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[cb_co] Replica Combat Aircraft

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Well these are all useless now.... Really kind of a bummer update. I don't know if I'll even rebuild all these. I'll probably make a download with all the old .24 parts so these are still playable

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I would have so much cool stuff if my terrible windows laptop wasn't the worst piece of garbage. It can barely load the game.

New f-16 already that's way better.

A mrk v raptor. The engines were too far back. So I took out the intake and moved the engine into the body more. Its done I just need to test it and add struts. Also eliminated drag so it's way faster and can carry more weapons.

[cb_co] F-22 Raptor MRK V model by clown_baby on Sketchfab

I have a pretty sweet f-15. I went with the single pilot f-15j to keep it light for dogfighting. It has like no drag so it seriously hauls. Doesn't turn great though.

And I'm going to arm the gundam with bd and try and fight some jet drones while just hovering in the air. If I can record that it'll be pretty great.

And everything about the f35 is annoying. Lift is always hard to deal with when sculpting things with wings. It looks way better than before though.

I removed the big intakes and just sculpted them out. Its actually the c, and the wing shape is much different from the b. I'll build the b after getting a cvtol figured out.

[cb_co] CTOL F-35a Lightning MRK II by clown_baby on Sketchfab

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Had no idea the mk 1 cockpit lights up now. Looks pretty great. Spent all day tuning lift, drag, and the AI for the MRK V Stock raptor and drone raptor.

Takes forever to tune the speed and turning ability. I want them to be realistically maneuverable at 5000m. Flaps need to be toggles at different altitudes/speeds.

I wish action keys toggled flap's pitch on and off.

Release tomorrow.

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  TheManDownStairs said:
file:///C:/Users/Bryndon/Downloads/ksp-win-1-0-4/KSP_win/Screenshots/screenshot38.png < F-15

file:///C:/Users/Bryndon/Downloads/ksp-win-1-0-4/KSP_win/Screenshots/screenshot22.png < SU-25

- - - Updated - - -

My bad SU-27

Hey man. I'm excited to see your pictures. You gotta upload them to imgur first, then paste the picture URL here between or. Or just use the picture button in the toolbar.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New video featuring a brand new F-4 Phantom and F-15 Eagle. Ok video, but I've got other things to do today. I think the Phantom is incredibly good looking. Like a 5th Gen Phantom Remix. It could probably be turned into A SSTO.

And I was thinking. If anyone wants to try and challenge some of my craft, just post the craft you wanna try, and which one of mine you'd like to fight. I'll have the AI fight the two. I'll record 4 or 5 matches and post the best one, with the results of the matches. Set the Weapons however you want, and I'll program the AI.

Gundam included. Anyone interested?

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  Yaeah said:
btw, which dmp server do you play on?

I actually haven't been on dmp in a long time. Does that better support air to air combat these days? Last time I played it didn't.

I have been playing with the new BDArmory update. Mostly the new radar functions. The Raptor and Eagle have both been given Radar and Radar Guided Missiles. Both crafts had to shed some weight for the new components, so expect a MRK VI Raptor and MRK II Eagle. I know I just released the Eagle but I had to update it already for the new payload.

The custom bay doors of the Stealth Raptor have been given radar jamming capabilities. This is to replicate the actual stealth technology of the real thing. Right now the doors are constantly jamming, but hopefully soon this will only be with the door closed. I want the craft invisible to radar with the doors closed and to reappear once they've opened.

This is my first 1080p video. I think it looks good but I had to speed some parts way up because three crafts at once almost melted my computer. This video is the Raptor and Eagle vs. the Stealth Raptor. These craft will be available as soon as BDArmories is stable again. Until then I suggest you stay on BD 8.3. If you have upgraded to 9.0.x, use alt-b to toggle legacy mode.

I have also redone the OP to make it simpler and better looking.

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Been doing lots of work updating the craft with radar & AIM's while testing out the new BDarmory updates. I have a MRK IV Stealth Raptor done that actually has "stealth" capabilities. It isn't invisible but it definitely takes longer to lock onto.

seamus0riley is being a pimp and working on a plugin for the craft which will open the doors once missile lock is achieved. Stealth is eliminated when the doors are open, so it's important to keep them closed as much as possible. Also means the doors don't have to be constantly open when the AI is flying. IR doors also allow missiles to be mounted on the door, like the real thing.

In addition there is a MRK VI stock and armed 22 ready to be released. Performance/armament/visual changes can be expected. I also never thought I would get this to work, but it's a good start.

I have a new F-15 ready, I just need to release it. Had to lose some weight to make up for the new radar. I also think it looks better. You can see it here in the first video I have recorded with my new windows x update, using the native recorder. I think it looks pretty great. May have to speed it up though. But I got a new job, so new pc asap. Means better videos, more craft in combat, and streaming.

I also have an F-4 phantom. For this one I built a true replica craft. Two pilots, and the basic engines look much more realistic. But I will also release a "5th Gen Concept" F-4. Single pilot with turbojet engines. This thing is super high performance.

And I've included the raynos in this thread to keep everything in one place. It is almost ready. The CTOL at least. The VTOL with robotic wings is gonna take a lot of tuning, and hopefully it's own plugin.

All will be released once the BD updates slow down. And I'm still down to make some videos if anyone wants to challenge any of my craft.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pretty great kill from inside the f-4

I was gonna wait til 1.1 to release any more updates but do we even have the slightest idea when its coming? Also it sounds lime the new engines will come shortly after 1.1 anyway.

I have a super dope f-14 but I really need a better aerodynamic model. Is there any hint that might come in 1.1?

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  • 1 month later...

Man I didn't think the wait for 1.1 would be this long. I really want to wait for all the changes before getting back at it.

If you haven't tried the gundam out yet I wish you would, even if you don't like mechs its super fun to fly. The way the legs move while flying makes it look super realistic.

Unfortunetly I never got the stealth 22 released. I have it if you would lime to try, the missiles in the bay won't fire for some reason, I think it has to do with the clearance check.

Also 21000 views isn't that shabby, thanks everyone who checked my sht out.

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