blizzy78 Posted June 20, 2014 Share Posted June 20, 2014 Would it be possible to provide those 40k reports for testing purposes? I'd like to feed them into Splunk. You can send a PM if you don't want a public download. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ippo Posted June 20, 2014 Share Posted June 20, 2014 Majiir said: If you'd like to help, you could always help with the site. If you're not a coder, it would be great to hear what kinds of statistics you'd like to see, how you'd like to be able to filter and match them, et cetera.Well, I'm a coder, but I never worked on websites, so I better don't As for statistics, I'll let you know if I have any good idea. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
blizzy78 Posted June 20, 2014 Share Posted June 20, 2014 (edited) So, Majiir kindly provided me with a data dump consisting of 6959 anonymized reports (users providing multiple reports still recognizable). I've split up the dump into single reports, then fed everything into Splunk.I then ran the following command (*) to display exactly the chart that is currently disabled on Majiir's site:index=modstats_test| spath output=user_id path=id| dedup 1 user_id sortby -_time| spath output=ass_name path=assemblies{}.name| stats distinct_count(ass_name) as count by ass_name| sort -count(all on one line)This resulted in the following table (shown here as a CSV export):JsonFx,414Kethane,410Toolbar,397KethaneToolbar,390"ModStatistics-1.0.2",389KAS,387Firespitter,386MechJeb2,380ModStatistics,362ActiveTextureManagement,361"ModuleManager.2.1.5",359InfernalRobotics,357"ModStatistics-1.0.1",356KineTechAnimation,353OverlayMgr,352Clouds,350CityLights,349Terrain,348Geometry,347ProceduralFairings,345Engineer,343KSPAPIExtensions,343EngineerToolbar,339RasterPropMonitor,338KerbalJointReinforcement,336FerramAerospaceResearch,330ferramGraph,330ExsurgentEngineering,328BDAnimationModules,322EnhancedNavBall,315OpenResourceSystem,314DeadlyReentry,311DistantObject,310Chatterer,309DMagic,303DockingPortAlignment,301EditorExtensions,300Launchpad,299HyperEdit,298KerbalAlarmClock,298CrewManifest,296CLSInterfaces,295SCANsat,292LaunchpadToolbar,291ResGen,289MechJebRPM,288CritterCrawler,281HullCamera,281"km_Lib",280TreeLoader,278Habitat,276AviationLights,273CrossFeedEnabler,273ConnectedLivingSpace,271RealChute,271"ModuleManager.2.1.0",268TacLifeSupport,263"km_Gimbal_2.0",261QuantumStrut,260SmokeScreen,260"ModuleManager_1_5_6",259FinalFrontier,254CustomBiomes,252Romfarer,250AdvancedAnimator,245NearFutureElectrical,244ResearchThemAll,242ActionGroupManager,241DYJlibrary,241NearFuturePropulsion,240NearFutureSolar,239RealSolarSystem,239Scale,236TacFuelBalancer,235KSPInterstellar,234RemoteTech2,232Fusebox,230modularFuelTanks,227InterstellarToolbar,226"km_SmartParts",225Achievements,223HLAirship,223"km_Asteroid",223TextureReplacer,221ReflectionPlugin,218RCSBuildAid,217KolonyTools,216AtmosphericSoundEnhancement,212KSPScienceLibrary,212CrewXfer,210"ModuleManager.2.0.5",206ProceduralParts,206RCSBuildAidToolbar,204KSPAlternateResourcePanel,203PreciseNode,203CustomAsteroids,201ShipManifest,201AGExt,200ToadicusTools,200PartCatalog,198"km_Tools",197MissionController,195SafeChute,195StationScience,192LtScience,191ScienceAlert,191FrementGUILib,190NLua,190SCANsatRPM,187GlowStrips,186MissionLibrary,186"ModuleManager.2.1.4",186SelectRoot,182VanguardTechnologies,180AdaptiveDockingNode,179"ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib",179"ModuleManager.2.0.7",179ImprovedChaseCamera,177NavBallTextureExport,176"KSP-BioMass",174EVAParachutes,172Modulefixer,172Pump,172FShangarExtender,171NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicator,170sfrPartModules1,170Tracks,167LifeSupport,166protractor,166ModuleDB,165RealTimeModules,165HLBallast,164"HL_SQUID",164kOS,164AutoAsparagus,163DynamicTanks,163"CET_FSanimateGeneric",162KASResizeFix,162KerbPaint,162"ModuleManager_1_5",162TextureCompressor,160Kerbtown,158PFUtilityAddon,158AmbientLightAdjustment,155CactEyeTelescope,155DavonRestrictedResourceSupplyModule,155KerbQuake,155"ModuleManager.2.0.3",155NRAP,155AntennaRange,153FloorIt,153TWR1,153UnityGUIFramework,153BurnTogether,152DarkMultiPlayer,152"DarkMultiPlayer-Common",152MessageWriter,152SimplePartOrganizer,152CleverBobCat,151IDWeapons,151MapShowNavBall,149"NE_Science",147SCANsatKethane,147