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Release: BobCat Ind. Space&Planet products


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  VenomousRequiem said:
So I'm confused... Is this still being developed and stuff? This is all so quality. I'd hate to see it die.

Due to a fracas that occurred several months a go the creator of this thread was told he was reluctantly suspended for a few months, from the powers that be. In lieu of returning he has decided to maintain his mods through third party intermediaries and has mused about the potential of creating his own website strictly for the maintainence and distribution of his mods and the mods he takes care of. Now we have not heard from him in quite some time and have no official statement of his status because he has vowed never to return to these forums. So I say that we should stand resolute and hopeful that these mods carry on into the next era of KSP, however if they are to die allow them to die with grace and be reborn anew through the next generation of KSP players.

Edited by sp1989
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This is about what Dragon01 told me about the further development of the mods he maintains, I am often in contact with him:

There won't be any further content updates, but if required, for example for the 1.0 release soon, he will update this mod so that it works in the new KSP version.

I personally don't know about the website he was working on for maintaining the mods, but you will get the mod update, I will post a link to the download here once there is one. ;)

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  Kartoffelkuchen said:
This is about what Dragon01 told me about the further development of the mods he maintains, I am often in contact with him:

There won't be any further content updates, but if required, for example for the 1.0 release soon, he will update this mod so that it works in the new KSP version.

I personally don't know about the website he was working on for maintaining the mods, but you will get the mod update, I will post a link to the download here once there is one. ;)

I know you have alot of your own projects going. However it seems like such a shame to see the ISS Community pack not get the attention and love that it deserves. So a new community effort to revitalize the pack seems like something that should be on the Horizon with the 1.0 update. From what I have experienced with the pack there are a few docking port issues that need to be addressed. The entire truss system is loaded with bugs for some reason. I mean just the parts, those are actually quite wonderful. Still if there are no content updates coming from Dragon the ISS def needs some community love. Now I have said this one thousand time and I will say it one thousand more. I am not a modder, texturer, or configurer. I however am just a facilitator and I make recommendations with no expectation of my recommendations being taken up or listened to. However with the new 1.0 update, and the CSS update, and with the soyuz existing, and spacex mod that exists it seems that the ISS is long over due for a real substantial update. I mean just to have to have it properly priced and integrated with the tech tree would be amazing. Everyone is looking for station parts that look like ISS parts what about a mod that ACTUALLY has ISS parts. It exists! IDK thats just my opinion.

Edited by sp1989
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  sp1989 said:
I know you have alot of your own projects going. However it seems like such a shame to see the ISS Community pack not get the attention and love that it deserves. So a new community effort to revitalize the pack seems like something that should be on the Horizon with the 1.0 update. From what I have experienced with the pack there are a few docking port issues that need to be addressed. The entire truss system is loaded with bugs for some reason. I mean just the parts, those are actually quite wonderful. Still if there are no content updates coming from Dragon the ISS def needs some community love. Now I have said this one thousand time and I will say it one thousand more. I am not a modder, texturer, or configurer. I however am just a facilitator and I make recommendations with no expectation of my recommendations being taken up or listened to. However with the new 1.0 update, and the CSS update, and with the soyuz existing, and spacex mod that exists it seems that the ISS is long over due for a real substantial update. I mean just to have to have it properly priced and integrated with the tech tree would be amazing. Everyone is looking for station parts that look like ISS parts what about a mod that ACTUALLY has ISS parts. It exists! IDK thats just my opinion.

I agree with this statement.

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  sp1989 said:
Due to a fracas that occurred several months a go the creator of this thread was told he was reluctantly suspended for a few months, from the powers that be. In lieu of returning he has decided to maintain his mods through third party intermediaries and has mused about the potential of creating his own website strictly for the maintainence and distribution of his mods and the mods he takes care of. Now we have not heard from him in quite some time and have no official statement of his status because he has vowed never to return to these forums. So I say that we should stand resolute and hopeful that these mods carry on into the next era of KSP, however if they are to die allow them to die with grace and be reborn anew through the next generation of KSP players.

Jesus, dude, I just asked if it was dead, not for something sounding from a Shakespeare play...

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  VenomousRequiem said:
Jesus, dude, I just asked if it was dead, not for something sounding from a Shakespeare play...

Hahaha well I tried to be a little more elegant and tactful besides dragon got banned, he isn't adding new content, and hopefully someone picks up the maintsinence through 1.0. I take your post as a compliment lol.

I am gonna install a few of these to see if they work in 1.0. I have a feeling that many if not all will be broken in someway. Also due to the dependencies of some we will have to wait on some of them. I will report my findings later.

Edited by shadowsutekh
No double posting please
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  • 2 weeks later...
  Sampa said:
Ok, if Dragon is not going to be messing with these mods or maintaining them anymore, could someone please take over?

