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[1.1] RemoteTech v1.6.10 [2016-04-12]


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Ok, then that would seem to be a bug. I've also run into problems with hybrid probe/antennas (https://github.com/RemoteTechnologie...ech/issues/213), so we probably need to change something in the code to let these modules play nice with each other.

Exactly the word i was searching for Hybrid (its probe,has an antenna, and a dish Hermes probe - Voyager like satellite, hasn Omni integrated + a dish and its probe all in one ) problem appears when you try to have both, works fine with one say just antenna or dish.

if you need anything else drop me a line i;am glad to help out if i can.

and on a side note. this worked perfectly good on 1.4.1 so maybe look at the previous version see what changed in the code.

Edited by dtoxic
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Known limitation; flight computer entries are completely detached from maneuver nodes once created. You might want to talk to Peppie23, who was working on fixing that as part of a new feature: https://github.com/RemoteTechnologiesGroup/RemoteTech/issues/73.

Also, as far as guidance from me goes, the current flight computer has some vestigial code that counts seconds to command execution instead of just storing the scheduled time. If you want FC commands to persist, that code will need to be replaced with a timestamp-based approach.

Just so we're on the same page, it's not "create node, hit NODE, move node, vessel points in wrong direction". It's "create node, adjust node, hit NODE, vessel points in wrong direction". So when I'm "inputting" the node into the flight computer, it's already in its final state.

It just feels weird, because normally the burn direction may change with adjusting the delta-V values on the node, and that gets sent correctly. It's just dragging the node from its original position that messes things up. :)

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Weird that you require so little battery power, how can if function durring the night?

Lots of RTGs and very low power antennas.

That's so brilliant!

That picture alone has convinced me to try this method.

Heh, thanks! The only reason this works is that RT has a simple line-of-sight calculation, so if there is a mountain between relays the signal still gets through. Perfecting the VTOL and delivery techniques did take a decent amount of time though. Good luck :D

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Just so we're on the same page, it's not "create node, hit NODE, move node, vessel points in wrong direction". It's "create node, adjust node, hit NODE, vessel points in wrong direction". So when I'm "inputting" the node into the flight computer, it's already in its final state.

It just feels weird, because normally the burn direction may change with adjusting the delta-V values on the node, and that gets sent correctly. It's just dragging the node from its original position that messes things up. :)

Wait, wait... is it only the node direction that is wrong, or does the flight computer try to burn at the wrong time too?

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Having an issue where the active ship doesn't have an icon on the map view. Other ships do though. Any help?

Did you toggle any ship types off in the tracking station, like probes or debris? The selection seems to transfer to other scenes now, so if you've toggled probes off, you wont see them when you go into map view in-flight either... Which can be tricky if you're trying to sort out anything like rendezvous or docking.

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Hey to anyone having trouble establishing a communications network, this is how I've done:


Cool Image hun?, its a simple triangular setup with an 800km orbit, plus a relay for long range dish communication on geostationary orbit right above the KSC.

Still using the first set of antennas (as I haven't reached further tech yet), more info on this and previous thread: http://gfurst.wordpress.com/2014/10/18/ksp-3-spaceplanes/

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Hey to anyone having trouble establishing a communications network, this is how I've done:


Cool Image hun?, its a simple triangular setup with an 800km orbit, plus a relay for long range dish communication on geostationary orbit right above the KSC.

Still using the first set of antennas (as I haven't reached further tech yet), more info on this and previous thread: http://gfurst.wordpress.com/2014/10/18/ksp-3-spaceplanes/

Nice, I want something even better: I'm currently building a 2xDish@2850km + 4xCom16@1100 km + 6xDP-10@200km

first the Dish Network is used for Network construction and Long range communications

second the Com16 network covers all positive Kerbin orbits (including GEO synchonius orbit)

lastly the DP-10 network should allow me to use DP-10 for Remote communication anywere on kerbin and low orbit

Edited by FreeThinker
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Got a strange question and not sure what to search to see if it's already been asked... Is there any way to disable the Flight Computer when a ship is merely under local control?

I just tried out Remote Tech for the first time last night. I love the challenge that it presents, and I think building a network of communications satellites will be a fun exercise. BUT I rarely use probes and I rarely transmit science, which makes the my communications network mostly pointless. Kerbals are more fun to play with and they're better at getting science. They require bigger ships and I use a simple life support mod to add to the challenge, but I haven't found that those obstacles deter me from using manned ships. Just like Remote Tech, those problems are more like fun challenges you want to take on than obstacles that you avoid...

