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some drawings of stuff about space


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This year, I drew some spacecrafts planets and all this kind of stuff, sometimes related with KSP, sometimes not. I'm not a really good drawer. And I don't have all the beautiful and fancy pictures made with amazing softwares, but only pencils and paper, sorry x)

However I'm quite proud of them (or at least some of them :D ) so I want to share what I did with you !

I hope you will enjoy.

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I know they're far from being perfect, so if you have good advices, or something you think I should add, just tell me :)

I'll add other drawings later if you like them !

Edited by guigui30000
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That Coriolis one is beautiful! You did the entire background black with pencils?? Well, colour me impressed :P

What's that? Horrible puns aren't allowed around here? Fine, I'm leaving...

That background is pencil, right?

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Hum, no, it's the only thing which is not pencil, it's just a black marker x) with pencils, even a very dark one, the background would have been too bland :/

And thanks for your comment :)

Anyway, can somebody tell me how to put my album directly in the post, I mean without the link ?

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Thank you a lot :) I finally managed to import the album ! And if you see something wrong in a pic (exept in the first picture, everything is wrong in this one :D ) Just tell me, there is nothing better than your opinion to improve my drawings !

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Yeah I understand, I had the same thought before chosing the color, but as the spacecraft is a mix of KSP and reality, ( there is the logo ESA next to KSP ) I decided to make coriolis a mix of Saturn and Jool x) so we have the Saturn's ring and the Green color of Jool :) I also added blue in the internal ring and the equator of Coriolis :P

For the background I understand, it's just too long !

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Hey, I'm happy you like them ! At this point, Coriolis is my favorite too :)

Two days ago, when I saw the incredible work of Daemoria ---> Right Here<---

I tried to do on paint, a little spaceship, with a litthe challenge, only use the pencil, the fill and the brush options. I thought it would be awful, but finally the result is quite satisfying !

Obviously for the stars I used a copy/past :D


Obvioulsy as it is not the same kind of work, I'll not put it in the same album

I also began a more technologically advanced spaceship with my pencils, it's just a test and its shape is very classical, even stereotypical in fact, but I like the result, I'll put it in the album when I finish it !


Give me your impressions, and if you have ideas of name, that would be great too :)

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  guigui30000 said:

I also began a more technologically advanced spaceship with my pencils, it's just a test and its shape is very classical, even stereotypical in fact, but I like the result, I'll put it in the album when I finish it !


Give me your impressions, and if you have ideas of name, that would be great too :)

Call it longsword

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I don't know, I like the way they're a little more like humans for a comic, by the way, I did another one :P I tried my tablet this time...

That's how every great space program have to begin, and I know that's how you began !


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  Rocketscience101 said:
Jeb and Bob doing science, and totally understand the safe distance from the pad.

Great work.

Safe distance ? What's that ?

Oooooooh sweeet! You can paint really good... I like Kerbal Comics

Thanks, I'll do more of them :)

I'm trying to learn how to use my tablet and my program, so for that I drew some planets of the Elpidian system ( Elpidia is an hypothetical red-dwarf slowly orbiting around Kerbol at 0,05 Ly ), planetss are easy to do :) :

the "super-Kerbin" Nemav, and its moon Psiky


The lonely gas giant Pagos


The frozen world Palio, and its two moons Ripso (with an atmosphere) and Doki


to finish, just a little comparaison between two versions of a comic posted earlier, please give me your impressions, how to improve one, which is your favorite...etc... :)


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