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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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I have been meaning to post this link here for a while. It's my forum post about my new series in which Tantares features heavily, especially in mission block III. Hope to see you on the launch pad, cheers!


Wow, nice!

Always strange to hear Tantares said by a human voice! :)

No idea how you've UV unwrapped it, but is dark/light segments like this possible?


Not quite currently, as the middle section is just mirrored all the way around, but with a little kajiggering, that would be possible.

Quite a nice colour scheme (But I was going to reserve the two-tone just for the upper tank) :)

Damn you are fast on Photoshop!


Also, light grey.


Edited by Beale
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So, here's my Soyuz 4/Soyuz 5 docking mission


Liftoff of Soyuz 2 from the Kosmodrome


Beautiful picture of booster separation


Hey look, I made a Soyuz 7K-OK Orbital Module! It only needs Igla. Nudge, Nudge


Rendezvous with Soyuz 3


Docking filmed by a camera on board Soyuz 3




Almost there...




Not really a big problem, but I wasn't able to get both the Kurs antennae and the OM windows to line up. Good thing I only have moderate OCD :P


Crew transfer from Soyuz 2 to Soyuz 3.


The Mun is within reach! Unless someone else beats us there, or our rocket explodes when we test it, or if the biggest supporter of Mun missions dies, or if the government cuts our budget, etc. Oh well, there's always the space station path, right?

Bonus content:


761 km above Kerbin. What's going on here? :huh:

Edited by pTrevTrevs
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Mmm, that design is nicer! And a little more feasible for KSP.

I understand the concept now.

Doing this whole craft = new texture sheet (Room for custom texture for Big G and Cylinder SM).

So maybe will be a nice small project some time.

Any chance that we could get the big G return module you already mocked up from the same texture file? I think that and some squad parts might make a good MOL.

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So, here's my Soyuz 4/Soyuz 5 docking mission


Liftoff of Soyuz 2 from the Kosmodrome


Beautiful picture of booster separation


Hey look, I made a Soyuz 7K-OK Orbital Module! It only needs Igla. Nudge, Nudge


Rendezvous with Soyuz 3


Docking filmed by a camera on board Soyuz 3




Almost there...




Not really a big problem, but I wasn't able to get both the Kurs antennae and the OM windows to line up. Good thing I only have moderate OCD :P


Crew transfer from Soyuz 2 to Soyuz 3.


The Mun is within reach! Unless someone else beats us there, or our rocket explodes when we test it, or if the biggest supporter of Mun missions dies, or if the government cuts our budget, etc. Oh well, there's always the space station path, right?

Bonus content:


761 km above Kerbin. What's going on here? :huh:

Hints taken :)

Still, very nice mission. I like the DIY docking ports.

LES - on its own, it has ridiculous TWR, so it can be expected.

Any chance that we could get the big G return module you already mocked up from the same texture file? I think that and some squad parts might make a good MOL.

Yeah I probably will, but it does need a minor cleanup still.

If possible I might rearrange it to a "one door" configuration, for max prettiness

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That came out of no where!

Very very cool! I would like to fly this.

You have even made the Window lights functional, very cool! :)

I hope you don't mind if I just set this down here then/DOWNLOAD!

There's a part or two more part I'd like to make before I think it deserves a proper thread of its own (unless you or RtK adopt it that is), but I believe the pod itself is at the point where its as good as its gonna get just messing around with it myself but if you or anyone else has any thoughts on balance or visual improvements (or you find any bugs) I'd love to hear them(or see them if you feel so inclined to do the tweaks yourself blender and unity files are included in the zip :wink:, but yeah I get that you're busy with all the other parts in the universe so don't feel obligated :) )

Road to Kosmos:

Remember the Atlas? Is still growing...

Courtesy of Snow White

Go on over and show them your love.


I can't wait till I can fly my mercury-a-like on this :D

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Well, I'll try listing my observations:

1)The decoupler mesh should be a bit thinner... right? http://api.ning.com/files/jNPGddwnISXNDvLeI1ORY6uukZCpg-12hxA-ZsODdSfL5IBNWE2wCFkgFw7dvuaSotTI6911TvWvGAfx5b376WwpUxqU87Qh/n16lallup.jpg

2)The upper tank of that stage needs to be more spherical. Possibly the upper part of the sphere might even be slightly "squashed" http://www.russianspaceweb.com/images/rockets/n1/design/exploded_1.jpg

3)If you're going for the N-IU look, I'd have a look at this page: http://www.bernd-leitenberger.de/hercules.shtml However this picture in particular is interesting: http://www.bernd-leitenberger.de/img/n1-n1f.gif with the 2nd model being the N-IF as it should've been flown on launch no.5 (notice that the conical skirt has been replaced by a conical-cylindrical one...)

