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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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Hello! I have an "Issue" to report, and the issue is that the craft files with the launcher of the Soyuz look-a-like won't load for a "missing part". I have Proc Fairings and it still won't load. Anyone got any suggestions?

EDIT: I found what it was. I am missing a mod (KW Rocketry, I'm pretty sure) that has the "Medium Strut Connecter" in it. Can someone please make a craft file with all the launchers without the Medium Strut Connecter? Thanks!

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oh god I love you all, especially Beale for its own awesome job on that huge mod and dimovski for his awesome work on N1. As you may have understood I'm near blackout drunk, but I want to announce soon next part of the story of Boris Kertok. Since then, Sabaton keeps me alive.

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I've got a small request.

Could you probably add small KAS containers to manned capsules? 10-15 by volume, depends on capsule - Soyuz has 10, while TKS has, let's say, 20 - because it's big.

This idea came to me after I've downloaded Orbital Material Science mod - it has KAS-storable experiments that you have to return and recover (not science, but the experiment box itself). Since I use DRE, I have to design something that would allow me to return them safely; having a small trunk in descent module would eliminate this need. It would also allow to fly in or recover some small parts (like science instruments, which aren't cheap - like "double goo pod" from DMagic with its 21K cost. Or just store a spare solar panel or battery or something).

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First of all, a shameless plug for AB Launchers A mod I have been working on with hoojiwana, check that for Energia related stuff :)

  Sideswiper22 said:
Hi Beale! I'm loving this mod! :D. I've been using this since I first played KSP. Can't wait for what's coming next!

Nice to hear, thanks :)

  CardBoardBoxProcessor said:
It is my understanding that the Bulky things on the sides of the energia boosters are landing legs.

There's a few different setups for them.

The ones I know of are parachute,

and this thing:


  SnowWhite said:
Here is the first mission of new "Proton"- Minmus flyby and impactor. This new SAS for uncrewed spaceships is very... uncomfortable.


Cute little probe! What's the mods?

  tjsnh said:
oo would love to see a Venera! It's always been a bit of a pain to re-create using the stock parts.

For now, this is just the lander. Named "Formalhaut" (I'm running out of star names) :)

  Rjtaml said:
Hello! I have an "Issue" to report, and the issue is that the craft files with the launcher of the Soyuz look-a-like won't load for a "missing part". I have Proc Fairings and it still won't load. Anyone got any suggestions?

EDIT: I found what it was. I am missing a mod (KW Rocketry, I'm pretty sure) that has the "Medium Strut Connecter" in it. Can someone please make a craft file with all the launchers without the Medium Strut Connecter? Thanks!

It is known. Eh, sorry about it, I keep meaning to replace the craft files, but I am forgetful. The existing craft files were kindly donated by folks in this thread.

  CaptRobau said:
Are you planning to have it work as a shock breaker? ModuleLandingLeg should allow that.

Not sure, the setup is rather complex for the leg, but possible.

The simple route is to just give it high impact tolerance.

Given it's supposed to land under a parachute, it should not experience too high landing forces.

  Niemand303 said:
oh god I love you all, especially Beale for its own awesome job on that huge mod and dimovski for his awesome work on N1. As you may have understood I'm near blackout drunk, but I want to announce soon next part of the story of Boris Kertok. Since then, Sabaton keeps me alive.



  biohazard15 said:
I've got a small request.

Could you probably add small KAS containers to manned capsules? 10-15 by volume, depends on capsule - Soyuz has 10, while TKS has, let's say, 20 - because it's big.

This idea came to me after I've downloaded Orbital Material Science mod - it has KAS-storable experiments that you have to return and recover (not science, but the experiment box itself). Since I use DRE, I have to design something that would allow me to return them safely; having a small trunk in descent module would eliminate this need. It would also allow to fly in or recover some small parts (like science instruments, which aren't cheap - like "double goo pod" from DMagic with its 21K cost. Or just store a spare solar panel or battery or something).

It absolutely already should have KAS support, do you have module manager?

Edit: my mistake, the Soyuz and TKS CMs do not have KAS space, yeah, I'll fix that :)

  Darth Lazarus said:
the smell of fresh new Protons...


