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How to motivate Kerbals


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I was watching the load screen and noticed the message "Motivating Kerbals" popup. I've seen this message several times before and never gave it much thought. But, then I started thinking; As of version .23.5, money isn't a part of the game if you don't count mods. And, looking at the terrified faces of most of the kerbals when I launch, they're aren't doing it for the enjoyment. According to the loading screen, there is a need to motivate them, however. So, how do you motivate kerbals that don't use money and obviously don't really want to be launched in a questionable, highly explosive, rocket unless you strap them in and lock the door so they can't get out. Is it a mixture of snacks and cattle prods? Or is these a kerbal version of the mafia operating behind the scenes that are providing us our victims... um... I mean... volunteers. What are your thoughts?

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I think, kerbals spend a lot of time watching the stars and dream about going to space... just like we do... and as they seem to have nothing to care about but how to fulfill their dreams... motivation is not a real question. The question is, how to keep them from trying to blast off into space in a rigged toaster wearing a backpack with snacks and juice-boxes as supply for a trip to duna...

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Menu in Kerbonaut Complex cafeteria includes only two positions: Water and Stale Bread. All snacks are in onboard food compartments. Believe me - all my kerbonauts are very...very motivated to get in the crew roster. Except Jeb - he lives on adrenaline and fuel fumes.

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You'll see plenty of Kerbals getting scared during launches, but not many who aren't happy once they get into space. They don't need much motivation, just promise them that this launch is the one that will reach space this time and definitely won't nosedive into the VAB again and they'll be racing for the command pod.

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Remind them of some of the alternatives.

Like that science fiction story about a blue world populated by pink beings who had dreams of glorious horizons, as Kerbals do, but who ended up wasting entire lifetimes in the pursuit of transient shiny toys and little green rectangles of paper.

Works for me :)

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As was said before, a number of kerbals will get nervous or even freak out during a launch, but once you reach orbit, the wonder will hit their faces like a comet hitting the KSC. I've managed to maintain a rather serene face on Bob for more than five minutes, and I consider that an achievement.

I equate the motivation to what I look forward to every launch. It isn't orbit I reach for, but that first moment of seeing the stars break out in the sky during a day launch. When that comes, all stress just disappears from me.

It makes for something fun to reach for when designing jets that aren't meant to be SSTO's. If you can design a plane that can get high enough to see the stars using only jet engines, then, like with rockets reaching orbit, you are halfway to anywhere.

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(Semi-)serious question: If somebody offered you the chance to be an astronaut, with a 50% chance of making it into orbit and landing safely, and a 50% chance of dying spectacularly upon launch, would you take it?

Most days I think I would!

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(Semi-)serious question: If somebody offered you the chance to be an astronaut, with a 50% chance of making it into orbit and landing safely, and a 50% chance of dying spectacularly upon launch, would you take it?

Most days I think I would!

Yes, i would.

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I'd say Danny2462's Kerbal crushers would be enough to motivate any Kerbal. I have one saved somewhere after st-... ...replicating one of his 'designs' so I can always put that on the pad if one of my Kerbals decides that flying the obviously-going-crash spaceplane I have planned for them is not what they consider a reasonable idea.

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Considering all the asteroids near Kerbin, I'll bet Kerbals are so motivated to go to space because they all know someone whose house was smashed by a meteor impact. Sure, Earth also has plenty of impacts, but we have way more surface area so we don't notice all the impacts. Kerbals, on the other hand, are reminded regularly that a killer asteroid may hit Kerbin one day soon.

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