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[1.1.2] Kerbin-Side (v1.1.0) & Supplements


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Confirmed your findings. Further development is halted until I can find a solution other than merging assets together. Which I can't be bothered with.

Does this mean KAP development will continue now?

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When I was working on kerbtown objects, If I understand things right, I found merging them in unity first, then placing them, to be a lot easier than placing them one by one in KSP.

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Did you have a base that everything sat on? I'm not wanting to go down that path. There's a limited amount of actual flat ground and in order to create anything that actually fits the terrain well, the assets need to be separated and placed individually. Or you record all the co-ordinates for the various assets, fiddle in Unity and then hope that you can get it exactly placed on Kerbin. It's not worth the effort. And TBH it really isn't that many assets per base. KSP's 750ms kludge is just that, a kludge. If that changes in the future, then I might continue with this.

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you can create a flat plane with the standart kerbin grass(or whatever ground you want) texture, place your bases on top of it and place them inside a valley. Thats another way to get a flat ground. I did it that way for the missile silo.



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Did you have a base that everything sat on? I'm not wanting to go down that path. There's a limited amount of actual flat ground and in order to create anything that actually fits the terrain well, the assets need to be separated and placed individually. Or you record all the co-ordinates for the various assets, fiddle in Unity and then hope that you can get it exactly placed on Kerbin. It's not worth the effort. And TBH it really isn't that many assets per base. KSP's 750ms kludge is just that, a kludge. If that changes in the future, then I might continue with this.

Yeah, I made a set of modular (flat bit, sloping bits, corners) baseplates I could stick together in unity with snap-to-vertex. I recommend it, honestly. The slopes that extended down a fair bit to clip into the terrain to avoid worrying about a precise fit.


I went on hiatus because texturing isn't fun lol. I'm sure I'll pick it up again at some point.

Edited by comham
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Doing the solid base with the sloping sides is more or less how KSP does it anyway. Mess with the terrain settings so that it reveals the underside of KSC, and you'll see the structures are all anchored to a large base that goes ten meters or more into the ground.

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Hello readers. Me again.

KerbinSide is getting rescoped. Because of 'restrictions' I'll only be working on a few bases at a time and won't be in much of a rush to be adding new ones.

However, want to see a base where you'd want to see a base? Find a suitable place on Kerbin. Take some kerbals along and then using a combination of flag planting and temporary placement of KerbTown assets (any small one would do), survey the area as thoroughly as possible. The more co-ordinates and altitude readings, the more accurately a base can be made to fit the area. Put your recordings in a useful format and then post it here or PM me. Include some screenshots. Propose some features for the various points you survey. Have fun with it. The better the data, the more likely I'll be wanting to use it.

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Hello readers. Me again.

KerbinSide is getting rescoped. Because of 'restrictions' I'll only be working on a few bases at a time and won't be in much of a rush to be adding new ones.

However, want to see a base where you'd want to see a base? Find a suitable place on Kerbin. Take some kerbals along and then using a combination of flag planting and temporary placement of KerbTown assets (any small one would do), survey the area as thoroughly as possible. The more co-ordinates and altitude readings, the more accurately a base can be made to fit the area. Put your recordings in a useful format and then post it here or PM me. Include some screenshots. Propose some features for the various points you survey. Have fun with it. The better the data, the more likely I'll be wanting to use it.

This may not be the most detailed thing in the world, but it gives a rough Idea of what I'm asking.

I wanted to give an idea of where I would like the rocket testing facility.

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Hi! Is this compatible with Remote Tech and Kerbal Construction timer? Do the bases emit a RT2 signal?

I don't think so. I believe there may be a way to make it RT2 compatible, but I have no idea about Kerbal Construction Time.

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Hi! Is this compatible with Remote Tech and Kerbal Construction timer? Do the bases emit a RT2 signal?