Like it!

I expect you especially are quite enjoying the new editor, ya? :wink:

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  Darth Lazarus said:
the smell of fresh new Protons...


  SnowWhite said:
AIES, Procedural parts.

What's the plans on the future? (After Venera, PPTS and Energia) I hope you'll remake Salyut IVA, make this thing more... alive.


I had noticed the nice PP Fregat also, cool!

Future: I've been thinking of a bit of a "roadmap".

It involves lunar stuff.

More later.

In the near term: revamping older parts, make them all pretty. Like you say this involves IVAs - still working on getting the missing ones in.




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Hmm, I already congratulated you on one topic so I won't clog this one up too... ahh for the heck of it... Beautiful work! Long live AB "Kalentin Kushko" Engineering Limited!

Lunar stuff? Maybe a working Lunokhod? (Then again, making a rover is rather precarious and doesn't fit the current theme of your pack... ahh, I'd still like it)

As for revamping older parts... I have Slitherines "Buzz Aldrin Space Program Manager" installed on my PC, and it has a good shot of the LK lunar landers engines, so maybe you could use that? IMO, all other parts are already perfect. Well okay, except that Progress looks too different compared to Soyuz.

PS: Danke für die Blumen, Niemand ;)

PPS: Sabaton? Well now I like you even more.

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  dimovski said:
Hmm, I already congratulated you on one topic so I won't clog this one up too... ahh for the heck of it... Beautiful work! Long live AB "Kalentin Kushko" Engineering Limited!

Many thanks! :)

  dimovski said:
Lunar stuff? Maybe a working Lunokhod? (Then again, making a rover is rather precarious and doesn't fit the current theme of your pack... ahh, I'd still like it)

  SnowWhite said:

White letters? What does that mean?

Well, I will speak a bit more: MD as in Munar development.

I look to expand on some Russian concepts for Lunar bases (And maybe Mars bases for the hell of it)

A separate mod for, maybe, ISRU components (with Regolith Framework, Tantares and TantaresLV still dependency free).

This is all just an idea. But I do have a bit of a soft spot for Lunar stuff (The LK is my first craft I made ever for a good reason).

Although, I'm sure people who are regular visitors here will know I am bad at sticking to plans.

So yeah, people can maybe consider this "Future stuff". :)

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Base stuff? Interesting. Too bad there's barely any info about them, just some sketches on astronautix.

I can already see myself building the Pechorin* Lunar Base... ;)

(Maybe 2020 if we're lucky? ^^)

*reference to the best literary character of the 19th century

EDIT:And regarding IVAs:

Maybe take some inspiration from this and standardize on it?



Or these:


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  Ikaneko said:
Oh nice. What concepts will you be doing? Luna-glob, or one of those older soviet designs?

To be honest, I haven't decided on any specifics.

I have in mind that recent concept also, which has really captured my imagination. (For the life of me, I cannot re-find the Flickr though).

Glob is a good place to start, also Lunar-Poligon (Though un-manned) is interesting.


Inflateables, shared generic hardware for landing, etc.

  dimovski said:
Base stuff? Interesting. Too bad there's barely any info about them, just some sketches on astronautix.

I can already see myself building the Pechorin* Lunar Base... ;)

(Maybe 2020 if we're lucky? ^^)

*reference to the best literary character of the 19th century

It does give a lot of artistic licence, the lack of reference materials :)

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  CrisK said:
Beale and Rjtaml, I can share my craft files if that would be helpful. They only use stock + procedural fairings + Tantares.

Absolutely perfect, many thanks :)

If you have it on a dropbox location, etc. I can append the link on the front page immediately.

Tantares 14 Release

A very small release, just the KAS changes, Vostok upper stage, some cost changes and the ATV IVA.

Should be relatively bug free, but as always, let me know :)


This update sponsored by David "Mitchell" Kerman

- - - Updated - - -

Tantares LV 4.1 Release

Teeny tiny update,

some balance changes (ISP) to engines and a large price increase to the Proton parts (Thanks Biohazard15!)


