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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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The texture - it should be like that, but I guess it is a bit odd looking. Is the "hatch" as seen as on top of the Soyuz preferred?

The top looks/fits kindof odd, as it has a depression which isn't modeled into the "mesh" (I think thats the correct term). Mounting something small (say, a docking port) makes it look like it's floating. I expect, since its incomplete, there will be a 'chute of some kind to fit with the top when it's done, but I had _serious_ problems trying to use the existing VA 'chute with it. If I mounted it so it looked right (inside the depression) it just fell apart on activation.

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Cool things (Like LK, Kliper, PPTS) are cool. But what about IVA for the first and main spacecraft called Soyuz? Beale, you should not make everything, but you need to concentrate your attention on the one project, and make everything (IVA, models, textures etc.) for it.

Sorry for so rude reply, but I am really tired to wait for soyuz IVA.

Actually, he doesn't -need- to do anything, considering this is a hobby project and not his job. He doesn't make this mod for a living. He also doesn't do it for you specifically, so I recommend you check your entitlement. The IVAs will come. They're also not necessary for play. My missions have been going just fine without them.

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Actually, he doesn't -need- to do anything, considering this is a hobby project and not his job. He doesn't make this mod for a living. He also doesn't do it for you specifically, so I recommend you check your entitlement. The IVAs will come. They're also not necessary for play. My missions have been going just fine without them.

Blah-blah, that's not your business, blah-blah, it's not necessary, blah-blah. I just tell my opinion about situation, nothing more. I don't think that feedback is bad thing, especially in situation when we don't have IVA's for thousands of capsules. That's totally not good to have lots of thing abandoned on the half-way, I think.

Also, I repeat again: that's only my opinion. You, Beale and people all over the world are able to have another opinion.

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You've a right to your opinion. You also have the right to be protested against when you're being rude and demanding.

Well, I'd suggest taking into account that English isn't his first language. Maybe he wasn't meant to be so rude. Especially if he says "sorry if he sounds rude" in the same post.

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Well, I'd suggest taking into account that English isn't his first language. Maybe he wasn't meant to be so rude. Especially if he says "sorry if he sounds rude" in the same post.

Fair enough. I'm not fully convinced, but it's definitely a possibility that I misread because of language barriers. If negative tone was truly not intentional, I apologize for making assumptions.

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To be honest, I know a lot of people who speak English as their first language, and still don't know how to be polite in it. I do agree completely with the IVAs. They should be the highest priority for this mod. I miss being able to see what it looks like inside the spacecraft and what the Kerbals are doing. It's very strange having them inside a sensory deprivation tank when you press C.

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The Blok-D upside-down is clever, it's quite smooth. What is the landing system? It looks like a Spacex Dragon V2? [/ quote]

Thanks, landing system - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100653-Raptor-AeroEspacial-Lander-Module-Mk-1-1?highlight=Aeroespacial

Never heard of that! I'll give it a try, looks really cool :)

Relating to the new poll, i vote for Almaz parts or a Polyus unless you want to go for something totally new. The TMK and related things seems to be a good idea, seeing as it hasn't been made yet and you already made an N-1. Also, a bigger version acting as a proper ship for a manned landing would be interesting, as rarely do we see Russian mars stuff, i'm sure they had ideas for Mars missions, though i cant find any easily, mostly do to most of it not being translated i suspect.

I think the Polyus is quite a niche thing (but, given AB launchers is around, it needs a payload :rolleyes:).

Almaz parts - you have any interests in particular? Salyut in general is due a texture pass.

Russian Mars hardware. Now we're talking! Kind of long term.

There are more concepts in the wild than my Grandmother have teeth, so I have a lot of interesting avenues.


Cool things (Like LK, Kliper, PPTS) are cool. But what about IVA for the first and main spacecraft called Soyuz? Beale, you should not make everything, but you need to concentrate your attention on the one project, and make everything (IVA, models, textures etc.) for it.

Sorry for so rude reply, but I am really tired to wait for soyuz IVA.

Actually, he doesn't -need- to do anything, considering this is a hobby project and not his job. He doesn't make this mod for a living. He also doesn't do it for you specifically, so I recommend you check your entitlement. The IVAs will come. They're also not necessary for play. My missions have been going just fine without them.
Blah-blah, that's not your business, blah-blah, it's not necessary, blah-blah. I just tell my opinion about situation, nothing more. I don't think that feedback is bad thing, especially in situation when we don't have IVA's for thousands of capsules. That's totally not good to have lots of thing abandoned on the half-way, I think.

Also, I repeat again: that's only my opinion. You, Beale and people all over the world are able to have another opinion.

You've a right to your opinion. You also have the right to be protested against when you're being rude and demanding.

We all keep it cool eh? :)

Any post would need a lot more expletives to offend me! Ahaha.

I prefer people to speak their mind.

IVAs, yeah they are a priority - when I have some free time again. No worries. (Soyuz is first on the list).

The complication is - at the moment I have not very much time at all, so the I'm spending it doing only the things I really enjoy - making the crew capsules.

IVAs can be fun, but a lot of the time they are tedious.

