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Discovery Shuttle Project v0.3 !


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Since you can't replace the command module I think you're better off just making a good fuel tank and boosters (or building the nose around the command module). And then putting a nose atop the command module. It would look wonky, but give it a 'built for the game' aspect.

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It wouldn't necessarily be too unrealistic to have the command module somewhere inside of the orbiter. That's essentially the role of the crew cabin. What would be nice is something like what Darrknox was saying and build the orbiter around the command module, and have the command module buried within it somewhere between the mid deck and the flight deck, sandwiched between two pieces of orbiter which conceal it completely.

It would be hell to try and get it off the ground, though. First just designing it so that it could fly would be difficult, but once you have it together, the thing will probably topple over nose up without a special launch pad. The flat surface we currently work with in the game just won't cut it for a shape as odd as the STS.

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well...the pod position seen in the video was hardly ever ment to be the final position :P

if ever id rather put it on the back (or just replace the original command module .dae )

current issue : when i try to surface-attach the winged fuel tank it will rotate 90 degrees and pretty much intersect the part it is attached to (explode on launch)

how to keep the part facing up when it is attached to a surface ?

or how do i make it attachable to a radial decoupler ?


thanks in advance

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I found this in the repository. I don't know who uploaded it, but they go by the name 'orbiter' (Could be you for all I know ::) )


The readme says the 'mesh' was taken from http://orbit.medphys.ucl.ac.uk/. But there doesn't seem to be much of a collision mesh at all, just a surface model.

You could take this, and improve the collision mesh in it. Maybe allow for radial decouplers on the underside for fuel takes, and maybe hide the command module in the surface model.

The file also comes with functioning engines and top and bottom attach nodes.

Once again, I don't know who made this, but because they took the model from that .uk side, I'm hoping they wouldn't mind you using it.

I Really hope you get this thing working. I've always wanted to launch a shuttle!

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Could you take some time and Angle the engines? Major turnoff for me.

The engines on a spaceshuttle were (The programs gone now :'( we need to apply the past tense!) not straight. They are angled.

that angled thrust acts as a counter for the heavy orange fueltank and boosters. otherwise it will fall over or spin out of control in launch :D



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I think that if you split the model in three single parts (cockpit, wings/cargo bay, engines) you may be able to make it fly as intended.

The cockpit can be made into the 'command module MK1' to fool the game, the central part can be a tank without fuel, and using the decouplers of this mod you should be able to attach the big orange fuel tank (from wobbly rockets mod) and make it work.

The engines are apart so you can make them liquid fuel engines and work as intended.

Or you can try to just separate the cockpit and have the rest of the shuttle being an engine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I sure hope this is alive and well, but I fear it may be to late. This project looks promising and could go places I would love to be visited. I say if not for the enjoyment of the game, do it in rememberencee of the NASA Shuttle program. I feel the idea of the shuttle being a big solid booster a little disheartening though.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  DeCi said:

Could you take some time and Angle the engines? Major turnoff for me.

The engines on a spaceshuttle were (The programs gone now :'( we need to apply the past tense!) not straight. They are angled.

that angled thrust acts as a counter for the heavy orange fueltank and boosters. otherwise it will fall over or spin out of control in launch :D



yeah it doesn't help in this game though.. the physics don't like things hanging off one side of the rockets away from the command module like that..

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