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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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I was wondering, will you make something like "Kliper"? It would be a very nice 1.25 crew shuttle to be placed on top of a rocket (it was supposed irl to do that). I am newbie in Blender, but i'll try my best, make and PM some models if you need, but i'm awful at making textures.


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I'm familiar with SDHI however it does not add any command module. I was looking for a command module with ability to hold like 6 Kerbals. If Beale can compress two kerbals into a 1.25m pod then I'm sure he can fit 6 in a 2.5m pod.

Why don't you just edit the cfg of the stock 2.5m pod to hold 6, because it sounds like that's what you want. But if you don't want to cheat, there's a 6-kerbal 3.75m capsule, if I'm not mistaken, though the textures are very rough. There's even an Orion service module for it.

Edited by Bomoo
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Well if beagle wants small take a gander at this


way back in the mercury and dynostar era the states cooked up all sorts of different lifeboats and reentry vehicles for what they expected to be a new era of orbital fighter pilots http://www.friends-partners.org/mwade/craftfam/rescue.htm its a gold mine for commamnd pod ideas.

Never heard of this, cool little thing.

Lunar lander variant of the TKS:


It's a two stage lander for a direct ascent; the bottom rocket lands it, and the top tower hoists it back into orbit, and back to Kerbin. I'm going to try it out tomorrow!


Sorta like:


I was wondering, will you make something like "Kliper"? It would be a very nice 1.25 crew shuttle to be placed on top of a rocket (it was supposed irl to do that). I am newbie in Blender, but i'll try my best, make and PM some models if you need, but i'm awful at making textures.


Eh, it is a little difficult for me the Kliper.

Sorry to say no for now.

Any news, Beale?

Working on IVAs, expect some more news soon.



Hi Beale,

This link is for the Excalibur-Almaz flickr gallery maybe you would find some interesting material inside for your mod https://www.flickr.com/photos/excaliburalmaz/


The orbital assembly is quite interesting.


I'm familiar with SDHI however it does not add any command module. I was looking for a command module with ability to hold like 6 Kerbals. If Beale can compress two kerbals into a 1.25m pod then I'm sure he can fit 6 in a 2.5m pod.

If I ever were to take a stab at the PPTS then that would be a good place to start for a 5-6 kerbal pod :wink:

Edited by Beale
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Working on IVAs, expect some more news soon.


buahaha don't let the people over in the snacks thread see this hardly a day goes by where someone who just discovered the mod doesn't ask for the dev to add a dedicated snacks storage part not realizing that. A) the mods goal is to be dead simple, and B)the hitchhiker can IS the dedicated snack storage part to supplement the command pod snack supply.

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How much longer till you'll be done?!?

Salyut will be released first, then the LK.

Salyut is very nearly done.

Only remains one IVA, one set of Solar Panels and it is good to go.

wow! looks so good!

edit: no windows?

Thanks! :)

But yeah, the midsection has no windows in the model, given there are already three elsewhere on the station.

With the RPMs, docking port cameras are more use than any window could've been.

Wish I could make ultra-low res 70's style cameras for docking.


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maybe you could experiment with that docking camera mod...

[EDIT] I could model the parts for the ATV in a few weeks if you want, and I could do a proof of concept next week ish

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maybe you could experiment with that docking camera mod...

[EDIT] I could model the parts for the ATV in a few weeks if you want, and I could do a proof of concept next week ish

Experimenting with docking cameras is slightly beyond my skillset I think :D

Thank you for the offer, If you don't mind the modelling work, it would be very helpful to see how the model could be split into parts. But no pressure! The ATV is still a while off.

Many thanks!

Fixed Solar Panels / Almaz 6/7 Fixed panels.

More in the vein of the old ones.

Work fairly well, though with all fixed panels, natural symmetry doesn't work.




Salyut 7 Orbital Complex




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thank you for accepting! I won't be back in england until next week, and I have to get over the 5-hour jetlag, but I'll do my best!

[edit] those parts look amazing! the alternate color options should be separate parts instead of options, because the parts can be used to make different spacecraft, and people might not want to make one or the other.

[another edit] take a look at this.

[yet another edit- man I'm forgetful] this could be used for a solitary camera part or programmed into the docking ports.

Edited by ZodiaK
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