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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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Is there a fix for the whole, Salyut parts disable right click on everything? Because I tried to make a station module using Salyut parts for the Auxiliary Habitation Hub, but I was having difficulties due to that little bug. I removed the C1 Operations block, and the OMS block, and it didn't do anything to fix it. Are all Salyut parts causing that bug?

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  Danny88 said:
Does the current upload work with .24.2?

Not entirely. RemoteTech2 modules will not be applied due to changes in DLL :)

But otherwise, should be okay.

  Fox62 said:
Is there a fix for the whole, Salyut parts disable right click on everything? Because I tried to make a station module using Salyut parts for the Auxiliary Habitation Hub, but I was having difficulties due to that little bug. I removed the C1 Operations block, and the OMS block, and it didn't do anything to fix it. Are all Salyut parts causing that bug?

Remove module science lab from Vega_crew_a. I will fix this soon. It is a very unpleasant bug! >:(

  Reichtangle said:
I just love how there's so much going on in the world, like ebola...

Could you please not make this kind off topic remark, or at least make it elsewhere? This is not funny or edgy, thousands of people are dying

Edited by Beale
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  Beale said:
Could you please not make this kind off topic remark, or at least make it elsewhere? This is not funny or edgy, thousands of people are dying

Yeah. And the sad thing is they can stop it. People just don't care though. Well, about the other people dying. They sure do care about themselves though. And will there be a tube to EVA from to place over the hatch like Voskhod 2?

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Hmm...I don't have any issues with the Salyut parts. I have a station in orbit now with a modified science module (integrated with LTech station science). I do, however, have problems with the antennae, but I don't remember having any issues with them until after I uninstalled remotetech.

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  Sippyfrog said:
So I'm off the forums for a day and half, and it feels like i've missed so much!!! Great work Beale!!!

Keep it cool :cool:


  captainradish said:
Hmm...I don't have any issues with the Salyut parts. I have a station in orbit now with a modified science module (integrated with LTech station science). I do, however, have problems with the antennae, but I don't remember having any issues with them until after I uninstalled remotetech.

Yeah, I am having it too, now.

For All People with Antenna Issues

Remove Tantares_Extra_RemoteTech from your GameData folder, this module manager script is screwing with the animation module.

Gonna update today bug-fixes

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Yay! The antennae are back! Removing the RemoteTech .cfg worked.

I'm poking around in the VC-1 .cfg and I think I've found a fix to the right click bug. Testing all functionality now.

EDIT: Functionality seems good.

Bug was caused by "containerModuleIndex = X". Basically the X refers to the position of "ModuleScienceContainer" in the list of modules where 0=first in the list.

I can send you my .cfg if you'd like to have a look but I'm sure you can figure it out now you know what causes it.

This is my bad in the first place for saying "containerModuleIndex = 3" would make the lab work... I hadn't fully understood "containerModuleIndex", sorry.

EDIT2: Oh and while we're on the VC-1 it irks me that its in the Utility tab and not the Science tab with the rest of the labs.

Edited by Omega482
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  Omega482 said:
Yay! The antennae are back! Removing the RemoteTech .cfg worked.

I'm poking around in the VC-1 .cfg and I think I've found a fix to the right click bug. Testing all functionality now.

EDIT: Functionality seems good.

Bug was caused by "containerModuleIndex = X". Basically the X refers to the position of "ModuleScienceContainer" in the list of modules where 0=first in the list.

I can send you my .cfg if you'd like to have a look but I'm sure you can figure it out now you know what causes it.

This is my bad in the first place for saying "containerModuleIndex = 3" would make the lab work... I hadn't fully understood "containerModuleIndex", sorry.

EDIT2: Oh and while we're on the VC-1 it irks me that its in the Utility tab and not the Science tab with the rest of the labs.

Now that you explain it, the mystery value makes more sense! Thankyou

  ZodiaK said:
any news on vostock?

Sadly due to antenna stuff, not much.

  Niemand303 said:
Hey, Beale, would you need some models of 1.25 meter R-7 for your TLV? I have to abandon KSP modding to my new job in a Design Bureau.

I'd love to take a look at them!

Sorry to hear about the discontinuation of your modding.

Good luck on your new job!

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Great job man, can't wait for the Vostok! :D I've been a kid in the Eastern bloc, and still genuinely look up to the achievements of the Soviet and Russian space program.

Anyway, if you'd take a suggestion, could you move your stuff from DropBox to a better repository? ;) Github maybe?

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  Soviet borris said:
how do you get alternate textures? I installed the extra.cfg and I get the option in the VAB but the colour doesn't change

Do you have the "Alternate Textures" folder from a previous release, with the alternate textures inside, in your "GameData/Tantares" folder?

  Omega482 said:
Hi! The Alternate textures haven't been released in 0.25 yet. According to Beale they are coming SoonTM.

It still works with the old .tga ones, most of the time.

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  Soviet borris said:
how do you get alternate textures? I installed the extra.cfg and I get the option in the VAB but the colour doesn't change

Hi! The Alternate textures haven't been released in 0.25 yet. According to Beale they are coming SoonTM.

