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Whats your long term goals?


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Right now I'm designing my Jool 5 challenge ship. After that... I don't know. Hopefully the next update will be out and I will start over again.

I really hope other star systems are added... Or at least GP2 and it's moons. I've seen everything there is to see in the Kerbol system and landed and returned from everywhere possible. Maybe more colonies or something but that feels more like a chore.

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1) Not kill or strand any Kerbals

2) Place an inhabited outpost on every body in the system (with the exception of Kerbol and Jool) with a space station in orbit and a launch vehicle in attendance.

3) Never land, crash, or ignite a nuclear engine while in Kerbin atmosphere.

That should be doable...

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As far as I am concerned, Laythe is a habitable garden world just ripe for colonization. So I want to use career mode to set up a self-sustaining colony on Laythe. Have a nice sizeable base there with Science and Hitchhiker modules to live and work in, and at least...maybe 25-30 kerbals working there. For one, it would be good to have a back-up site in case someone manages to kerbalize Kerbin. Especially since the Kraken decided to start throwing rocks at that planet.

(It is one of my desires that in career mode it becomes possible to establish functioning sites on other worlds, where you can assemble and launch rockets from there. Having one on the Mun would be extremely nice, as it would require less fuel being further out of Kerbin's gravity well. And I don't mean just snap your fingers and it is there. I want to earn that sucker.)

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  samstarman5 said:
(It is one of my desires that in career mode it becomes possible to establish functioning sites on other worlds, where you can assemble and launch rockets from there. Having one on the Mun would be extremely nice, as it would require less fuel being further out of Kerbin's gravity well. And I don't mean just snap your fingers and it is there. I want to earn that sucker.)
I don't know how well they integrate with career, but you could look at Kethane and Extraplanetary Launchpads.
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I don't really have any "long term" goals right now but things I'm frankly putting off until I iron out some kinks in my methods to actually do it (or in some cases just get the motivation)...

-Build a modular base on Duna. I started this in my .23 save but ragequit because my tractor rover had a docking port failure that made it impossible to move anything.

-Some sort of outpost on Eeloo, just to have it there. Preferably with a method for return for the Kerbals that doesn't involve sending my massive reusable interplanetary ship out there to pick them up.

-Send some toys to Pol or Gilly because gravity, yo. Probably a bad idea because I already destroy things every time I step out of my lander on Minmus.

-Land an asteroid on Mun / Minmus and later Duna.

-Useful tankers in orbit of places I frequent or plan to frequent. I have one at Mun but it barely carries any fuel, and I had one at Duna in .23 but it took more fuel than it was worth to rendezvous with.

-Find anomalies in various places with the help of SCANSat. This goal is already in motion but in its infancy if I'm being honest. I'm making efforts to visit some on Kerbin and have a couple locations mapped out on Mun and Duna.

-Build a hybrid ship / rover. This "shouldn't" actually be that hard, it's just something that occurred to me yesterday. I had rocket rovers in early career but that doesn't count.

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Land on Eve with FAR and DR and return. I tried to attempt this, but was eventually defeated. Had to disable mods. A little cheating isn't always an evil thing :D

Build mining/resource bases on Duna, and if possible on Eve.

Make a good reliable heavy sky crane that use boosters and my calculations[instead mechjeb] to do a proper suicide burns.

A nice VTOL SSTO, kinda like the cheyenne dropship from aliens.

Land and return from Laythe/Moho/Eeeloo, because i never did that before.

Maybe try the MKS mod, for really complex base building. But i'm sure i'm going to rage quit when i already have built 90% of my colony, only to find that i missed some small piece.

And definitely i will start building my Babylon 5 station around moon, tomorrow. Hope my computer will handle 1000+ parts.

Edited by DeepOdyssey
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I want to move an E-class asteroid into a stable orbit around Kerbin. I've tried it a few times, still working on getting a suitable tug working.

The latest iteration had enough Dv with the asteroid attached, and a 0.25 ish TWR. However, I couldn't use more than 1/4 thrust without losing directional control. I'll probably add a supply of KAS struts and add a crew pod somewhere for the next iteration.

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I want to:

*Land on every solid planet and moon

*Find every easter egg

*Have some sort of base/station/etc everywhere, essentially make an infrastructure for moving around the system. I have kethane and will probably also need Extraplanetary Launchpads and Interstellar.

*Meta: get a computer that can run KSP better than this one, maybe try 64bit.

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Descending order, ordered by how much I want it

-Establish permanent base on Laythe

-Grand Tour

-Land a kerbal on another planet and return

-Do all of the above with little to no causalities

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Land on every solid body in the kerbol system, plant a flag and return the kerbals back to kerbin.

