TKS IVA. If you want to redesign it, go off of that design. It's roughly the same size but less cramped.

On the IGLA, of course, it would be its own part.

For the IVA, a lot of stock and mod IVAs "cheat" by making the mesh bigger than the actual exterior model. I think this is the case with the KOSMOS ones too. The IVA seen above is to real scale, which I'd like to keep.

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a cramped little metalcase full of sardi ... ehm, kerbals :D

well i tried to angle the RCS thrusters at the cat-5 part, so the rcs jets won't hit the hull or the monopropelanttanks. which was some troublesome experimenting in the VAB with the RCShelper plugin until i got it right. looks very cool when the jets a friring in many directions :cool:

here my craft for download:

-> click me hard <-

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]For the IVA, a lot of stock and mod IVAs "cheat" by making the mesh bigger than the actual exterior model. I think this is the case with the KOSMOS ones too. The IVA seen above is to real scale, which I'd like to keep.

This description would be good for the Alnair Capsule: The Alnair is a new creation from the new division of Tantares inc., Alnair 2068. The spacecraft can be customized, and the main body has been called the "FCB", or "Functional Cargo Block". The Alnair capsule follows the ways of other Tantares capsules, meaning they aren't "bigger on the inside than the outside", and, like others, they tend to be cramped. The capsule comes with everything you need, from a heatshield, to a parachute.

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here my craft for download:

-> click me hard <-

I'll give it a go!

This description would be good for the Alnair Capsule: The Alnair is a new creation from the new division of Tantares inc., Alnair 2068. The spacecraft can be customized, and the main body has been called the "FCB", or "Functional Cargo Block". The Alnair capsule follows the ways of other Tantares capsules, meaning they aren't "bigger on the inside than the outside", and, like others, they tend to be cramped. The capsule comes with everything you need, from a heatshield, to a parachute.

Current descriptions are... lacking :(

I'll take yours onboard, thanks :) .

Eye Vee Aay

Looking alright now...



A (actually not that rare) sight. Minmus and the Mun, together, as seen through docking camera.


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on a side note: during early Soyuz flights, cause of the tigth space, cosmonauts didn't wear a spacesuit until the Soyuz 11 accident ... after that, the development of the new Sokol spacesuit was finished and Soyuz was reworkd to be safer.

Oh yes. I knew that, but maybe some others didn't.

About the proton, try SXT, I think that will let you build a quite nice stock one!

And I forgot about this. The one in SXT is the N1.

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Progress, literally!

Took a break from TKS to do the progress core (still need to do the upper bit and the side bags).

This will be a nice mini project.

Testing probe vehicles is really hard when you don't have an up and running remote tech network.

It's based on the older designs, that is, sans the modern thermal blanket.






Am I going to do Kliper? ayy lmao

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