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Why are we using vBulletin?


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A thing that has been bugging me ever since I joined the forums is the, well, forum, to be more exact, the forum system.

Im going to compare this forum system to ip.board (example http://gmc.yoyogames.com/ )

First of all, the menu at the top of the page is ALOT easier to use, and you clearly see when you have new notifications.

The messaging system have a much easier to use design, with most other things.

And the thing that bugs me the most, this forum does not have a "my content" system as ip.board has, there is no way to view all different topics that you have written it, and easily see when they have new posts in them.

ip.board gives you that with 2 mouse clicks, while on bulleting your only option is to view "find latest posts" which is constructed really bad, dosent sort after newest topic post, shows the same topic multiplie times, and there is no way for you to know if there has been a new post since the last time you checked, this is a VERY usefull function that every forum should have, especially a forum owned by squad, but as with most easy to use functionalities, its not possible with bulletin.

I'd love to here from the forum devs themself as to why we are using this (in my opinion obselete) forum system instead of something that works better, :cool:

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And the thing that bugs me the most, this forum does not have a "my content" system as ip.board has, there is no way to view all different topics that you have written it, and easily see when they have new posts in them.
This is a bit annoying, but I've found a workaround to be to set it so that I'm automatically subscribed to any thread I post in, and then I can just check my subscribed threads. Of course this might conflict with other uses of subscriptions.
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A thing that has been bugging me ever since I joined the forums is the, well, forum, to be more exact, the forum system.

Im going to compare this forum system to ip.board (example http://gmc.yoyogames.com/ )

First of all, the menu at the top of the page is ALOT easier to use, and you clearly see when you have new notifications.

The messaging system have a much easier to use design, with most other things.

And the thing that bugs me the most, this forum does not have a "my content" system as ip.board has, there is no way to view all different topics that you have written it, and easily see when they have new posts in them.

ip.board gives you that with 2 mouse clicks, while on bulleting your only option is to view "find latest posts" which is constructed really bad, dosent sort after newest topic post, shows the same topic multiplie times, and there is no way for you to know if there has been a new post since the last time you checked, this is a VERY usefull function that every forum should have, especially a forum owned by squad, but as with most easy to use functionalities, its not possible with bulletin.

I'd love to here from the forum devs themself as to why we are using this (in my opinion obselete) forum system instead of something that works better, :cool:

As for the my content system, try this (also two mouse clicks once you set it up)


First, go to the advanced search function (top right of the screen or click here). Then select the "Search Single Content Type" tab (1) and set the "Search Type" (2) to posts. In the "Username" section (3) fill in your nickname, select "Find Latest Posts by User" from the dropdown and tick the "Exact name" box. Now open the additional options if they are closed. You can select particular forums. Find the "Show Results as" option (4) and select threads, then save your settings by pressing "Go" (5). Your settings are now saved and automatically loaded every time you open the advanced search page and the Single Content search tab. Hit "Search Now" (6) to search and watch the threads appear.

In addition to what is written above (ripped it from an old post of mine) you no longer have to click the "Search Single Content Type" tab, since that was made the default behaviour :)

Edited by KasperVld
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  • 1 year later...

Well then, it was about time for an upgrade wasn't it.

I'd be interested to know if there is a roadmap for what the forum devs plan to add to the website, since as of now, it really isn't that good as let's say this


(sure to a long time for me to realise the "insert image" button is under other media, when it should by no doubt by among the options on the top.

Also do note the dark theme, which allows you to browse the forums for more than a few minuters without bleeding you eyes out from the intense whitenes.

Edit: Apparently there's no way to see what topics you have viewed either (viewed without there being a new post) see middle of this image http://puu.sh/lFr2a/49fa403b17.png, I really do hope that now that we have this software, the devs will implement new useful features.

Edited by Rockyfelle185
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