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[1.1.2] Kerbin-Side (v1.1.0) & Supplements


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This looks awesome. Can you actually launch from these locations or do they basically just add landing sites?

You can.

The 'flying in space' bug is the result of KerbTown failing to find the launchsite selected. This probably means you've got a cfg for a kerbtown asset that you haven't installed or kerbtown assets didn't load properly. Uninstall all of your kerbtown stuff (Kerbin-Side, KerbTown, KSC++, KerbCity, Justin Kerbice's various stuff, Devo's various stuff etc.) then re-install them. KerbinSide last.

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Either make the locations open with nodes on the tech tree or as you discover them in exploration of kerbin. Otherwise this makes career mode way too easy.... Although I'm not crazy about the runway model for some of the sites.

You don't need to launch from the alternative sites or land at them. And you don't have to install a mod either. Seriously chap, come on. As for the runway model, I'm just getting back in to modelling so I'm still getting up to speed. You're welcome to make your own runway.

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Sorry. That came out wrong. Looks great overall. I just think finding a way to discover them slowly would be much cooler. It was intended as constructive criticism but reading it again yes it does come off kinda rude. My apologies.

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Quick question, and request for clarification. Does this mod have any other mods as dependencies, or are all files needed included in the download? Might be a good idea to clarify that on the first post if possible.

This looks great, and am definitely looking forwards to giving it a go.

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From the OP:

"Version 0.29 features and fixes:

- Mod dependencies other than KerbTown and KSC++ removed.

- KerbTown and KSC++ included in the download."

:) Could be clearer but nah, that'll do.

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I know problems will happen at minimum graphical settings, but just how bad is it?

Currently terrain detail needs to be set to high. If it isn't, you will see buildings sunk into ground that doesn't exist on high.

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Hey Alph, I'm going to keep you updated on something over here. Right now, I'm encountering a massive physics slowdown that seems to be related to the universe-shifting krackensbane above velocities of 750 m/s. I've only encountered these when part counts are high, but lately I seem to get them all the time and it's been right annoying. I'm going to pull your mod, kerbin-city, and kerbtown and see if I still get the same slowdown rate.

If I'm right, there may indeed be a reason why Kerbin City was set up as huge blocks.

EDIT: Test One Complete.

Bad news. I was right.

Before I removed Kerbin Side, Kerbin City, and Kerbtown, the degredation of my physics time rate dropped to 0.4 (40% of real time). Upon removal, I got a solid 1.0 on it. And I think I understand why...

The Krakensbane works by capping a vessel's velocity off at 750 m/s, then removing any excess velocity values and dumping them into a master value. It applies these values to the rest of the universe and shifts it in accordance with these velocity values. Effectively, once you hit 750 m/s, Futurama physics start coming into play. The universe moves around the ship so the ship can remain at a 'low' velocity to keep numbers accurate in the physics engine.

What this means for you, is that the more static objects you have, the more the krakensbane has to process to move the universe. In the case of the static objects being placed, that means brutal physics slowdown.

EDIT 2: Check 2 has been done.

Good news on this front, it's not the Kerbtown plugin in-and-of itself. So it's the number of static objects being added. If you want to keep adding things, I suggest you start trying to optimize the locations and merging independent objects into one huge mass. I'm going to test Kerbin City next to see how much of a hit I take.

Edited by AdmiralTigerclaw
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Now that is interesting. I've been seeing some laggy behaviour in map view and initially put it down to KerbTown's ridiculously high default view. Based on what you're saying, it sounds like it's going to make little difference if that's reduced for every object. I don't entirely understand it though. I thought the position of any static object on a body wouldn't need to be tracked, just that of the body.

EDIT - And surely there'd be a similar issue with debris scattered all over the planet?

EDIT - And I certainly can't see how two huge models with huge colliders is any different from several small objects with small colliders. The complexity of the model dictates the draw on physics, surely? KerbCity merged their assets for a quite different reason, I suspect.

Edited by AlphaAsh
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If you have time, try this test as well. Go through the configs of the various assets and reduce the VisibilityRange of everything by a factor of 10. That's what I'm trying at my end now.

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I helped bug test a mod for 'X-2: The Threat', a long time back called 'Freejump'. This is relevant, by the way...

In this mod. We had to get around the issue of the game code in X-2 that locked maximum vessel speeds and an annoying mechanic for jump drives.

We came up with a solution that involved SETPOS, or Set Position command. In which the script would draw a line from the ship to a desired destination, and then it would string the SETPOS command along this to simulate high speed travel. It works well, but scales horribly.

When applied to a test carrier compliment of 30 Split M3 Mambas using fleet command software we were working into it along side, the result was that the moment they all reacted to a threat and began an intercept jump, they are ALL drawing lines and initiating a huge hoard of SETPOS commands. It brought my framerate to a halt for fifteen to twenty seconds while they jumped across the system.

The same thing is happening here. Krakensbane code 'solves' the floating point issue only by introducing poorly scaling code. Each instance of another object in the universe has to be given a 'SETPOS' command in relation to the scene. The more individual objects you have, the more setpos commands have to be fired off on EACH physics pass. So a lot of static objects, such as the stacks of palm trees, moving components, or other such pretty things added to your terrain end up being extraneous processes that each need to be SETPOS'd. It's doing the Mamba-mambo like the freejump mod.

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So I can safely assume that anyone playing a long, complex game in say Sandbox mode, with multiple ships, bases and stations can also expect similar issues once they start exceeding 750 m/s. And the physics unload of objects at greater than 2.5 km is irrelevant. Well that really sucks. I'm not sure there's a whole lot I can do except merge assets then. I'd rather get some more confirmation on this first. Something official from Squad would be nice. This has to have come up before.

EDIT - I just loaded my most busy Sandbox save. Multiple bases, stations and ships. KerbinSide and a load of other stuff installed. Switched to a deep space probe going greater than 750 ms. Time warped steadily increased. No noticeable or measurable decline in physics timing.

Edited by AlphaAsh
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Check if it affects things in/out of the same sphere of influence.

Confirmed your findings. Further development is halted until I can find a solution other than merging assets together. Which I can't be bothered with.

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