I haven't played with MechJeb in a long time. Too many automation options turned me off. But I felt like the simple Flight Computer features were perfect. It doesn't do anything for you- only what you specifically tell it to do. (Well, aside from execute maneuvers without human error. No complaints there.) And the attitude control means I don't have to spend half my time chasing points on my NavBall. It's great.

So I got to thinking, it would be PERFECT if my ship had to be connected to the communication network in order to use the Flight Computer. That would be JUST the incentive I need to build a network and keep all of my ships connected to it. I suppose it's not exactly "realistic." It's not like the Kerbals in command of a ship are unable to program their ship's controls without Mission Control's input. But it would really give Remote Tech a purpose where (to me, right now) it has none. The limit would only be that you can't open and/or utilize the Flight Computer. You could certainly control everything manually, just like normal, with local control.

I don't suppose I'm lucky enough that there's a way to make this happen?

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Got a strange question and not sure what to search to see if it's already been asked... Is there any way to disable the Flight Computer when a ship is merely under local control?

I just tried out Remote Tech for the first time last night. I love the challenge that it presents, and I think building a network of communications satellites will be a fun exercise. BUT I rarely use probes and I rarely transmit science, which makes the my communications network mostly pointless. Kerbals are more fun to play with and they're better at getting science. They require bigger ships and I use a simple life support mod to add to the challenge, but I haven't found that those obstacles deter me from using manned ships. Just like Remote Tech, those problems are more like fun challenges you want to take on than obstacles that you avoid...

I haven't played with MechJeb in a long time. Too many automation options turned me off. But I felt like the simple Flight Computer features were perfect. It doesn't do anything for you- only what you specifically tell it to do. (Well, aside from execute maneuvers without human error. No complaints there.) And the attitude control means I don't have to spend half my time chasing points on my NavBall. It's great.

So I got to thinking, it would be PERFECT if my ship had to be connected to the communication network in order to use the Flight Computer. That would be JUST the incentive I need to build a network and keep all of my ships connected to it. I suppose it's not exactly "realistic." It's not like the Kerbals in command of a ship are unable to program their ship's controls without Mission Control's input. But it would really give Remote Tech a purpose where (to me, right now) it has none. The limit would only be that you can't open and/or utilize the Flight Computer. You could certainly control everything manually, just like normal, with local control.

I don't suppose I'm lucky enough that there's a way to make this happen?

For us that play with a lot of satellites what would we use to setup what we want with out a connection if they set it to be off with out ?

EDIT- You do know you can set a Time Delay with it ? thats how you make your maneuvers with out a connection you set it up before you loose it.

Edited by Mecripp2
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I think it should be made a config setting. It would be a serious nerf (I'd expect comms delay on the computer commands, etc.)

Speaking of time delay, I started wondering whether actual comms event horizon modeling would be fun. I mean, say if you have a probe out near Eeloo, and have a ten minute comms window, you'd have to send out the command BEFORE the probe is in the window, so it would reach it when it can actually hear. :)

Edited by S1gmoid
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So I got to thinking, it would be PERFECT if my ship had to be connected to the communication network in order to use the Flight Computer. That would be JUST the incentive I need to build a network and keep all of my ships connected to it. I suppose it's not exactly "realistic." It's not like the Kerbals in command of a ship are unable to program their ship's controls without Mission Control's input. But it would really give Remote Tech a purpose where (to me, right now) it has none. The limit would only be that you can't open and/or utilize the Flight Computer. You could certainly control everything manually, just like normal, with local control.

Given that the flight computer was really intended to be a tool for dealing with time delay (i.e., as an alternative to local control), and that your request for having it require a signal is quite specific, I'm going to say no. It doesn't really fit the mod.

Speaking of time delay, I started wondering whether actual comms event horizon modeling would be fun. I mean, say if you have a probe out near Eeloo, and have a ten minute comms window, you'd have to send out the command BEFORE the probe is in the window, so it would reach it when it can actually hear. :)

I think Cilph was considering a feature like that, but rejected it. I personally am against it for two reasons:

  1. While realistic, it's quite unintuitive; if active vessel has taught us anything, it's that most players have trouble diagnosing communications problems that are happening somewhere else in the network. At the moment we're trying to smooth out the learning curve for RT, not make it even more baffling for new players.
  2. Predicting when communication paths will and will not be available is quite difficult, and requires plotting the orbits of all celestial bodies and all current vessels. That's considerable computational overhead, even if we get all the special cases (e.g. paths possible through different satellites at different times) right.

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I applaud your solution to this commsat spacing problem. Alas, for me it negates the whole point of the mod. I like looking at my map view and seeing my commsats evenly spaced and bouncing signals between each other on their way to mission control, and this spacing issue over time means they have to be baby-sat. Repositioning them is a pain in the nozzle.