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  Beale said:
Absolutely perfect, many thanks :)

If you have it on a dropbox location, etc. I can append the link on the front page immediately.

Here is a link to my semi-accurate R7 (Soyuz). Is this good enough quality and accurate enough to be shared? I'm not sure if you'll like my style of construction.

A few notes on the rocket:

  • There is no asparagus staging because it is not used in the real Soyuz. Add it if you want to increase your efficiency and don't care about accuracy.
  • The procedural fairing is a custom shape that perfectly covers the Soyuz spacecraft. Please keep auto-shape turned off. The fairing will extend to cover the launch escape system if you turn auto-shape on.
  • Action groups are not saved in the craft file. You should probably add the Tavio GET-00T and the Tavio SD-01 decoupler to the Abort action group so that the crew can be ejected/rescued.
  • The only recoverable part is the TST crew module. Just like the real Soyuz! If you want to recover the rest using StageRecovery then you will need to add 2 radial ALN return chutes per part (or 6 for stage 2). This is not accurate, but it saves a lot of money in recovered parts.

License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. (Hopefully that covers the board requirements of including a license.)

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  ZodiaK said:
why did you put that image at the end?

Filler :wink:

Well, actually it is something I've been trying to build (unsuccessfully) using Mk2 parts.

  CrisK said:
Here is a link to my semi-accurate R7 (Soyuz). Is this good enough quality and accurate enough to be shared? I'm not sure if you'll like my style of construction.

A few notes on the rocket:

  • There is no asparagus staging because it is not used in the real Soyuz. Add it if you want to increase your efficiency and don't care about accuracy.
  • The procedural fairing is a custom shape that perfectly covers the Soyuz spacecraft. Please keep auto-shape turned off. The fairing will extend to cover the launch escape system if you turn auto-shape on.
  • Action groups are not saved in the craft file. You should probably add the Tavio GET-00T and the Tavio SD-01 decoupler to the Abort action group so that the crew can be ejected/rescued.
  • The only recoverable part is the TST crew module. Just like the real Soyuz! If you want to recover the rest using StageRecovery then you will need to add 2 radial ALN return chutes per part (or 6 for stage 2). This is not accurate, but it saves a lot of money in recovered parts.

License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. (Hopefully that covers the board requirements of including a license.)


Link on the front page appended, many thanks :)

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  Beale said:

Well, actually it is something I've been trying to build (unsuccessfully) using Mk2 parts.

Someone has made a MAKS before. I haven't tried it yet, but the guy who made it normally makes pretty good craft.

Here's the link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/102535-Shuttles-that-never-were-%28but-could-have%29-Soviet-MAKS-Lockheed-s-LS-A

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  pTrevTrevs said:
Someone has made a MAKS before. I haven't tried it yet, but the guy who made it normally makes pretty good craft.

Here's the link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/102535-Shuttles-that-never-were-%28but-could-have%29-Soviet-MAKS-Lockheed-s-LS-A

Real nice!

Not sure about the wing dimensions on it, but from the screenshots... I must try this.

  dimovski said:

Bwah, not even 0.1% Chelomei enough for the real spaceplane fan.

The real spaceplane fan uses PKA and LKS. (with the latter one being paritcularly interesting... a Proton sized Kliper, 40 years earlier)



Very very interesting! not heard of it at all.


As I am working on Venera, going through texture files and seeing who the worst offenders are.

That being Soyuz and TKS, both have 30MB worth of textures, no good (Same with Salyut, but I have saved all the space I have there, it is a big craft!).

(I have no idea how much Memory Tantares takes up in game, if being optimistic with the compression used ~ 40MB?)

So now I have priorities for refurbishment.

Most other craft are fairly okay IMO, texture quality and texture size. The FOBOS could quite easily be condensed into one texture, as could the Progress.

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Now that the new Vostok upper stage is out, I modified my existing Almach craft file and changed the upper stages, and updated the download. The download link should remain the same, so no need to change anything.

And this time, I made sure to use the stock struts.


*Certified to reach orbit in less than 4 minutes using NEAR.*

EDIT: Be sure to set the core engine to Core mode.

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