FMRS,146"Kerbal_Construction_Time",144AJE,142ForScience,140RealFuels,140LandingEngine,139WorldCup2014,137AntiLockBrakes,134BOSS,132RcsSounds,131SoundtrackEditor,130BoatInterface,129KerbalIspDifficultyScaler,129LandAssist,129ModuleManager,129shiplanded,129GHud,128"System.Drawing",128AutoSave,126"FusTek_Sumghai",124TweakableAnimateGeneric,122VesselView,122VesselViewRPM,122"ModuleManager_1_5_7",121DifferentialThrust,120EVAMechJeb,119PartHighlighter,119Ballshark,118Basicpropscript,118EngineIgnitor,118ThrottleControlledAvionics,118FloorItPro,117StretchyTanks,117RoverScience,115HrmHaystack,114LandingHeight,114LoadOnDemand,114PlanetFactory,113Targetron,111FScience,110"ISA_MapSat",110LaunchCountDown,110"ModuleManager.2.0.8",110SciFi,110RomfarerHSTWlaser,109TweakableWheels,108TarsierSpaceTech,107TweakableDecouplers,107KerbalGPS,105KSPTOTConnect,104SensiblePumps,104TweakableDockingNode,104UniverseReplacer,104KerbCam,103OrbitalConstruction,102MuMechLib,101TweakableStaging,100kalculator,100RomfarerExamples,99BobCatUtils,98"ModuleManager.2.0.1",98"Engineer.Extensions",96Lacuna,96TweakableEngineFairings,96DockingStrut,94ModuleRCSFX,94kdata,93GimbalAutoTrim,92Multiwheels6,92DevHelper,91UbioWeldingLtd,91EngineThrustController,89ForceIVA,89DangIt,88notes,88MultipleSavesDA,87sceneJumper,87MinAmbience,86ProbeControlRoom,86CommonUtils,85NavHud,85CostlyScience,84TrimIndicators,84AKSKineticEnergyWeapon,83SwitchVessel,82TimeControl,81Equirectangular2Cubic,79"ModuleManager.2.4.4",79KspPlayers,78ProbeControlRoomToolbar,78VesselSimulator,78BTSM,77TweakableGimbals,77TweakableLadders,77TweakableRCS,77TweakableReactionWheels,77TweakableSolarPanels,77AutoUnlockPartModels,75"Assembly-CSharp-firstpass",74JoystickPrecision,74"Mono.Cecil",74Reflaginator,74KerbolRenamer,73"MMI_Kethane",73"KSP-AVC",72LitJson,72PersistentTrails,72CiberXResearch,70FlightDefFreeCam,70FlightDefPrecision,70Landertron,70CustomExperiment,69KerbalHotSeat,69TacSelfDestruct,69ChampagneBottle,68IFILifeSupport,68PartWizard,68MechJebFARExt,67SubassemblyManager,67AlternisKerbol,66GitCraft,66"GitCraft_Toolbar",66IoncrossCrewSupport,66LibGit2Sharp,66KerbalMultiPlayer,65SpeedUnitChanger,65SpeedUnitChangerToolbar,65VOID,65KerbalLiveFeed,64Servers,62TacLibGUI,62Telemachus,62USAFOrion,62chatterer,62jetpacks,62Rotate,61BossCams,60ShipStatePlugin,59"Mono.Security",58TTPitchVector,58UnityEngine,58"AK_Construction",57"ModStatistics-1.0.0",57JumpDrive,56NBody,56WheelSounds,56PowerTech,55SteamGauges,55Infinitech,54PlanitronReloaded,54EVAFirstPerson,53NearFuture,53TSAS,53TacPartLister,53ShowFPS,51Kerbulator,49"Modular Kolonization System Logistics",49AHS,48WarpPlugin,48SeasicknessCure,47Muffler,45SmallPlane1,45"Toolbar (2)",45VesselViewPlugin,45PartAngleDisplay,43cBBp,42ALoadOnDemand,41ArcturusThrustCorrectorStrawberry,41ClassLibrary3,41EngineTorqueCompensationController,41FlightRecorder,41KerbalFlightIndicators,41kesslerchaos,41FuelTastic5L,40KerbalFlightData,40PWBKSPFuelBalancer,40TreeEdit,40"img_viewer",40CekoLabs,39Foundations,39Moveksc,39PWBFuelBalancer,39QuantumFuelTransferSystem,39actionsOnTheFly,39olexlib,39Atmosphere,38DMModuleScienceAnimateGeneric,38EveManager,38PAPIPlugin,38PQSManager,38TTSeatFixer,38TacAtomicClock,38Utils,38KSPClock,37LandingStrut,37SimpleResourceGenerator,37"TDx.TDxInput",37"km_Lib (2)",37AsteroidResources,36CCPConnector,36DynamicWarp,36EngineIgnitorRPM,36"Ionic.Zip",36"KerbalJointReinforcement (2)",36"ModuleManager.2.1.3",36PartGroupsFilter,36cacteyetelescope,36hullcamera,36FairingLink,35Trackar,35DummyPartModule,34KerbalEconomy,34KerbalEconomyAPI,34WernherChecker,34cart,34texturereplacer,34"HydroTech_FC",33"HydroTech_RCS",33MaximumWarp,33ScaledSpaceDumper,33SmartStage,32DYJguns,31GPWSKerbal,31HSHModules,31MissionPack,31Hud,30SpaceIndustry,30"PowerTech_MuMech",29Zoxygene,29zKreuzung,29CompressRAM,28majiirtruth,27"IR_TweakScale",26FuelPanel,23"Firespitter (2)",22KerbTrack,21ORDA,21ScienceExperiments,21HyperjumpSystem,20ARGravitatingParts,19ActionOnTheFly,19EdTools,19KerbTownModules,19AutoStrut,18ProteonFutureTech,16ScienceRedefined,16"QuantumStrut (2)",15TTRoverPilot,14"ExsurgentEngineering (1)",9"ModuleManager_1_5_5",8Autopilot,6WarpUnlocker,4This report took only a few seconds to generate. I really wonder how long it would take with the full data set.(*) I'll happily explain what it does if anyone is interested. Edited June 23, 2014 by blizzy78 reformatted Splunk command for readability Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ippo Posted June 20, 2014 Share Posted June 20, 2014 Quote stats distinct_count(ass_name) as count by ass_nameI'm not mature enough for this kind of stuff. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
