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KSP 64bits on Windows (this time, it's not a request)


How does the 64-bits version of KSP work for you?  

5 members have voted

  1. 1. How does the 64-bits version of KSP work for you?

    • It worked with no or minor glitches/bugs with DirectX
    • It worked with no or minor glitches/bugs with OpenGL
    • None, it crashed/caused major game breaking/is unplayable.

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Tried it on 23.5 again. just duplicated my Mods (removed ActiveTextureManager) and save from 0.23 and after updating InfermalRobotics and MechJeb2, everything ran pretty well all things considered. average memory usage around 4.1 gb. Got a few crashes at different places so far, none that I could replicate, memory related "Access Violation 0xc0000005"

this is a pretty mod heavy install. I imagine a clean install will be much less problematic

as mentioned earlier, DX11 uses alot less memory than DX9.

as mentioned earlier, floor pattern textures not loading correctly in SPH, this is only in DX11

I see some text sheering in the tweak menus, only in DX11 mode.

in DX11, shaders sometimes becomes unloaded, and I get a pink airplane for a while, then shaders come back. this repeats every few minutes.

DX9 mode seems to be okay with ActiveTextureManagement

Edited by nli2work
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I have exactly the same issues nli2work apart from those things i have been playing it for hours without crashing and sitting consistently on around 5 gb of ram I would have had to restart the game at least three times in the last 4 hours under 32bit

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Tested on KSP, Win 8.1, i7-3770, 16GB RAM.

Clean or slightly modded install, simple vessels, works fine.

Then tried with the same install I use in game with KSP 32bits, plenty of mods, lots of plugins: a config that stresses the machine to the limit (virtual size RAM used 3.2 GB at load time, almost always close to the 4GB limit while in flight). Disabled Active Texture Management, Virtual Size RAM at load time jumped to 5.5 GB (DX9 and DX11), but at 2.6 GB with OpenGL. Works with "simple vessels", tried up to 150 parts (not yet tried most of plugins functionalities).

However, the "real" vessels I use in game (more than 350 parts), still load in VAB but make KSP crash at initial loading in flight mode. Consistently every time, every kind of settings. Possibly it is related to parts connected to a specific mod, rather than just the number of parts.

Each error.log report goes with "KSP.exe caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) in module KSP.exe at 0033:yyyyyyyy" (location changes at each report). No specific info about a module causing the crash, must investigate checking with each single mod removed/reinstalled.

For me up to now, this was an interesting test; however have to keep normal 32 bit files to play, until what caused the problem is found.

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When overclocking, make sure to use power-saving modes so that you aren't going into overclocked mode when idle. Modern processors have no performance penalty for doing this, and actually have performance gain because all computer components are cooler when you start actually using your processor.

Also, while Kerbal Space Program is CPU intensive, it is actually more intensive on the CPU memory bus if your processor is over approximately 3.0Ghz, you are usually hitting this limitation, not the processor speed. You should overclock your memory timings and your in-CPU FSB speed to improve performance. (If you actually bothered to read AMD's overclock guide you would know this is probably a good idea to do first anyway.) If running at a lower core speed lets you use a higher FSB speed, go for it. That will actually be faster. I've actually boosted my L2 and L3 cache speed to over twice their stock speed by overclocking my CPU-side FSB.

Finally, when overclocking memory, ALWAYS test it with MemTest86+ Just because it boots doesn't mean you aren't getting errors. Errors cause crashes. Also, remember, lower clock speed with faster timings is actually faster than higher clock speed with higher timings. Generally you can get about a 10% gain on timings by lowering the clock speed of your ram. Another 10% can be gotten by having a good motherboard. Don't over-voltage RAM without good RAM and a good motherboard.

As of doing 64bit. The problem was that the 64bit version was very buggy until recently. It is still beta quality. This is the fault of Unity, not Squad.

The Linux 64bit version is finally running well enough to be used full time. The Linux 64bit version has been included for some time, and works quite well.

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I just tried it with my plain modded game, and had the exact same result as Diomedea.

As soon as I go into the flight mode and the scene would have to get rendered, I have a crash with an access violation.

But in the KSC my EVE looked like it was working, only thing I saw not working was LOD.

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Had to use OpenGL mode. The DirectX 11 wouldn't even load, and DirectX 9 would max out like 32 bit.

Going to try again with Active Texture Reducer removed on DirectX versions.

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Tried it and it works fine for me with EVE & all mods without active texture management, save for some blinking on clouds and briefly wrong scenes on scene switch loading. I think SQUAD definitely should take a careful look of it - most likely with some minor fixes/tweaks it should be completely production-ready (at least as option).

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Cleaned install and got 64 bit working a treat.

Reinstalled all the mods I have on my 32 bit install and got it working nicely (in the past attempting to add anything part heavy to my 32 bit install caused a crash on load from too much memory.

