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What would you do on a Space Station?

Guest Fyre Flare

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This is a thread where you tell us what you'd do on a Space Station.


-The station doesn't have artificial gravity.

-We are all on the same station, So you can say what you'd do and talk about other users.

-No side conversation.

Lemme start:

I'd go fly my way to Red Iron Crown.

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Then I remind Icarus that the station itself is 500 billion USD.

Then I successfully get a sip of the beer after 5 minutes.

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I stop the music after the song "upside down" ended then i try to find others crew member to show the latest results and ask them what they think of enlarging current test panel including more seed variety than actually and some sea vegetal regarding thoose results.

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In my attempt to eat popcorn while watching Icarus and Fyre argue I spill popcorn everywhere. Then I start catching it using a vacuum cleaner. One thing leads to another and the vacuum cleaner starts blowing the dust and popcorn back outside of it. The whole station is soon filled with dust and popcorn. There are no other vacuum cleaners on the station. Then I get a genius idea of compressing the air in half the station into small canisters, putting a filter near the airlock between the two halves and then open that airlock. The good thing is that there's now a lot less dust and popcorn in the station, the bad news is that half the station is damaged from that sudden blast of air. Also, for some time, the pressure is much lower than it's supposed to be. It rises slowly, because the canisters with compressed air have to release the air through a filter, but the filters have to be changed often. Once all that's done I realize that we're now out of coffee filters and there are no alternative methods for making coffee. Luckily I don't drink coffee and I'm a sadistic [unfriendly person] so I laugh at everyone else's despair.

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I ask xray to go Recover that Soyuz that was hit with debris.

We steal your popcorn as me and Icarus laugh at you.

Then you get the Soyuz on the station. (But ONLY the capsule, Not the whole thing)

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Well screw you, guys, I'm going home. I attach SRBs to the Soyuz capsule, undock and fire them, only to realize I placed them the wrong way. And that I'm not in the capsule either. Now the Soyuz starts slowly drifting apart. Also the station is now on an escape trajectory which would bring it past Venus, from there past Jupiter (or if this is supposed to be Kerbin universe, make that Eve and Jool) which would send it to a Sun escape trajectory. The station uses RCS to stop the rotation, but it can't slow down. I go on an EVA and try to pull the Soyuz back with a rope. But it's gone for good, now. I try to come back inside, only to find out the airlock hatch is stuck.

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