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[1.2] NavHud - a NavBall inspired Heads Up Display - 1.3.3


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NavHud provides a new(ish) navigational instrument: A Heads Up Display showing you precisely what way your spaceship is pointing. It also features the target, normal, radial, retro/pro-grade, maneuver and docking alignment indicators.


Curse: http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/220889-navhud

GitHub: https://github.com/Ninenium/NavHud/releases

Checkout the fork by Addle which may contain some new features: https://github.com/RealGrep/NavHud/releases


Demo video by 5thHorseman:



Alignment indicator:

When targeting a docking port a target alignment indicator is shown. indicating the orientation of the targeted docking port.

Toggle hot-key

Press "y" to toggle the HUD at any time.

Press "left-alt" + "y" to cycle between speed display modes.


The color and size of the markers and lines can be changed in a comprehensive settings window. The changes are saved in the file [KSPfolder]\GameData\NavHud\Plugins\PluginData\NavHud\config. xml


This mod is compatible with Blizzy78's Toolbar.


Copy the content of the 'GameData' folder to the 'GameData' folder of your KSP installation.

License: MIT license

Change log:

version 1.3.3
 - Fixed ToolbarWrapper

version 1.3.2
 - Updated to KSP 1.2 (bwheatley)

version 1.3.1

 - Removed waypoint functionality to resolve compatibility issues with KSP 1.1.3

version 1.3.0
 - Updated to KSP 1.1 (iPeer)
version 1.2.2
 - Fixed bug with burn times taking all engines into account due to API change (Addle).

version 1.2.1

- Added option to hide NavHud display when UI is hidden with F2 (Addle).

- Added option to disable waypoint.

- Replaced default button by button in applauncher.

version 1.2.0

- Updated code for KSP 1.0 changes (Addle)

- Made the burn time display a little better (minutes and others displayed rather than just total seconds) (Addle)

version 1.1.4

- Added Waypoint support.

- Fixed bug "NullReferenceExeption" when patched conics isn't unlocked.

version 1.1.3

- Fixed bug where map view setting wasn't being saved and restored. (Addle)

- Burn calculations now take into account reducing mass during the burn. (Addle)

version 1.1.2

- Added triangles at screen edge that point to markers that are out of view.

- Added smoothing to markers at speeds below 1 m/s.

- Added a HUD text display so the navball can be closed completely without missing the information contained on it. Also added settings options for it. Note that holding LeftAlt and hitting the toggle key will cycle through the speed display modes (Surface, Orbit and Target). (Addle)

version 1.1.1

- Fixed reset button bug (Addle)

- Fixed alpha channel save bug (Addle)

- Tweaked default alpha channel setting (Addle)

- Changed default window position (Addle)

- Added KSP-AVC support (Addle)

- Tweaked heading marker

Version 1.1

- Changed settings window layout.

- Added alpha channel option. (Thanks to Addle/ShimmyTheJJ)

- Improved target alignment support for mods. (Thanks to taniwha.)

- The HUD is now rendered by its own camera positioned in the origin. This removes jitter and clipping issues.

- Added anti-heading marker.

- HUD is visible in the mapview.

- Fixed bug: memory leak when settings window is open.

Version 1.0.1

- Added hot-key

- Fixed bug: No HUD when reverting flight from map view

Version 1.0

- First release

P.S. I have to give you a little warning/disclaimer I am not a professional programmer and this is my fist project I've released publicly. So no hard feelings if this happens to break your game somehow, okay? :D

Edited by Ninenium
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hmm i can see two ways to improve this...

1. don't have the lines cover the craft and planets when we're in flight

2. give us an only in IVA option

remember this is only a suggestion

also it works great with Eva view mods

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Thanks for the suggestions!

Interesting idea about the lines not covering the craft, but I don't really know how to make that work...

I've added a configurable hot-key on/off option in the settings window. You can now toggle it faster if you go in and out of IVA for example.

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Thanks for the suggestions!

Interesting idea about the lines not covering the craft, but I don't really know how to make that work...

I've added a configurable hot-key on/off option in the settings window. You can now toggle it faster if you go in and out of IVA for example.

well from what i can see, since it has the lines surround the camera in a bubble how about making the bubble bigger...

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Regarding your suggestion, I did some experimenting but the rendering distance of the lines doesn't seem to be large enough.:(

I don't really have anything planned, but before I'm going to add any more features I need to tidy up the code a bit. I also don't have a lot of time to work on this the coming period. so don't expect any major updates soon.