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  S1gmoid said:

Great job man, can't wait for the Vostok! :D I've been a kid in the Eastern bloc, and still genuinely look up to the achievements of the Soviet and Russian space program.

Anyway, if you'd take a suggestion, could you move your stuff from DropBox to a better repository? ;) Github maybe?


It is also available on Kerbal Stuff :)

But, I have no love for Dropbox, if you could point me in the direction of a handy guide to getting started on GitHub, I'd give it a go.

  Soviet borris said:
how do you get alternate textures? I installed the extra.cfg and I get the option in the VAB but the colour doesn't change

Sorry, they were previously available, but after 0.25 there were some texture issues, they will be back soon.

Tantares 10.3

*Fixed that very annoying "Antennas not deploying" issue.

*Removed the Science lab from Salyut temporarily to avoid "cannot right click" bug (Though I know the fix now, it will have to wait a little longer while I figure out some balance).

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Sorry, gonna have to skip this version. I'm using the science lab and love it.

I did, however, rewrite the config file before using it, so that may have fixed the problem without me realizing there was one. If anyone wants it (it is integrated with the LTech mod and has the same functionality as the science station), and I have Beale's permission, I'll post a link to my modified config.

Edited by captainradish
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I strapped a bunch of Thor (KW Rocketry) boosters to my ALV in an attempt to launch a 24 ton station core into orbit.

I wonder if anyone from NASA ever thinks "Well, this will get it into orbit if it doesn't blow up on the launchpad."

Edit: It did make it with flying colors, by the way. That has become my go to super-heavy 2.5m rocket.

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Hey Beale, been enjoying the new updates, the new Proton is shiny!

I have some feedback though:

Could you move the panels around in the tech tree? When I reached that node with all the Tantares panels, I felt really overwhelmed by the half-dozen different types that seemed only marginally different. It'd be nice if we could get the basic non-tracking panels relatively early (maybe even with the first stock solar panel, so we can have functional Soyuzes and bases at the TL of their other parts), adding the larger and sun-tracking ones later.

I also noticed the largest panel type (don't know the name really) did open but did not track the sun, and produced no electricity (displayed 0 sun exposure even though I warped through several hours).

Thanks and keep going!

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  captainradish said:
I strapped a bunch of Thor (KW Rocketry) boosters to my ALV in an attempt to launch a 24 ton station core into orbit.

I wonder if anyone from NASA ever thinks "Well, this will get it into orbit if it doesn't blow up on the launchpad."

Edit: It did make it with flying colors, by the way. That has become my go to super-heavy 2.5m rocket.

Ha! Nice to hear :)

I must revise my estimates a bit, I do not think the Proton as it is delivered here is capable of 25tons to LKO (Probably more around ~17 , but I'm just guessing).

  TheBedla said:
Hey Beale, been enjoying the new updates, the new Proton is shiny!

I have some feedback though:

Could you move the panels around in the tech tree? When I reached that node with all the Tantares panels, I felt really overwhelmed by the half-dozen different types that seemed only marginally different. It'd be nice if we could get the basic non-tracking panels relatively early (maybe even with the first stock solar panel, so we can have functional Soyuzes and bases at the TL of their other parts), adding the larger and sun-tracking ones later.

I also noticed the largest panel type (don't know the name really) did open but did not track the sun, and produced no electricity (displayed 0 sun exposure even though I warped through several hours).

Thanks and keep going!


Nice feedback, thanks.

Yeah, they should be spread out a bit, I agree, next update (The FOBOS Grunt panel and Cygnus panel should really be available with OX-Stat).

On the sun-tracking issue, could you give me the name of the panel, I'm not sure if you mean the Kvant one or the Mir panels.

By this one:


The lack of sun-tracking was intentional I.E. a panel that gives a lot of power for its size and weight, but has drawbacks.

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  Beale said:

By this one: <snip> The lack of sun-tracking was intentional I.E. a panel that gives a lot of power for its size and weight, but has drawbacks.

Yeah, that's the one. The lack of sun tracking is OK (I do prefer the non-tracking ones anyway), but it did not generate any power.

What I did was once I unlocked the node I just put all of them on a single ship (not intending to launch it) just to see what shape they would get once unfurled. And this set was the only one that did not generate any power at all. I warped from about noon to sunset to make sure it's not due to the angle (unless they're intentionally single-sided, that could have been it). I'll try to do you a screenshot when I get to KSP again.

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  TheBedla said:
Yeah, that's the one. The lack of sun tracking is OK (I do prefer the non-tracking ones anyway), but it did not generate any power.

What I did was once I unlocked the node I just put all of them on a single ship (not intending to launch it) just to see what shape they would get once unfurled. And this set was the only one that did not generate any power at all. I warped from about noon to sunset to make sure it's not due to the angle (unless they're intentionally single-sided, that could have been it). I'll try to do you a screenshot when I get to KSP again.

Ah okay.

It is strange, I am having no problems with that one in particular, can anyone else report this?

Also, it is a one-sided panel, one side is grey and does not produce power.

There is a little arrow on the part "this side up".

Thank you for helping finding bugs :)

  kopapaka said:

Seriously love that Skylab-like design! Going to have to recreate that! :D

It is coming together...

I hope including colour in one of my parts is not too controversial :wink:


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