What would be ideal, I think, is an additional feature to the mod in which, once placed in orbit, they could be auto-programmed to maintain a set distance from each other, and automatically adjust their orbits to do so. I mean, the challenge in this mod, for me, is to set up and maintain communications for my space-faring ships between orbital bodies. maintaining that communication between each other is . . . less fun, more busywork . . .

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What would be ideal, I think, is an additional feature to the mod in which, once placed in orbit, they could be auto-programmed to maintain a set distance from each other, and automatically adjust their orbits to do so. I mean, the challenge in this mod, for me, is to set up and maintain communications for my space-faring ships between orbital bodies. maintaining that communication between each other is . . . less fun, more busywork . . .

Already requested (and even decently debated): https://github.com/RemoteTechnologiesGroup/RemoteTech/issues/115.

As with most things, though, you guys are requesting features faster than we can implement and test them. :(

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Question, would it be possible to have all of Kerbin be 'home' instead of just KSC? I like the idea of line-of-sight to command probes, but if I have neither the time, skill or patience to set up a satellite network around Kerbin every time I start a new save.

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Already requested (and even decently debated): https://github.com/RemoteTechnologiesGroup/RemoteTech/issues/115.

As with most things, though, you guys are requesting features faster than we can implement and test them. :(

My apologies, I did not mean this as a feature request, as I have been keeping up on the RemoteTech discussion (this is, my criticism above notwithstanding, one of my will-not-play-without mods). I was just meaning to contribute to the thread discussion.:P

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Question, would it be possible to have all of Kerbin be 'home' instead of just KSC? I like the idea of line-of-sight to command probes, but if I have neither the time, skill or patience to set up a satellite network around Kerbin every time I start a new save.

You can always use hyperedit... :P

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Did you toggle any ship types off in the tracking station, like probes or debris? The selection seems to transfer to other scenes now, so if you've toggled probes off, you wont see them when you go into map view in-flight either... Which can be tricky if you're trying to sort out anything like rendezvous or docking.

Seems that was the issue, thanks.

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Question, would it be possible to have all of Kerbin be 'home' instead of just KSC? I like the idea of line-of-sight to command probes, but if I have neither the time, skill or patience to set up a satellite network around Kerbin every time I start a new save.

I think I can help as long as you're willing to suspend disbelief a bit... (this might not work well for you Meta Jonez though) :D

Create extra ground stations around Kerbin. Link to readme on what the parameters do. If you have some every...60° longitude at some nice height, maybe 100,000 meters, you should get Omni coverage out of Kerbin. It does really make the whole network really easy though :(

I applaud your solution to this commsat spacing problem. Alas, for me it negates the whole point of the mod. I like looking at my map view and seeing my commsats evenly spaced and bouncing signals between each other on their way to mission control, and this spacing issue over time means they have to be baby-sat. Repositioning them is a pain in the nozzle.

What would be ideal, I think, is an additional feature to the mod in which, once placed in orbit, they could be auto-programmed to maintain a set distance from each other, and automatically adjust their orbits to do so. I mean, the challenge in this mod, for me, is to set up and maintain communications for my space-faring ships between orbital bodies. maintaining that communication between each other is . . . less fun, more busywork . . .

If you're used to .cfg editing, you can open your savefile and just copy paste all of the orbital parameters from one sat to another (assuming they're supposed to be in the same orbit). You have to change where they are...but I don't remember what the right variable for that is.

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Thx for this awesome mod! I really love the extra challenge and realism it gives.

Did you ever think about creating missions as well? Would come really handy in career mode if you get some money, science and rep for setting up a satellite network around a celestial body or reaching a certain signal distance for the first time (after you accepted a mission for that of course) so players can benefit from comms and not only throw money at that task.

Guess it's possible - anyone like this idea?

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Adding ground stations would be my recommendation as well.

If you're used to .cfg editing, you can open your savefile and just copy paste all of the orbital parameters from one sat to another (assuming they're supposed to be in the same orbit). You have to change where they are...but I don't remember what the right variable for that is.

The MNA parameter (angle in radians, not degrees) controls position on the orbit, but it's not very intuitive unless all other parameters are the same. My preferred method is to launch the satellites, get them reasonably in sync, then change SMA to give them the same period.

Edited by Starstrider42
Gave wrong link
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Adding ground stations would be my recommendation as well.

The MNA parameter (angle in radians, not degrees) controls position on the orbit, but it's not very intuitive unless all other parameters are the same. My preferred method is to launch the satellites, get them reasonably in sync, then change SMA to give them the same period.

I've started using this method recently, but an in-game solution makes it all the more immersive (that is what I was trying to get at in earlier post, anyway.)

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