When May arrives (I know, a long time) And I have my thesis vinyl-wrapped and bound. Then I can "Tantarize" hardcore for a little while :)

Beale try time warp with the spica capsule, that's when the tool box seems to appear.


I'll try this.

The top looks/fits kindof odd, as it has a depression which isn't modeled into the "mesh" (I think thats the correct term). Mounting something small (say, a docking port) makes it look like it's floating. I expect, since its incomplete, there will be a 'chute of some kind to fit with the top when it's done, but I had _serious_ problems trying to use the existing VA 'chute with it. If I mounted it so it looked right (inside the depression) it just fell apart on activation.

Hmm, this has always been my typical method to model connection points (it is how stock parts do it too).

But, I will give it a nicer texture, thanks for the feedback.

I wouldn't call myself a "FAR guru", but I should be able to make a config this evening that'll at least get it flying. :sealed:

That would be super cool!

Edited by Beale
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Almaz parts - you have any interests in particular?
Mostly the solar panels from Almaz 3, as i think they look cool and i want to stick an Almaz-derived module on my Skylab+Salyut space station thing.

About the Mars parts, i like the idea of just having a lot of big spacecraft bits then any one spacecraft just chopped up, mostly because it fits with KSP better, but also because i use 3.2 scale Kerbin, and totally premade things don't work for me well.

Also, is it just me, or does the Gemini look too short and wide, almost as if it was sat on? I say make it about 10% longer, and move the windows back and make them bigger.

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A really good Almaz part would be a film-return-capsule. *Starts reading the 20 pages he missed, and promises to edit this post after that for more dumb stuff*

EDIT1:Kliper is cool! But making it FAR compatible and RSS compatible might be... difficult.

EDIT2:IMO Red star should stay. It's not like you wrote "gulag" all over it, and added Stalin portraits on the tips. And AFAIK, the hammer and sickle is in most of the world considered a symbol of victory over fascist regimes, and equality between people.

EDIT3:Spacecookie, you deserve more rep. And cookies. And space for those cookies.

Edited by dimovski
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Mostly the solar panels from Almaz 3, as i think they look cool and i want to stick an Almaz-derived module on my Skylab+Salyut space station thing.

About the Mars parts, i like the idea of just having a lot of big spacecraft bits then any one spacecraft just chopped up, mostly because it fits with KSP better, but also because i use 3.2 scale Kerbin, and totally premade things don't work for me well.

Also, is it just me, or does the Gemini look too short and wide, almost as if it was sat on? I say make it about 10% longer, and move the windows back and make them bigger.

Ah okay, the panels I get you now. :)

Gemini: Strange, it is scaled to orthographic drawings (several), so the size should be correct.

Speaking of Gemini, I finally found my name hidden in the mod. If I ever start a rocket building company on this forum, it must be called P. Trev & Trev Co. I love it!

I'm glad. Yes, it has been in there a while eh :)

Is this solar sails specifically?

Either way, yeah nobody is flying anywhere with an electric engine any time soon (Except maybe the ISS).

Further off-topic, it's a shame the new ARM proposal is less ambitious. I expect it will be cancelled soon... :(

Edit: Ahaha, I read it as "electric" same as the author. Yeah, "eclectic" propulsion really sounds like a KSP thing.

A really good Almaz part would be a film-return-capsule. *Starts reading the 20 pages he missed, and promises to edit this post after that for more dumb stuff*

EDIT1:Kliper is cool! But making it FAR compatible and RSS compatible might be... difficult.

EDIT2:IMO Red star should stay. It's not like you wrote "gulag" all over it, and added Stalin portraits on the tips. And AFAIK, the hammer and sickle is in most of the world considered a symbol of victory over fascist regimes, and equality between people.

EDIT3:Spacecookie, you deserve more rep. And cookies. And space for those cookies.

Film-return (or generic science return) probe core - nice idea!

1. Fair point - stock aero is probably the new target, since 1.0 will probably hit before the Kliper is finished (just a guess).

2. More fair points - Not many of these symbols carry a lot of weight for me, I was only 5 or 6 years when the Soviet Union collapsed (1993?), never studied it, so don't know so much detailed history and meaning behind symbols. But, I do like the red star, and it seems pretty harmless.

Besides, this is the Kerbal universe. If there is a red star symbol in their "mythology", it's Duna. :)

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"1. Fair point - stock aero is probably the new target, since 1.0 will probably hit before the Kliper is finished (just a guess)."

Even if not, it will be perhaps a month or so and then the current version will need an overhaul.

Symbols is a bit harder though. Might I suggest it should be a 3 point star, that way you still have something on the dish to break up the monotony and it isn't political. (Err that I am aware of.) Another possibility is that it doesn't have to be red. Personally I am fine for symbols on rockets, I have a slight aversion to human symbols though because Kerbals aren't humans. Having said that, I personally don't care if you change it or leave it, I am just bringing up possibilities.

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Is this solar sails specifically?

Either way, yeah nobody is flying anywhere with an electric engine any time soon (Except maybe the ISS).