4)Maybe a bit more flashy decoupler mesh? (not sure myself)

And some general remarks:

1)This rocket really would have boatloads of potential if you'd split the mesh into smaller parts, which would be loaded as one part by the part.cfg file. The main point would obviously be that you could, for example, split the Blok B into the upper spherical tank, the decoupler, the big conical fuel tank, the lower part with the engines. And then you could simply make the fuel tank longer, and you got a N-IF (1965) Blok B, without distorting any proportions! And the fully cylindrical tank might be used on Blok V, aswell as a resized decoupler mesh! And for a N-II or N-III rocket to work, I think you'd have to seperate the little shrouding parts for the engines from the fuel tanks, instead of modelling them as jettisons. This way they could be placed without the need of something being "below" the fuel tank.

2)If you could make (or well, collaborate with someone on making) a procedural "engine heatshield" that would be perfect! You'd need just 2 types of parts - one normal engine heatshield, a mostly flat surface onto which you can procedurally add holes of varying diameter in a symmetry-like way, and the 2nd one would be slightly curved, for the center engines of the N-I. That is, if you procedurally add 6 holes to that part... else you got a N-I (1962) ;)

3)Mixing and matching the rocket with stock sizes might be rather hard. There's no shame in using a tiny little procedural interstage to make the transition smoother => I'd go with proper ratios of fuel tank bottom and top widths.

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Anyway, here is an emissive (a rough one) render, so you may compare better than the dull wings 3D renderer.

Of course the texture is still very unfinished, lacking all little bolts and stuff.




This yellow sphere tank looks beautiful! And for green, I just wanted N-1 as it was IRL, since Lack decided to make it all-black. :)

A PPTS was promised. Where is it?

There is no reason to be so rude. It was promised and it will be released sooner or later. Watch for the announcements.

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I (attempted) another Zarya mission! in 6.4!


Very nice design! (And 6.4!)

How is the OM made? I like it. :)

Long term Tantares project? :)



Oh, nice!

Funnily enough, yes!

Once stock resources is available.

I hope you don't mind if I just set this down here then/DOWNLOAD!

There's a part or two more part I'd like to make before I think it deserves a proper thread of its own (unless you or RtK adopt it that is), but I believe the pod itself is at the point where its as good as its gonna get just messing around with it myself but if you or anyone else has any thoughts on balance or visual improvements (or you find any bugs) I'd love to hear them(or see them if you feel so inclined to do the tweaks yourself blender and unity files are included in the zip :wink:, but yeah I get that you're busy with all the other parts in the universe so don't feel obligated :) )

I can't wait till I can fly my mercury-a-like on this :D

Real cool!

I'll give it a try soon :)

Many thanks.

Well, I'll try listing my observations:

1)The decoupler mesh should be a bit thinner... right? http://api.ning.com/files/jNPGddwnISXNDvLeI1ORY6uukZCpg-12hxA-ZsODdSfL5IBNWE2wCFkgFw7dvuaSotTI6911TvWvGAfx5b376WwpUxqU87Qh/n16lallup.jpg

2)The upper tank of that stage needs to be more spherical. Possibly the upper part of the sphere might even be slightly "squashed" http://www.russianspaceweb.com/images/rockets/n1/design/exploded_1.jpg

3)If you're going for the N-IU look, I'd have a look at this page: http://www.bernd-leitenberger.de/hercules.shtml However this picture in particular is interesting: http://www.bernd-leitenberger.de/img/n1-n1f.gif with the 2nd model being the N-IF as it should've been flown on launch no.5 (notice that the conical skirt has been replaced by a conical-cylindrical one...)

4)Maybe a bit more flashy decoupler mesh? (not sure myself)

And some general remarks:

1)This rocket really would have boatloads of potential if you'd split the mesh into smaller parts, which would be loaded as one part by the part.cfg file. The main point would obviously be that you could, for example, split the Blok B into the upper spherical tank, the decoupler, the big conical fuel tank, the lower part with the engines. And then you could simply make the fuel tank longer, and you got a N-IF (1965) Blok B, without distorting any proportions! And the fully cylindrical tank might be used on Blok V, aswell as a resized decoupler mesh! And for a N-II or N-III rocket to work, I think you'd have to seperate the little shrouding parts for the engines from the fuel tanks, instead of modelling them as jettisons. This way they could be placed without the need of something being "below" the fuel tank.