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Regarding your suggestion, I did some experimenting but the rendering distance of the lines doesn't seem to be large enough.:(

I don't really have anything planned, but before I'm going to add any more features I need to tidy up the code a bit. I also don't have a lot of time to work on this the coming period. so don't expect any major updates soon.

good to know :) thanks :cool:

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You people gotta stop making must-download mods. I've gotten 3 so far just today!

This looks really cool, and I love how it renders the "galaxy aligned with the ecliptic" no longer necessary. Finally I can (re)install my "real night sky" skybox and not lose my east-west orientation! I haven't tried it in game yet but I'm going to soon!

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I just used this mod in what will end up being episode 4 or 5 (or 6, who knows) of my Joolpollo series and in about 15 minutes I went from "It's cool but I don't think I'll use it much" to "I LOVE THIS MOD."

Welcome to the "must have mods" group for me!

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I hate to triple post but I'm kinda shocked that nobody else is singing the praises of this mod. So long as you're in chase mode this hud is - in almsot every way - superior to the in-game navball and it essentially eliminates the need for any other docking helpers. And while flying over Laythe I looked down and realized that it also gives you a simple crosshair at "straight down" which can only help when trying to get biome science back on Kerbin, Mun and Minmus.

In fact, this mod's biggest problem is that the Navball's still there, taking up room in the middle of the screen when it's now not needed. I'd minimize it but I need to see the non-navball stuff that goes away at the same time.

Seriously people try this mod out!

Edited by 5thHorseman
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i did in fact, i was also the first as you can see that presented ideas for the mod plus i repeat it works awesome for EVA mods

Sorry, I should have been more clear. I didn't mean "nobody else but me" and instead meant "Nobody else but those who've already responded" which includes you as well :)

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I have a request for this wonderful mod: An anti-heading marker.

When I'm approaching a ship at 100m/s it'd be nice to be able to see where my rockets are pointing in relation to the target and my retrograde vector. :)

...tell me what other two must-download mods are. :D

I don't remember the 3rd one (and I don't seem to have downloaded it), but the 2nd one was Kerbal Crew Transfer which IMO is superior to Kerbal Crew Manifest.

Oh I remember. The 3rd one was Action Groups Extended which I installed but haven't used yet.

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Based on 5thHorsemans enthusiastic support, I downloaded this.. and once I got over the invasiveness, my first words were 'wow, ok, this is gorgeous'. Yep, another must-have for me, cheers!


EDIT: Also, docking with this is a breeze


It has an alignment indicator! It's like a big navball, all over your screen! You know, in future, forget Navyfish's plugin, this does exactly that (aside from roll angle) but it's bigger and clearer. Seriously, I didn't even look at the navball or even my ship during this docking. All done by looking at that little cluster of icons. Fantastic work, I love this mod.

Edited by ObsessedWithKSP
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Wow guys, thanks for the kind words! I'm very glad to read that my work is put to good use! :D

I have a request for this wonderful mod: An anti-heading marker.

Do you (or anybody) have any suggestions for the marker design? I am afraid that if its similar to the heading marking it might be confusing, also because the controls are partially inverted when "flying backwards".

I just used this mod in what will end up being episode 4 or 5 (or 6, who knows) of my Joolpollo series and in about 15 minutes I went from "It's cool but I don't think I'll use it much" to "I LOVE THIS MOD."

Amazing! maybe it will be a nice preview/instruction video :).

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Wow guys, thanks for the kind words! I'm very glad to read that my work is put to good use! :D

Do you (or anybody) have any suggestions for the marker design? I am afraid that if its similar to the heading marking it might be confusing, also because the controls are partially inverted when "flying backwards".

Well I think something that turns it into something visually similar to the difference between Prograde and Retrograde markers would work.

Here's a quick attempt:


Amazing! maybe it will be a nice preview/instruction video :).

I was seriously considering it already :)

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I created a quick video (actually it's spliced out of an episode for my Kerpollo program that will go live in about 2 weeks) showing how to use this mod to dock sideways into a semicramped space with no issues. Hopefully it shows off at least some of the potential this HUD has for helping the player. Feel free to put this on the first post (or not if you don't want to for any reason, no worries either way)

Edited by 5thHorseman
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I created a quick video (actually it's spliced out of an episode for my Kerpollo program that will go live in about 2 weeks) showing how to use this mod to dock sideways into a semicramped space with no issues. Hopefully it shows off at least some of the potential this HUD has for helping the player. Feel free to put this on the first post (or not if you don't want to for any reason, no worries either way)

That's perfect! Thanks for making this special video :). I also like the anti-heading marker. I will add something along those lines in the next update. But you have to be patient with me because I have to prioritize some other stuff right now.

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