Further off-topic, it's a shame the new ARM proposal is less ambitious. I expect it will be cancelled soon... :(

Edit: Ahaha, I read it as "electric" same as the author. Yeah, "eclectic" propulsion really sounds like a KSP thing.

Not solar sails, but ion thrusters. I think the idea is that NASA could send large unmanned cargo craft to Mars cheaply by using SEP, although manned craft will probably need nuclear engines...or really big rockets. The reality with NASA is that with their limited budget (made smaller by the massive cost of SLS/Orion, which is so expensive they can't develop any useful tech to go with it like a lander or deep space hab., so they best they can do is a loop around the moon and maybe ARM if it ever happens /rant) and limited long-term support from Congress, they can only develop a few techs at a time. So they're starting with SEP because it will be applicable to commercial space as well as maybe useful on a Mars mission.

I highly doubt ARM will ever happen though; pretty much only the President and Charles Bolden have any faith in it. What this means is that after the next election in 2016 a new administration will come in, and probably replace ARM. New plans with every new president usually is very bad for NASA, as long term commitment is needed to accomplish anything, but I don't think ARM is actually worth that level of commitment.

Solar Eclectic Propulsion: gathering light from a broad and diverse range of sources to make spacecraft go forward.

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"1. Fair point - stock aero is probably the new target, since 1.0 will probably hit before the Kliper is finished (just a guess)."

Even if not, it will be perhaps a month or so and then the current version will need an overhaul.

Symbols is a bit harder though. Might I suggest it should be a 3 point star, that way you still have something on the dish to break up the monotony and it isn't political. (Err that I am aware of.) Another possibility is that it doesn't have to be red. Personally I am fine for symbols on rockets, I have a slight aversion to human symbols though because Kerbals aren't humans. Having said that, I personally don't care if you change it or leave it, I am just bringing up possibilities.

Yeah, you have a good point. It will likely (okay, certainly) be wasted work configuring Kliper for current aero.

3-point star:

You want advertising in Tantares? :P


A blue / green / yellow / purple star... Let's experiment!


Not solar sails, but ion thrusters. I think the idea is that NASA could send large unmanned cargo craft to Mars cheaply by using SEP, although manned craft will probably need nuclear engines...or really big rockets. The reality with NASA is that with their limited budget (made smaller by the massive cost of SLS/Orion, which is so expensive they can't develop any useful tech to go with it like a lander or deep space hab., so they best they can do is a loop around the moon and maybe ARM if it ever happens /rant) and limited long-term support from Congress, they can only develop a few techs at a time. So they're starting with SEP because it will be applicable to commercial space as well as maybe useful on a Mars mission.

I highly doubt ARM will ever happen though; pretty much only the President and Charles Bolden have any faith in it. What this means is that after the next election in 2016 a new administration will come in, and probably replace ARM. New plans with every new president usually is very bad for NASA, as long term commitment is needed to accomplish anything, but I don't think ARM is actually worth that level of commitment.

Solar Eclectic Propulsion: gathering light from a broad and diverse range of sources to make spacecraft go forward.

I don't know how politics works over there, but I think you are right. ARM seems like a mission for the sake of a mission. Personally, astronauts visiting a near Earth asteroid (Without towing it to the Moon, so they can visit one larger than a few metres across) I think would be cool. And is good practice for deep space travel.

Although really, that's probably very high risk.

Did a Voskhod 2-a-like mission with Tantares and Tantares+. I really love this mod.


Very nice mission! :)

Is this Renaissance pack? It looks really sweet from orbit.

From popular demand... :wink:

Soyuz IVA


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Btw, is there a way to load *.mu files into unity so they can be used as a reference to align a part you are making?

I'm back to thinking of making an Iva for the MPL that would be horizontal for surface bases, now that I've seen frizzank's vertical Skylab interior.

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Btw, is there a way to load *.mu files into unity so they can be used as a reference to align a part you are making?

I'm back to thinking of making an Iva for the MPL that would be horizontal for surface bases, now that I've seen frizzank's vertical Skylab interior.

Yeah sure!

1. Make a new folder in the "Squad/Spaces" folder.

2. Put the .Mu and .MBM in that folder.

3. Make a dummy IVA config, with no props.

4. In Unity, you can now spawn that .Mu as an IVA.

I've done it a few times.

Another method is to get the Blender .MU importer, if you want to directly edit the models.

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Very nice mission! :)

Is this Renaissance pack? It looks really sweet from orbit.

Thank you! Indeed it is, feels really weird playing without clouds and kerbals that all look alike.

From popular demand... :wink:

Soyuz IVA


Looking good, have really been looking forward to IVAs. :D

Edited by Tjabo
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Yeah sure!

1. Make a new folder in the "Squad/Spaces" folder.

2. Put the .Mu and .MBM in that folder.

3. Make a dummy IVA config, with no props.

4. In Unity, you can now spawn that .Mu as an IVA.

I've done it a few times.

Another method is to get the Blender .MU importer, if you want to directly edit the models.

hmmm its tempting to simply wait for 1.0, import the IVA, strip it to the walls and then rebuild it the way I want it, but it wouldn't be ethical. OTOH, importing the lab into Blender would allow me to position windows in the correct places...

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