2)If you could make (or well, collaborate with someone on making) a procedural "engine heatshield" that would be perfect! You'd need just 2 types of parts - one normal engine heatshield, a mostly flat surface onto which you can procedurally add holes of varying diameter in a symmetry-like way, and the 2nd one would be slightly curved, for the center engines of the N-I. That is, if you procedurally add 6 holes to that part... else you got a N-I (1962) ;)

3)Mixing and matching the rocket with stock sizes might be rather hard. There's no shame in using a tiny little procedural interstage to make the transition smoother => I'd go with proper ratios of fuel tank bottom and top widths.


Great detailed feedback, I really appreciate this :)

A few of your points:

1 & 4.

I think I need to re-visit the whole truss section, I would agree.


I simplified from the above model, but I probably went too far.

2. It is actually a perfect half sphere! :D

I think this part will look better with an updated truss.

3. The N-I naming system is confusing to me, as always! But, the cylindrical skirt (N-IU?) Is what I'm going for I guess. Thanks, this will be helpful.

The general points:

1. This is very difficult for me, as I do not like so much to do this by part.cfg. Mainly I can only see problems with clipping edges, etc. when lining up components "exactly" like this. I'm not sure if this makes any sense, so here is a image:


You will notice the graphic artifacts where Big-G meats Little-G.

2 & 3. This stuff would sadly require plugin use.

That being said, once the basic N-I is up and flying, it will probably be pretty easy to start making all kinds of variants re-using textures.

This yellow sphere tank looks beautiful! And for green, I just wanted N-1 as it was IRL, since Lack decided to make it all-black. :)


Colour scheme: still not decided for coloured tanks (the spherical bits) or black tanks.

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There is no reason to be so rude. It was promised and it will be released sooner or later. Watch for the announcements.

Didn't mean to sound rude, (sorry Beale). It's probably one of my favorite spacecraft in terms of aesthetics ever. The N-1 I looking awesome, I personally like the olive green color scheme the best. I don't know if you already decided on one though. (sorry)

Edited by RobotsAndSpaceships
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Didn't mean to sound rude, (sorry Beale). It's probably one of my favorite spacecraft in terms of aesthetics ever. The N-1 I looking awesome, I personally like the olive green color scheme the best. I don't know if you already decided on one though. (sorry)

It's no trouble, I know if your first language is not English it can be written wrongly sometimes.

No hard feelings.

The PPTS is being produced by SnowWhite, but texturing hasn't begun yet.

I am re-designing the N-1 slightly from dimovski's feedback.

The dome actually wasn't circular before, some scaling problem must have happened, that's fixed now.

Also re-designing the truss-section / decoupler bit.



Atleast now there is a clearer concept.


Which actually was what I was already using for orthographic, so that has worked out well!

Here's a challenge b0ss!

When this is in game, major credit to the first person to get a full BlockA into orbit as a payload.

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Very nice design! (And 6.4!)

How is the OM made? I like it. :)

The OM was made from Procedural Parts. I was going to use the Cygnus, but it was completely the wrong shape.

EDIT: nixonshead just posted a better view of Zarya-BM. I was pretty darn close!


Edited by billbobjebkirk
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Its probably going to be hard to build anything other than an N1 with N1 parts. Thats partially a problem with its tapered shape (all of those stages would hate stacking, or attaching boosters) and partially because of the whole engine cluster thing KSP is missing. If you just make NK-33, its a hassle to attach all the engines you want, but if they come as a cluster, then the parts pretty much can only be built for one purpose.

Oh and those parts look amazing your an artist

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The OM was made from Procedural Parts. I was going to use the Cygnus, but it was completely the wrong shape.

EDIT: nixonshead just posted a better view of Zarya-BM. I was pretty darn close!



And wow! ETS is still getting updates? (Excuse if this is obvious I do not check so often).

Its probably going to be hard to build anything other than an N1 with N1 parts. Thats partially a problem with its tapered shape (all of those stages would hate stacking, or attaching boosters) and partially because of the whole engine cluster thing KSP is missing. If you just make NK-33, its a hassle to attach all the engines you want, but if they come as a cluster, then the parts pretty much can only be built for one purpose.

Oh and those parts look amazing your an artist

Thanks! :)

It will be fairly single-use.

You will be able to mix and match the Block A with AB parts (nudge nudge), SXT 5m parts, KW, or any 5m parts really...

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