codepoet Posted June 29, 2014 Share Posted June 29, 2014 Is there any update on this mod? Is it still being worked on? Is there anyway to see the statistics? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alshain Posted July 9, 2014 Share Posted July 9, 2014 Is there a way to prevent this from being auto-generated? I don't want it to load at all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ippo Posted July 9, 2014 Share Posted July 9, 2014 Alshain said: Is there a way to prevent this from being auto-generated? I don't want it to load at all.Just remove all the copies of the dll, and you are good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alshain Posted July 10, 2014 Share Posted July 10, 2014 (edited) Ippo said: Just remove all the copies of the dll, and you are good.It keeps coming back.EDIT: Nevermind, found it in the kethane addon Edited July 10, 2014 by Alshain Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mecripp Posted July 10, 2014 Share Posted July 10, 2014 (edited) Thats the problem when modder put other mods in there's it just shouldn't be done. Edited July 10, 2014 by Mecripp2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ippo Posted July 10, 2014 Share Posted July 10, 2014 MeCripp said: Thats the problem me modder put other mods in there's it just shouldn't be done. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nereid Posted July 10, 2014 Share Posted July 10, 2014 Ippo said: I think that the fairest option would be to distribute this in a folder outside the main mod, so that the user has to explicitly copy it inside the folder.But this would be an opt in mechanism again, and Majiir has already argumented against it.Maybe someone should write a mod that disables ModStatistic by default until the user decides against it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zarenor Posted July 16, 2014 Share Posted July 16, 2014 For those of you that care, ModStats generates a text file on first-run to disable it. It even includes the line, all you have to do is uncomment it. It's in the same folder as the .dllsThe argument against opt-in is heavy, and I agree with Majiir on it. For those of you who have a reason to not want these type of anonymous reports generated, I understand, and don't care what your reason is, have any reason you want - he's made it particularly easy to disable, if you do not want those reports sent. For this tool to be of any use, this is the best solution. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majiir Posted July 18, 2014 Author Share Posted July 18, 2014 Technically this happened shortly after 0.24 release, but it's been a busy day:ModStatistics 1.0.3 has been released. The download link in the first post has been updated.This is a KSP 0.24 compatibility update. It also contains miscellaneous improvements. This update has been pushed through the auto-updater, so it's not strictly necessary to update the version packaged with your mods. The update notice is primarily for the benefit of other mod developers.Changes in this version:Assembly information is only generated once (at startup).Steam use is now correctly detected. The old metric still exists, but it detected whether the game was launched from Steam. The new one detects whether that copy of KSP is installed in a Steam library.Assembly hashes (SHA2) are now reported. This aids in plugin clustering and version tracking for developers.Some system information is reported: number of CPUs, system memory, graphics memory and graphics vendor. (All those values are simply integers, with the last corresponding to a brand, but not to any particular graphics device.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OrbitalDebris Posted July 18, 2014 Share Posted July 18, 2014 Does this have any impact on game performance, especially if your internet connection is flaky or the ports it needs are blocked be a firewall? I'm asking because I've gotten burned by games that require an internet connection while you're playing, as this plugin seems to. