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assembles a station on low gravity gravity ( at ground )

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Hello all, in first i'm a new player in ksp.

Arriving at the age of space stations I wonder if it is possible to land on the different parts or other mun is low gravity and then, using thrusters and engine, place in orbit.

which leads him to a more technical questions,

1°) Is it possible to revise the stagings of engines runnings, I mean, off a reactor partially full to keep fuel for liftoff station once assembled ?

Is that the anchors will hold up during a liftoff in low gravity ??

cause i'm a paraplegic kiwi for docking :rolleyes:.

2°) where you can post ideas for development of the game in the hope that if it proves interesting can be seen by the devs ?

Thank !!

Edited by Thanatoscorp
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Well, you may have better luck in the french subforum speaking in your native language.


Cliquez sur le lien de l'aide en français. ^^

#1: You can shutdown engines by right clicking them, or assigning to an action group. You can stop fuel from being used from a tank by right clicking the tank, and clicking the small green icon next to its fuel level, on both the liquid fuel, and oxidizer.

(Vous pouvez moteurs d'arrêt par le droit cliquant dessus, ou l'affectation à un groupe d'action. Vous pouvez arrêter de carburant utilisé à partir d'un réservoir par un clic droit sur le réservoir, et en cliquant sur la petite icône verte à côté de son niveau de carburant, à la fois sur le carburant liquide, et de l'oxydant.)

#2: You can post development ideas in the following link:

(Vous pouvez poster des idées de développement dans le lien suivant)


Modification suggestions can go to this link:

(suggestions de modification peuvent aller à ce lien)


*translation by Google Translate.

*Traduction par Google Translate.

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thank you for this infos, I also used some google translate, I hope it is not too unpleasant to read. In any case it is certainly better than my English.

If someone already tried an assembly on the ground would be nice to post a reply.

Good night KSP forum, I return to my rockets for now

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Hmm. I was slow to answer this because I wasn't sure about the question. The title does not match the questions in first post.

However, you just asked about assembly on the ground. Maybe this is what you are looking for. It is a good thread.


This is for building a station. I am not sure if that is what you want. Or if you are looking for a smaller ship to land and liftoff.

Hopefully Link answered your other questions.

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I feel your question is about getting parts of a station to land near each other, dock them ON THE GROUND. Then Send them back into orbit. This way you bypass the act of docking.

Really i sort of do not think this is your question though. Docking a station in orbit is much easier than doing any groundwork. Another option would be dock and create the station above Kerbin, and use its engines to fly to the Mun like a normal ship. As long as your station is symmetrical enough around where your engines are, this should work.

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After rereading I realize that my post isn't very clear..

Claw, thank for the link it's very interesting but my request was about the assembly of satellite (?space-station?), for example at ground of mun, then land the complete station in mun's orbit.

Mki, I seem to have understood that you understood me. Is it clear ? :confused:

send a complete station to mun since kerbin orbit looks like a great idea, but for me the problem remains the same

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Oh, space station! :)

If you are asking about building on Mun the same way as on Kerbin, you can not do that without an add-on.

You can build parts and fly them to the Mun. Then put them together, but it would be hard to take off from the Mun again.

Maybe you are doing this because docking is hard? Try watching some videos. This one is good, and is short time.

I'm not sure if there are some helpful videos in French. You can try asking in the French forum.

It is much easier to build in space, once you can dock.

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Gilly would probably be best for trying to build a ground-level station. It has very little gravity. Your biggest challenge would be getting the parts there, as Gilly is in orbit around Eve, not around Kerbin.

If that's too hard, Minmus is easier to get to. Much lower gravity than Mün, so easier to take off from, and land on. Minmus has very flat areas so it's unlikely you will tip over.

Using "Senior" docking ports and the Kerbal Attachment System mod could help, as well. Dock your parts together on the ground, and then use the Kerbal Attachment System parts to strut your station together.

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well the main problem on Gilly is actually to really land since you can fly ten meters away just by sneezing :sticktongue: and another problem is the chaotic surface. So Minmus is easier to reach, easier to land and as you said has better place to build things.

I never though about building thing on another world to bring it later on orbit prolly cause for me it's easier to rendez vous and dock than landing near a target :sealed:

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Ok guys, actually i'm in orbit on kerbin, in career mode. so gilly, duna.. :D

Well I'll try at the space station ground and I'll let you know of my failure, success.

If that's too hard, Minmus is easier to get to. Much lower gravity than Mün, so easier to take off from, and land on. Minmus has very flat areas so it's unlikely you will tip over.

you're right and most of its surfaces are at "sea level" and large enough to consider installing solar panels

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