Quote from before:

The only issue I got with KCT is that I had to select the launch site in the VAB before building. Then launching from alternate locations worked fine.
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KSP's physics kludge for speeds exceeding 750ms. This issue means KerbinSide's design and scope is being changed. This is discussed in detail in the last few posts. There is no plan to fix this for the current version. It requires a complete re-working of the mod.

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That's a shame :(. Really like how this expands the KSC logically. The FPS hit hurts a ton though even on my desktop (dual 570 GTXs; AMD Black Edition 810 oc'd to 3.2 from 2.6 on air; 12 gigs of Corsair XMS [i think? it's been really a long time since I built this machine; can't remember if I have GSkill or XMS; either way it's meant for low-latency high OC northbridge setups] along with twin Raptor 74 gig HDDs and a 600 gig Raptor for storage. Still drops my FPS from the 60s with approx 80 mods to sub-10.

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That's a shame :(. Really like how this expands the KSC logically. The FPS hit hurts a ton though even on my desktop (dual 570 GTXs; AMD Black Edition 810 oc'd to 3.2 from 2.6 on air; 12 gigs of Corsair XMS [i think? it's been really a long time since I built this machine; can't remember if I have GSkill or XMS; either way it's meant for low-latency high OC northbridge setups] along with twin Raptor 74 gig HDDs and a 600 gig Raptor for storage. Still drops my FPS from the 60s with approx 80 mods to sub-10.

KSP is 32-bit as of .23.5, meaning it can only use 3.5 gb of ram. .24 will be 64-bit menaing KSP will be able to use more ram than 3.5 gb.

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Oh believe me I know all too well from the hundreds of out of memory crashes I've had tweaking my Gamedata folder lol :D I've got load times for the modulemanager patches down to 2.5 minutes (6000ish patches). I've done some serious pruning to get the game running (smoothly); also forcing openGL rendering helped a ton. Without any extra planets (and using EVE / Better Atmospheres with all they entail) as well as all major part packs (123 separate folders; not counting two for miscellaneous config files / DLLs and my own flags; as well as exclusion of Squad's and ARM folders; brings the absolute total to 127 folders). Total RAM usage 2.144 gigs with OpenGL in windowed in the VAB with all parts unlocked. Using DirectX with the same setup the game will crash with out of memory. :x

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1 - Delete KerbinSide and KSC++ from your GameData folder.

2 - Download this and install contents to GameData folder: http://www.kashcorp.co.uk/JebIsBatman.zip

3 - Build a JebMobile. That's a fast, robust rover with at least one jet engine.

4 - Launch at Krystal City Street (use the big KerbTown icon in the SPH).

5 - Be the BatKerbal.

6 - Post a video of your insanity.

Hope you enjoy this preview of things to come with KerbinSide.

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I was busy putting together some parked vehicles for Krystal City when I realised that if I was making these static models, I may as well take it a little further. Voila, a KerbinSide side-project, Rovers & Roadsters. New parts for ground vehicles. WIP, but I should have a few bits ready to ship soon.


Includes a new 1x05 hull standard with easy adapting to 0625. Engines, wheel arches, bonnets, some 1x05 rover cockpits etc. etc.

Many parts in this screenie are from LLL/SXT. Credit to Lack.

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KerbinSide v0.30 is now available.

Upgrading from 0.29 to 0.30?

Delete the following folders and their content out of your GameData folder:



(You may of course re-install the original KSC++. I've included it in the zip.)

Now proceed to the installation instructions below.

DOWNLOAD: http://www.kashcorp.co.uk/KerbinSide030.zip

Install contents of GameData folder in the zip into GameData folder of KSP.

Version 0.30 features and fixes:

- The impact on the physics 'kludge' in KSP to handle speeds greater than 750ms should now be minimised.

- All use of KSC++ assets has been removed from KerbinSide locations.

- Locations have been stripped back to the bare essentials. Just the launch-sites.

- KSC's island runway can now be launched on.

- Jeb's Island Retreat runway has been (temporarily) removed. This is to make way for a future release on the island (Krystal City).

- The bases are just now very bare-bones but will be expanded upon in future releases.

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