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ippo Posted July 18, 2014 Share Posted July 18, 2014 OrbitalDebris said: Does this have any impact on game performance, especially if your internet connection is flaky or the ports it needs are blocked be a firewall? I'm asking because I've gotten burned by games that require an internet connection while you're playing, as this plugin seems to.It only transmits a small log when you close the game, so you shouldn't have any problems. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OrbitalDebris Posted July 18, 2014 Share Posted July 18, 2014 Ah, that's awesome then. Thanks! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Oicani Posted July 18, 2014 Share Posted July 18, 2014 This should be opt-in instead of opt-out. That's my only issue with this whole thing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SilverlightPony Posted July 18, 2014 Share Posted July 18, 2014 Note: As of v2.4/2.4.1, mod Kerbal Joint Reinforcement is including ModStatistics. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JedTech Posted July 18, 2014 Share Posted July 18, 2014 Majiir, I am very interested to find out what kind of mods everyone is using with 0.24. Since the website is not displaying statistics, can you paste some here for us to view? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OrbitalDebris Posted July 19, 2014 Share Posted July 19, 2014 Oicani said: This should be opt-in instead of opt-out. That's my only issue with this whole thing.Yeah, that's unfortunate. I write software for a living, and our privacy guy would have a cow if I did that in production code Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daveroski Posted July 19, 2014 Share Posted July 19, 2014 I can't abide the whole opt-out thing.I'm going to boycott any mod which carries this plug-in. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kamuchi Posted July 19, 2014 Share Posted July 19, 2014 (edited) Daveroski said: I can't abide the whole opt-out thing.I'm going to boycott any mod which carries this plug-in.I just delete it from every mod, no no need to boycott but it`s frigging annoying to find it in more and more places.Updating all my mods for 24 and check that it`s not included like with some 23.5mods, I now keep getting it is installed by default while there is no trace or mentioned on the mod pages.Looks like ScanSat added it into their distro. Edited July 19, 2014 by Kamuchi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
codepoet Posted July 19, 2014 Share Posted July 19, 2014 Kamuchi said: I just delete it from every mod, no no need to boycott but it`s frigging annoying to find it in more and more places.Updating all my mods for 24 and check that it`s not included like with some 23.5mods, I now keep getting it is installed by default while there is no trace or mentioned on the mod pages.Looks like ScanSat added it into their distro.If you want to opt out, rather than getting frustrated trying to delete it from everything that includes it (I plan to ship it with my mods when I get round to it) why not just follow the simple instructions that tell you how to opt out? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dred_furst Posted July 19, 2014 Share Posted July 19, 2014 codepoet said: If you want to opt out, rather than getting frustrated trying to delete it from everything that includes it (I plan to ship it with my mods when I get round to it) why not just follow the simple instructions that tell you how to opt out?Mainly because it should be opt in. If you really worried about people not opting in, make it ask the user on first launch and by default tick the "send anonymized data" flag. Most people don't want to have to edit config files at all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zesty Posted July 19, 2014 Share Posted July 19, 2014 (edited) I don't approve the Opt-Out method. It shouldn't have been made in such a way to make it even slightly inconvenient to disable in an effort to infect as many people with this as possible. I, too, will no longer be using mods that have ModStatistics bundled with them. Edited July 19, 2014 by Met Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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