Added KSO, KASA, Ioncross, DRC, AIES areospace, and a few more to push it past its current limits.

Loaded and ran (though it did crash on trying to launch a KASA Saturn V but seeing as how I hadn't expected it to load I was still pretty happy.)

Will be testing it again without changing any mods before reducing the mods I've installed to be in line with my current .235 save file (I plan on changing my mod mix in 0.24 because I've been using fewer and fewer KW and LLL parts of late, though each time I think I've finished with KW parts, I find a new one that I really like)

Edit: After posting the above...

Ran into 4 in a row crash on loads trying to open the same sandbox save I mentioned above.

"Write to location 03b70000 caused an access violation." (location changes at times). will try with a fresh sandbox save.

Edited by loch.ness
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It's been a lot of fun trying out 64bit KSP over the last 48 hours or so but I'm rolling back to 32bit today. Whilst I have had long periods of stability I am now seeing crashes far more regularly and an increase in time being spent trying to stabilise 64bit KSP rather than playing it. I need a stable KSP for mod development and I need to have to worry about KSP's memory limtations for that.

It's become pretty clear from my testing that KSP does need a lot more work done to it (IMHO) before it's compatible with 64bit Unity. This 'hack' is not a miracle cure.

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It works for me.

I'm using FAR, Deadly Reentry, and Procedural Fairings. The only big issue I've had is in the VAB when adding the Structural Wing part to an existing ship. The game freezes and has to be stopped via the Task Manager as soon as that part touches the ship.

Other than that I haven't had any issues aside from the graphical ones noted by pretty much everyone else.

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For me, It loads fine, however, whenever I try to load a ship, the game crashes.

Totally stock install.

If I need to say the specs of my computer, just tell me.

Furthermore, if you need the logs, do the same.



EDIT: It fixed itself, and I am getting better performance with ships like the Munbug, now I don't even enter the red zone for lag.

Edited by Spica
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Procedural Parts Solid Busters are buring in the VAB after loading save file or after building from scratch and returing to VAB. Deleting HotRockets mode doesn't fix it.

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I voted a bit early on this thread saying that it worked, because it was working and well. Now it crashes on every single load - not on loading the game, but as soon as I select a save to start.

It definately supported more mods than normally, but the 64 bit was also interfering with other programs - notably Google chrome lost the ability to select tabs while KSP 64 was running.

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B9 doesn't work for me either. However KW does.

Ok so quick update here, adding the line -force-opengl to my Steam parameters fixed the B9 issue. It would before the line was added, crash on loading of my save.

I had similar issues. The regular textures from B9 caused the game to lock up and crash. But if I switched to the reduced textures, it worked perfectly fine in Directx 9.

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Just wanted to post my experience getting the 64bit Unity Player working with KSP. Simply followed the first post instructions (although I replaced the entire Mono folder with the one from the 64bit Unity Player and updated UnityEngine.dll as well), started the game with all of the mods I use installed (Interstellar, KAS, NovaPunch, Firespitter, KW, EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements, Kethane and many others - can get a full list with versions if it ends up being needed for any reason).

First launch of the game crashed as soon as it tried to go to the title screen. Checked the crash log and the stack trace was referencing Kethane (small snippet):

(0x0000000083A1E0AD) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): Kethane.EnumerableExtensions/<AdjacentPairs>d__0`1<Kethane.Cell>:MoveNext () + 0x1ad (0000000083A1DF00 0000000083A1E13A) [0000000004F04D48 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0

Axe-murdered Kethane... runs beautifully with Environmental Visual Enhancements, Clouds (not sure about City Lights, removed them from my install).

Conversely, Kethane seems to work just fine if EVE is removed.

Lilleman - You are a scholar and a gentle(insert appropriate gender-specific term). Spectacular work!

I also run Kethane+EVE (and a crapton of other mods too, like hot rockets, cool rockets) and yeah, crashy but usable. Once it stops crashing on stratup/first ship load, it usually holds stable for hours of gameplay with multiple loads. Still, I've reverted to 32 bit, axing a couple of visual mods like cool and hot rockets, it's more stable for me and I don't feel like debugging it for my main save, I'd have to give up stuff I don't want to. I'm not surprised they are holding on an official release, it's still a bit too glitchy, but I maintain my opinion this was a great find. I might use it in another install without kethane, perhaps with the very RAM intensive mods like B9 and Interstellar...

Rune. In the meantime, cookies for finding it!

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The screen that flashes during scene transitions looks sort of like some mission control. Perhaps SQUAD wanted us to find this out and left a little bit of taste of things to come as an easter egg for us to find?

As for my mod heavy install (hint: my signature), I haven't seen anything out of order so far. I did get a crash on my near-stock career, it was the memory access thing, but it hasn't occurred again. However I will wait a bit with my vote before I get rid of the troublesome mod causing a NullReferenceException spam even in 32bit.

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