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More Interactive Professors !

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hello :)

After all this update, and the career mode (that I really like) I still think that this game still too complicate for the mass, reaching the science point isn't so easy.

I've a bunch of friend which have purchased Kerbal and latterly bombard me with question on how to gain science points.

That's Why I guess you should think about have some interactive characters, that will briefing before the launch, that will tell you when do what... or something like that.

Maybe something a la Civilization with his Councillors ?

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Nice idea, though i will get annoying after several launches. Something that can be done is add another tutorial that teaches you how to do SCIENCE!, or add a "Help me!" button somewhere in the screen, when you press it you get to choose wich concept you don't understand (Achieving orbit, deorbiting, doing SCIENCE!, etc...).

In the meantime, tell them that they need to right-click the experiment part (Mystery Goo, Materials Bay) and click the "Observe X" (Observe Mystery Goo, Observe Mat. Bay...) and done, then they must return to Kerbin and recover the vessel, OR transmit with an antenna for a lower science value

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Well, I don't know if this is a good suggestion. I have put quite some hours into the game, so I know how things work. To have a Kerbal scientist pop up every launch and tell me what to do won't really make me happy. I'd like it even less if he tells me where to go, although contracts will probably cover that and I assume you can choose your contracts. Tutorials will be redone next version, so I'd wait on making further suggestions until we see what improvements are made there.

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So basically, a much more invasive version of Science Alert, gotcha.

I don't mind Science Alert, it's very helpful, but if done incorrectly, it could be incredibly invasive - I can't imagine anything more horrible than Werner Von Kerman sliding in from the bottom right to say "you should do science now! Crew Reports, EVA reports, Materials Science Bay observation, Mystery Goo observation and Gravioli reading are available and new!", especially if there's audio to match.

That is not a good idea.

Edited by ObsessedWithKSP
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IMHO: Waste of time.

I'd much rather see improved dialogs (which as far as I see - they're working on) or heck: even customization of Kerbals (change a haircut/facial hairs/add female kerbal pilots) than silly interactive professors.

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A variation on this that could work quite well: A videophone available to use in IVA. A pop-up (with a "do not show this message again" checkbox) at launch can state that it can be used to contact advisers at mission control. Once the videophone is activated, the player could choose which director/adviser/controller to contact (science adviser, launch controller, contractor, etc). The degree of interactivity is debatable, but that is where the help would be. The help available could depend on where (and in which SOI) the ship is.

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  ObsessedWithKSP said:
A great idea for the tutorials, I think. I would hate it if it were in the normal gameplay though, would quickly become annoying.

It shouldn't become boring, 'cause when you reach the experiment, it will not notify it again, but just the next one. ;)

By the way an option to quiet him/'em would be usefully :)

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