I would but the last time I tried updating one of these mods I was harassed and threatened and now I'm a pariah, so if he isn't going to maintain it, let it die, don't care much either way, and neither should you most of these parts have been replaced by other mods already.

Edited by raidernick
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Good Lord,

why the heck should you be a pariah? What is wrong with this forum, if one is not allowed to actualise some parts? This is a game and not the stock market or the like.

Please, Raidernick, what cold be done to have the soyus, the proton and the mir playable in 1.00?

- Isabelle

  raidernick said:
I would but the last time I tried updating one of these mods I was harassed and threatened and now I'm a pariah, so if he isn't going to maintain it, let it die, don't care much either way, and neither should you most of these parts have been replaced by other mods already.
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  raidernick said:
I would but the last time I tried updating one of these mods I was harassed and threatened and now I'm a pariah, so if he isn't going to maintain it, let it die, don't care much either way, and neither should you most of these parts have been replaced by other mods already.

I wish I could disagree with you 100% but really it's just not true. HOME for example, to many people is an essential mod. Having not tested it in gonna go ahead and say MIR is working ok however if it isn't that is not a mod that should go gentle into that goodnight. It's beautiful, it's assembles easy, it's low parts, and did I mention it's beautiful? Besides it's fun to build. The ISS community pack should be refurbished just for the simple fact that the best modders in the community at the time came together to create it. So for legacy sake it should be preserved. That all being said bobcat is still around. He might come back one last time to fix them, that is not something I am gonna hold my breath on. Bobcats Soyuz and Progress are still wonderful to play with. However I have switched to your launchers Raidernick. Anyway I dont think these mods should be written off so easily.

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  raidernick said:
I would but the last time I tried updating one of these mods I was harassed and threatened and now I'm a pariah, so if he isn't going to maintain it, let it die, don't care much either way, and neither should you most of these parts have been replaced by other mods already.

What happened if I may ask? Ive been keeping my own version I update on the side and know I will eventually come around to updating most of the cfgs of the HOME parts eventually. I wouldn't mind sharing them when I do but I don't want to risk a ban.

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Dragon01 is still working on this, but due to the fact that he hasn't got much time right now, the updates will appear very slowly. The historical mods he maintains will not be updated until a working solution for the Fairings has been made , right now, he can't even really start reconfiguring things, without proper Fairings this is really hard. The same goes for Buran due to seperated cargobay doors, but I have an idea of how he can solve that.

The community ISS mod needs actually people who remake stuff for it, if there aren't any, that project is pointless.

HOME3 needs a heavy rebalancement, which it will get, also it will support stock ISRU system once he reached that step.

Falcon II just needs a new thrust curve, and Soviet Engines will get a rebalancement too.

So far the news from Dragon, and don't rush him, I know how much work it is to update old parts to the new aero and physics. :/

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  raidernick said:
I would but the last time I tried updating one of these mods I was harassed and threatened and now I'm a pariah, so if he isn't going to maintain it, let it die, don't care much either way, and neither should you most of these parts have been replaced by other mods already.

1) for the record, I NEVER threatened or harrassed you on anything with regards to the mod update attempt. If anything, I gave you my full support! I know the kind of mods you put out and ALL of them are of top quality! I actually use your Soyuz spacecraft quite frequently!

2) There are 2 mods in this that I am mostly focused on which have no other mod capable of replacing: Mir and ISS Community! Those two are the only 2 mods I care about in this pack and firmly believe that if anything should be rescued from demise, it's those two.

- - - Updated - - -

  DigitalProeliator said:
What happened if I may ask? Ive been keeping my own version I update on the side and know I will eventually come around to updating most of the cfgs of the HOME parts eventually. I wouldn't mind sharing them when I do but I don't want to risk a ban.

We are not allowed to know the reasons for Dragon01's ban.

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Well looks like the Progess works without to much trouble. the soyuz launch system is a little overpowered so it will need some weeks.. the Soyuz TMA however is knackered... when trying to load the craft file animations start to play in the VAB then when you try to launch you get an error about unable to determine size.... launch aborted... guess this will need a bit of work... gonna look at mir and america pack next.

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I love Bobcats stuff. So since I couldn't wait for an update and for my own purposes only, I've got DEMV 1,2,4,5 and Home 3 all working fine in 1.02 sandbox mode. All I had to do was edit the part.cfg and in most cases just invert(change sign) the node_stack_bottom up x,y or z from 1 to -1

Edited by Azazael
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  Phers said:
Anyone know if Mir works before I spend time looking at it?

I honestly can't forsee a reason why it would t work. It's just parts so again there is a very god chance they will be working fine. They aren't modular either. Each module is its own component so there aren't exactly attachment modes that can be messed up. Just load it up and see. Again it won't take much to see if they parts are messed up.

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