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[v0.90/v.25]Transparent Pods v1.2.2 for KSP v0.90


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A weird visual though on the nose gear: it appears to be tweaked (turned) slightly off of center. I can't tell if it's just a visual thing, but I loaded up your Sanka craft, and it does pull off to one side for me almost immediately.

Yeah I noticed that too. though when I checked the files in Unity the rotations zeroed out. I'll check them again might be something else I missed.

Get this error when using the Trianka engine,
Isp at 0 is zero. Flow rate will be NaN

Ah yea, I'll fix them. Incorrect setting on all the engines. Need to do a pass to fix the curves with KSPCurveEditor.

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Ah yea, I'll fix them. Incorrect setting on all the engines. Need to do a pass to fix the curves with KSPCurveEditor.

Yeah, don't set Isp to 0, running out of air will take care of that for you.

Karbonite git has what I think is a decent propfan speed curve, though you probably want to tighten it even more for turboprops - ain't nobody yet figured out how to make a propeller get past mach 0.67 (230m/s SL) apart from the propfan people. Well, not get past that and produce useful thrust, anyhow.

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I just went through all the RF engines today and did a lot of readjusting. Piston propellers are down to ~500 mph top speed. turboprops top out around mach 0.8. ISP curves are now pretty much constant; low 2k for propellers; ~1800 for propfans. I'm entitled to a little fantasy, Rare Bear ain't so rare in RetroFuture world. :D

setting up a few odometer displays using RPM, should go real nice for the IVAs.

Edited by nli2work
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All engines of mod.

try deleting the modulemanager.dll that is bundled with KerbPaint; also check for duplicate ModuleManager.dlls in Gamedata. there should be only one copy, the newest one is 2.3.5

Edited by nli2work
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Decided to play with Transparent Command Pod v1.1, but having a RPM error warning in VAB & error in log.

Error log's here. Screenshot here.

I've tried to use the bundled RPM & a separate RPM install(v 0.18.2). Same result.

yeah that's normal. the interior props are trying to update with variables that are not yet created, so RPM gives the warning message. everything works after you launch.

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It's actually not only that it gives just a warning. It sends a pack of error messages to the debug log. Is it ok?

Never came across with such a RPM bug before.

yeah, the internal props throw NRE in the debug log while in VAH/SPH, because the TransparentPod module is set to update the interior props. In VAB/SPH, it's trying to update the internal props with variables that only exist in Flight stage; so internal props all throw NREs. Mihara had fixed this issue for some of the JSI internal prop modules, but not all of them, before getting too busy with RL.

Once you launch, everything should function normally.

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IC. Thanks for the explanation. Errors in debug log make me just a paranoiac :)

no prob. Do let me know if there're any errors that occur continuously while in Editor or in Flight. The TransparentPod module is still very experimental, any bug reports will help improve it for future versions if Mihara gets back to RPM.

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