Already done:





Half done:

Eve(currently in orbit having returned from the surface, haven't had time to go to gilly then return home yet(hope to do so soon))

Not Done


The jovian moons


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  DeepOdyssey said:
And definitely i will start building my Babylon 5 station around moon, tomorrow. Hope my computer will handle 1000+ parts.

Make sure you dont run into this bug if it is a problem for you: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62750 - it made me give up on station building arround various Planets / moons (including Mun) till its fixed. Dont want to discourage you, but dont want you to waste your time. ;)

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  TrooperCooper said:
Make sure you dont run into this bug if it is a problem for you: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62750 - it made me give up on station building arround various Planets / moons (including Mun) till its fixed. Dont want to discourage you, but dont want you to waste your time. ;)

Wow, i also have this problem. Just moving a heavy[over 1500 ton] station change the orbit considerably[10%]. Haha perpetum mobile!

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I'm pretty much done, only thing I have not done is a few features like manual landing on Tylo or taken a spaceplane to orbit.

Done most other stuff, grand tour 666 ton on pad, 100 in LKO.

Sample or messure and return from all biomes except some on Kerbin and some high orbit on Mun and Minmus.

"landed" Jool, repeated it with one rocket on pad, too Jool and return.

Currently I'm playing with asteroids. The E class is a bit unmanageable so I need a good puller.

And yes gearing up for this


Gearing up as in expanding the orbital construction facilities so I can build the facilities who build it.

Estimates I need an miner who can mine 1-2000 ton ore on Minmus or similar location and take it to an orbital shipyard who construct it.

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  magnemoe said:

And yes gearing up for this


Gearing up as in expanding the orbital construction facilities so I can build the facilities who build it.

Estimates I need an miner who can mine 1-2000 ton ore on Minmus or similar location and take it to an orbital shipyard who construct it.

:0.0: Whats gonna be your next level after that? Dyson Speheres? :D

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One of my goals is get Kerbals on every planet/moon in a permanent base AND the ability to get them back to Kerbin on location. This gets a little difficult for far away places like Eeloo or atmospheres like Eve's. I want each base to have a rover and science lab and habitat and everything.

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Send a manned mission to every body in the system and establish a permanent presence on Duna (and/or Ike), Gilly, and Moho. So far thanks to my mod addiction I can never seem get my astronauts out past Minmus before my game gets totally screwed up and I have to start from scratch.

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My goals for when I get back into playing the game, still building new rig, are not in any particular order but:

-Build a SSTE that can do a grand tour with refueling cause I am not that good lol

-Probe, Flag, and station every planet with a type of shuttle to access and moons nearby

-Build a station that orbits on the very inside of the solar system as close as I can get and build another one as far out as i can get and set up a system of travel between the two that allows for docking to refuel but no landing

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My immediate big goals are:

  • Finish the Midgard & Bifrost stations (around Kerbin & Minmus, respectively)
  • Capture the class E about to get into orbit
  • Redirect the class D that will hit Kerbin just afterward

After that's all taken care of, the longer term goals are:

  • Finalize SSTO program to deliver and retrieve kerbals from Midgard
  • Construct a base on the Class E
  • Launch manned orbital missions to Eve & Duna, with landings on their respective satellites.

The last phase I currently have planned includes:

  • Manned mission to Laythe to set up a permanent orbital base with a pair of SSTOs (one for science, one for kerbals)
  • Land on Duna, Dres, and Moho
  • Manned station around Eve to act as a rally point to study Eve, at various altitudes.

After all that, land on Tylo, Eve & Eeloo.

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Build a space faring society in KSP. That means having established stations over every planet and moon in the system with cargo transports taking supplies from LKO to their respective stations.

After stations are established, having colonies on every world.

Having "pit stops" for homann transfers on route to intended targets. For example, a supply station halfway between Kerbin and Duna on parallel orbits with Duna around Kerbol.

I'm still postponing going to all the planets, because I haven't gotten my game up to where I want it, gameplay wise. Mods are getting it there though.

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I'm currently designing and testing designs and concepts for a multi-part ship to be able to be used repeatedly, and to launch a couple of them on a tour of the Joolian system, including landings on all the moons except Tylo (I'll do that in a future launch window. My long term goals are to visit Eeloo, and to set up permanent stations on Eve and Duna. And for my really long-term goals, I want to Terraform (Kerbiform?) Duna. Obviously that's rather difficult right now, considering there isn't any mechanism/mods that allow that, but heh, you did say LONG term :P

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Completing the tech tree in the shortest game time possible and trying to beat that time in each up coming update. Currently I have about 5 tech nodes to go and am about 5 Kerbal years in for 0.23.5.

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